The world pretends it isn't happening
It's sickening
But unless there are sufficient numbers of jews in south Africa, no one will do a thing about it
It's not easy to get out
SA only allows people to take x-dollars out
and western nations won't allow them in without X+ dollars
Catch 22
There are lots of jews in SA, but they have dual passports
Sounds like it's time for them to arm and centralize themselves and take the independence gamble. We're in the most friendly international conditions for white independence in SA that we've seen since the end of apartheid.
bumb bump
Good thread.
Is there a petition already?
If not, can some burger draft something up?
What exactly should we be asking for the white house? Acknowledge? Intervene? Offer asylum?
Looks like SA is a sellers market for security. Gear up and deploy anons. Bucks to be made shooting nogs
Anybody old enough to remember how the Jew media relentlessly made such a big deal about apartheid?
Where is the disgusting Jew media now?
In my opinion just a statement condemning the genocide is enough. The white south africans need to take it from there. In my opinion they should consolidate in the Western Cape province and arm themselves, prep for civil war. A native might have a better idea I'm just going off my own research.
Our government has major armor. I doubt they will give is the Cape
But further to your point yes someone should make a petition asking the president to condemn the chinese friendly Zuma government for allowing the white genocide to continue without consequence. They should post here when they do.
So what do you think would work then?
Its living in borderline chaos. To say our police force is beyond useless will be a massive understatement. We have to protect our communities with neighbourhood patrols. There was a man set on fire a couple of days ago
Not to mention they burnt down four peoples farm in protests last week. Plus they burnt down a school and policestation and bulldozed some police cars. It fucking Mad Max down here lads
Dunno man , all I know there needs to form major cohesion between all the Boer factions. Time for planning
Any chance of circulating video of such things? Everybody likes to watch outrageous things.
It worked quite well in getting folks whipped up about the rapefugee invasion in the early days. Masses of them pooring in, throwing away perfectly good free food the natives volunteered to make for them, shitting up the buses used to bring them in, etc.
Is the white population largely apathetic or do you think they're lack of action so far is just based in fear of their government/ "fellow citizens" and knowledge that the west has abandoned them?
This isnt being widely reported on cause its white people suffering. The left will say they deserve it cause of "slavery"
I talk to expatriates here in Canada and they make it pretty clear essentially all stating: "The blacks ruined everything and we ran away while we still had legs to run with"
are any of them actually fighting back? or are they too decentralized now?
Is there something to sign or something yet?
Someone needs to start a nonprofit that helps bring these people to the states.
fuck that, stand your ground and give us a beachhead on globalism.
>Tfw want to join the cause, become a Jarhead , then shoot sandmonkeys/ African monkeys for Trump
>Tfw can't because used to be edgy fag and have a few self harm marks from 1 night 4 years ago
It's not fair, I want to go blow some niggers brains out but my former anarchist edgelord self is still cucking me in the future.
I think at this point the approach would be to get what's happening into the general awareness. If, for instance, a sufficiently-legitimate news outlet were to report on actual stories, videos, pictures, then it could go on to spread by way of Drudge, social media, whatever else.
That would require messaging based on normie appeal, so simple things like crime, suffering, etc.
pictures of dead babies and burn victims that's the ticket and vids of crying woman. Someone over there needs to get taping and get in contact with Fox.The link below has good shock material but we need new original stuff. No more conspiracy theory nihilism. Be loud, be dominant, be committed and make it happen.
You're a good man. You know that?
you wanna stand your ground in africa? that continent is where races go to die, one way or another they get mixed into the abyss and are washed out.
I think key would be to have either boots on the ground or to interview people there or recent expats. These are the people who could generate something to write a story about beyond just shock pictures.
I've heard a few on RBN from time to time, so they're out there. The trick is to be able to snag the attention of a more establishment media person and connect them up. Perhaps even an e-celeb could be the foot in the door if one of them who isn't seen as a nut job were to make it a recurring theme.
Well, we need to show this to the world. But if you think about it, Africans do nothing wrong killing invaders. I mean, white people dying is something bad for us, but the Africans are just killing invaders. It's worse what's happening in places like Sweden or France since the shitkins are killing us in our own countries like the savage invaders they are.
There is no South Africa without the white population. It is their homeland.
It ought to be of considerable interest to Sup Forums because right away you get the Cecil Rhodes connection so you can talk about the Anglo-American establishment, CFR, Bilderberg, other round table groups.
And it shares a jumping-off point with other colonization efforts, Zimbabwe, Israel, the other Dominions of the British Empire. And that then leads right in to modern parallels, like Crimea, what to do about what the Middle East, nation-state vs. globalism, the future of the EU, etc. Demographic replacement.
South Africa quite rightly should serve as one of the central learning examples.
Whites created the Republic of South Africa, and the blacks doing the killings there are from groups which migrated in after the Whites established the Republic. The blacks are the invaders there, not the whites.
Another Kongo, if possible to give mercenaries some kind of land, I think you find enough whites, who are sick of Europe and want to start new in a white Afrika.
bump for good leafthread recognition
Late 2017
>amid ever increasing black on white violence in South Africa which is being completely ignored by most of the media, trump is being pressured to take action.
>the straw that breaks the camel's back is the discovery the body of two white women, raped and murdered near a south African farm
>trump announces that the United States will now be accepting any and all white refugees from the failed states that are south Africa/Zimbabwe
>complete compensation and rehoming of any white African who wants to escape the ongoing genocide
Early 2018
>despite initial reports of white African refugees integrating perfectly with American society, liberals begin to demand the acceptance of black African "refugees".
>President pressured by liberal media
Meanwhile in Europe
>another truck attack; Muslim leaders begin to call for a separate, independent Islamic Republic in Europe, the leaders call for riots and rebellion against the European governments and people
mid 2018
>trump declares that the white refugee program of Southern Africa that worked so well will now be implemented in Europe.
>any and all white people from Europe are eligible to move to America with full programs and gibs to help them get started
>America's population soars by 50 percent due to the arrival of millions of honest, hard working, assimilating white immigrants
>meanwhile Europe burns and an Islamic caliphate emerges in what once was Belgium/France/Holland/Germany
Early 2019
>trump announces citizenship of European refugees, allowing them to become naturalized citizens.
>suddenly huge wave of right wing/conservative voters
>leftist thought/cultural Marxism is stamped out in America, indoctrinating professors, news anchors, and Hollywood producers are brought to trial for treason against the Republic
Early 2020
>in a secret and quick move, trump orders the mobilization of the US military and a volunteer program pending draft to retake Europe from the caliphate. Meanwhile Russia and the CIS countries do the same
February 21st, 2020: a boat of white refugees is boarded by the caliphate Navy, which proceeds to set fire to it, killing 500 white refugees.
>trump and putin announce the 2nd reconquista: the retaking of Europe. Puppet governments are set up in liberated countries as the coalition force finishes taking Europe and prepares for a full invasion of Asia minor/North Africa
End of 2020: Europe and Africa liberated; turned into a tropical paradise and the bread basket of the world. The coalition prepares for the final push into the middle east as trump begins to seek reelection.
A man can dream. A people can dream.
Bump. my grandparents are South African.
dayum, I didn't know Mel was looking that good for his age.
The fruits of the African mind in a nutshell.
aren't white south africans basically allowed to go to europe whenever they want? They stay there of their own free will.
This is addressed in the first comment.
oops fucked that up... just look at the first comment faggit