Why does Chad vote against his economic interests


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because Chad cares more about his race and his culture than his economic interests

>Overburdening the middle class with loads of debt for crappy degrees is in ANYONES economic interest

I don't think you understand economics


This shit should just be an auto ban, I've never seen anything but shitposting associated with it.

Chad's are in trade schools, Brad's are in university sitting in Mr shekelsteinburgs class on why white people should be exterminated. Chad's are more likely to work off their school payments from working a job already, Brad's borrow it all and cry on their FB admin pages like occupy Democrats on how republicans are the source of their lifes problems. Brad BTFO

Do you ever get the feeling that nobody takes you seriously, OP?
No, they weren't talking about you behind your back.
Pointing, laughing, and whispering is normal.

Now, get back to work.
We have 12 more memes to push before shift change, and your metrics aren't looking so hot this week.
Step it up or get off-shored.

1) No, I do not regret voting for him. I will never regret it. We won. Why would we regret winning?

2) >OccupyDumbocrats
Even leftist sites hate them and have a mostly false on Politi"fact"

3) I hate college kids, so no.

Didnt you post this same thread earlier today. Ahh life of the shill.

TFW You were able to go back to collage and are giving it you're all cause trumps helping fit the bill...

>Not a single source was given that day

Can I get a SOURCE nigger?

At least my chinese cartoons are safe.

>implying Chad doesn't get a full ride scholarship to any college in the nation

>tfw I paid off my loans in 1 year and have no student debt

But I thought all Trump supporters were non-college educated white males?

Why would this effect us?

>no sources of proofs

Definitely checks out as an authentic Occupy Democrats meme

lol this

jesus christ OP you are a faggot

But the interest rate on student loans is determined by Congress.

No because I don't leech of the fed like a dindu

This is an automatic upward adjustment for next school year on new loans because the Federal Reserve raised rates. That's it.

an occupy democrats meme

>assuming that every college-age male is neck-deep in student loan debt
this is the worst offence of this shit may-may

Race and culture are spooks

>college should be free for all!

Chad already has connections and doesn't give a fuck that his ultimately meaningless degree costs a little more.

>using percentages to make it seem like a huge deal

First thing a statistics course teaches you is to seeing right through this propaganda shit appealing to emotion and using big numbers in other formats when the reality is very small difference.

ny times article

ghost of moot wont let me post link saying its spam

Here's a source from Investopedia.

Chad works his day to day welding job getting cancer after his football career careened off of a cliff after a minor sports injury, slowly dying of lung cancer while Brad is enjoying his job with a degree, not dying. CHAD BTFO

Ok, I have to say this outside of my shitposting face.
What the fuck do theye expect to get feom this? They're retarded enough to believe in their own message, but that's besides the point.
If these guys saw this photo, what the fuck do they think the reaction of theirs is gonna be? Do they think they're just gonna go "y-yeah... sorry"
Or do they think that with such a shitty fucking attitude they'll decide to join their stupid fucking "cause?"
This accomplishes nothing but a circlejerk, and these morons still believe they're in the right. If they had tbeir way, they would rpund all of us up and lock us in "tolerance camps."
Meanwhile if we legit reached power, the worse we would do is laugh at the retarded ideas of theirs in their face.

I'm getting >free college so I don't really care. Sucks for my peers but oh well

I think it's so funny how blind Trump supporters are to the fact he is trying to turn America into a communist dictatorship.

I'm also laughing at all those coal miners who aren't going to be able to pay for their lung cancer treatment when Trump's new health care bill passes and they get denied coverage.

This is a Shareblue shill thread paid for by the Democratic party.

>a communist dictatorship.

I don't think you know what either of those words mean.

>activist groups are being paid millions to post shitty memes on an anime imageboard to a massive audience of no more than 200 people
congrats on getting baited

No Chad is just retarded

How'd you free college anyway, are you 1/128ths Native American?

I got a full scholarship I don't give a fuck