Why are we so hateful?

Didn't all enlightened people of all time praised the exact opposite?

Our human existence is so short, full of sickness, depression, fear hate.

Why make it so bad?

We literally unironically have the powers to just stop all the hate and live in a peaceful utopia.

Maybe it is because people just live in the past, thinking about accomplishments of their ancestors they didn't have any part in. Or dreaming about still living in an age where you got burned if you knew how to heal with herbs.

Or maybe it's because they are full of fear, living in the future, scared of what could happen.

This goes for every single human's, not just for Sup Forums

Don't you see the madness? Don't you see what we are doing?

We are all living not in the present, we are living in the past and future, never caring about the now.

But isn't all what is and ever will be and ever was in the present moment?

Thinking about that single thought, that everything is now really rustled my neurons.

Humans hang their identity and ego on things that happened and/or will happen.

Maybe, just maybe, this is the cause of all suffering.

But we can change this, if we just all take a deep breath and see the now, the present moment.

Didn't you ever feel true peace, when walking alone in nature, watching flowers or birds? When all thoughts just were away and you were just living in that single moment?

What if this state can be forever? And what if we just use the past for learning, and the future for planning instead of using it for hate and fear?



"If you want to make enemies, try to change something." - Woodrow Wilson

Unnecessary (((change))) is the reason for so much hate, the second most reason being furthering our knowledge and figuring out that all races are inferior to whites because whites are exceptional in all areas

Stresses me out so much every day

Attempts at an utopia lead to tyranny and genocide.

>Why so hateful?
>What you are not a Marxist
Fuck off

>all races are inferior to whites
whites are low iq though

Whites, and i am white, were literally the exact same as all the desert races 2000-3000 years ago, we worshipped the same gods, did the same stuff etc.

Brown people where the founders of civilization, never forget that.

Getting the blackpill about jews is hard i know but..

>be jew in europe, because other sandnigger tribes fucked you up so you need to go
>based pole grants you access
>spread all over europe
>be forbidden to do any kind of trade work because of "Muh christianity"
>can only do money jobs
>lend money to christians for interest
>christians get buthurt because they need to pay more back then they got
>spit on the minority jews because you are the majority
>develop high intelligence because lending money is hard number work, so only the jews with the highest iq survive
>almost 600 years later only 110+ iq jews are alive
>get still spitted on just because you work in the banking sector, because anything else was never allowed for you

I don't think its the jews my friend, it's humans.
If jews wouldn't exist, we probably used muslims as bankers back in the christian days, or pagans, or whatever the fuck wasn't christian

And you fucking know that racism and discrimination was a real thing back then.

Even in the late 18 century village people hated new people of their own race moving to their village.

Humans are just retarded

>plebbit spacing
>why can't you all just let the mudslimes and niggers kill you all and let degeneracy reign supreme?

kys Hans

>not an argument

It wasn't meant to be.
Kill yourself.

So blatant hate again? Nice, you just proved my point, topkek.

You are everything wrong with this world. We are the only ones who see it for what it is you live in a fantasy world where everything is sunshine and rainbow utopia. News flash you cannot change human nature retard. The only way to make it out of you fairy tale world is to kill yourself. Done wasting my time with retards like you Hans. Your people did 1 good thing and that was killing the Jew, and now you all apologize for it as if it weren't truly the greater good. Your cultural marxism is the downfall of humanity and the Jew helped you believe you are doing the right thing. Facts>Morals

Don't demand too much of Sup Forums. They are not capable of that way of thinking.

I do not hate negroids. I just believe the removal of their race would change the world and make it better.

In the long run many lives would be saved.

Prove it that brown people were the founders of civilization.

Also nope Romans 2000 years ago were more advanced than blacks 200 years ago.

Oh so you are a jewish shill. Jews were rightfully blamed unlike pagans.

Truth is that jews are useless lazy parasites who created nothing. They are only good at leeching off people

>Didn't all enlightened people of all time praised the exact opposite?

What if they were wrong?

never mentioned blacks, just meds and persians/iraqi people

The first ever great cities were build in the middle east, everyone knows that.

>Truth is that jews are useless lazy parasites who created nothing. They are only good at leeching off people

Sure! This is why they survived since the stonage, freed them selves from egyptian slavery, got enslaved again at babylon, etc.

Back then they were normal people living their life.

Maybe you see them as parasites now, but if it wouldn't be for them, whites would be in their position, doing the same exact thing as they do.

You should free yourself from all the hate my friend, it corrupts you.

Not the same people that live there today. They would resemble Greeks most likely but either way they would be CAUCASIAN.

Also there is evidence of European Egyptian rulers. Blonde or red haired egyptian mummies

>Implying that Khazar Ashkenazi kikes are semitic

You are nothing but a sad impostor.

ASHKENAZI kikes the high pitched oddly shaped humans are the closest thing to modern Neanderthals.

Hence their sociopathy, violence, perversion and lack of social skills.

You kikes are child fuckers for a reason. You butcher each others dicks and suck the blood.

Behold the jewish skull shape is far different than the one of a modern human.

OK more seriously now

Its because War is the Natural State of Mankind. Its not a pretty thought, but it just is. We're wild animals that build things that appear like civilizations, and we maintain manners/politeness as a way to not be killed and to grease the social wheels, but we're still essentially beasts in the field. The only domesticated humans are those who have been broken in some way, such as prisoners or the military or the brainwashed or the overly-educated.

As for Peace, we regard it properly as being remarkable and desirable precisely because it is rare and the persons who make Peace are revered as such because they go against and transcend our Natural State.

Proof is simply by observation. Were Peace our Natural State then War would be the remarkable thing and Peace devalued.

t. Robert E Howard

I keep telling climate change alarmists and scaremongerers to not use the future for fear, but they don't care.


I dunno
It seems like whites have solved all of their own problems so other races depend on us to solve their problems and become problems themselves

>I am (((white)))
>trust me goy

t.Mr Shlomo Shekelsteinbergowitz


I'm going to have to ask you to step away from the psychedelics and smell the gasoline. The world isn't perfect nor will it ever be. There are significant differences between people and at present some very short cited folks at the top trying to cram them all together. Pegs don't match holes and if the issue is forced either the block will become misshapen or the hole will, but the toy won't be as it was supposed to, nor will it work as it should.

The present is a culmination of the past leading us to this point, understanding that is what gives the present it's context. Conflict makes us stronger, improves our technology and philosophy the very ideas themselves need a proving ground. There will be no utopia though user, this is not a species or time for one. Wishing for ease and plenty during the midst of conflict isn't unusual, however it should never take your focus off of fighting the good fight.

Resources are limited

Land is limited
Women are limited
Water is limited

You secure resources otherwise risk starvation.
This generally means you taking from other people.
Sometimes animals are fucked in the process too.

It is only human to condemn others to starvation after all.