Redpill me on Food

What is healthy, and what is not?
Is GMO good for you? And is organic really that superior?
Is dairy as bad as people say it is?

Provide a list of foods necessary for the proper upkeep of a functioning, healthy and productive society.

Other urls found in this thread:


>What is healthy


Food is a spook


Only leftists and Alex Jones fags think anything is wrong with GMOs.

I've heard whole milk and cheese is unnatural for the human body and is actually destructive though

Jones posted that video of the banker advocating for the validity of the protocols of the elders of zion though

Only if you're lactose intolerant. Hunter-gatherers milked livestock.

If you have time to think about what you're eating you're part of the problem. Stop being such a fag and think beyond your nose.

I've heard a huge percentage of humans are such a way.. like 40%-60%

>hunter gathers


I dont know whats good for you but I do know america has found the answer

>What is healthy, and what is not?
Moderation in everything. Some thing are obviously bad like soda, candy, etc.
>Is GMO good for you?
It is not good for you. How bad it is is debatable. The issue is less the GMO and the fact they use the genetic modification to be able to spray far more herbicides which have been shown to cause genetic damage in fish and other animals. There is no reason to think it can't do the same to humans.
>is organic really that superior?
It can be. Less pesticide residue is better and some organic production leads to produce with higher nutritional content. This includes eggs, vegetables and fruit, as well as meat. Other benefits include less environmentally damaging runoff and soil damage caused by chemical fertilizers which not only do nothing improve soil wuality, but can actually kill important organisms.
>Is dairy as bad as people say it is?

>the banker advocating for the validity of the protocols of the elders of zion


I recognize a lot of the phrases in this sentence, but mashed together like that is confusing tbqh

That burger is All American.

(((You))) are a traitor to suggest otherwise .

cruciferous (cabbage family) vegetables are anti-estrogen.

you've heard how soy gives you gyno. broccoli does the opposite.

have some coleslaw and lose those moobs.

How your body reacts to food is very individual and depends on a myriad of factors including genetics, what you are used to eating, illnesses you've had (which can cause auto-immune disorders), etc.

The best bet is to trust what your body tells you. Animals have evolved extremely sophisticated messenger systems to communicate to the brain which foods it is deficient in, which foods are poisonous, rancid etc. If you feel bloated and bad from drinking milk or eating high-gluten products, then don't fucking consume them.

Apparently many GMO products are high in lectin, which is supposed to grant pest-repellent properties to plants. Many plants like cereal grains, beans, nuts are naturally high in lectin and therefore can produce digestive problems for people sensitive or if improperly prepaired.

The estrogen-dairy stuff is bs imo. The biggest problem with dairy is that its pro-insulin and pro-igf properties can give acne flare-ups, and the lactose will increase inflammation/digestive problems for a lot of people.

Go here, you fucking faggot:

Almost all nonwhites are.

This is the one true answer.
Only plants are food.
Buy all the produce in the supermarket on rotation.
For 2000 calories a day eat
2.5 pounds microwaved veggies
2.5 pounds fruit
1 pound assorted nuts, grains, beans, seeds
Lots of herbs and spices.
Humans are not suited to go consume any part of an animal or go without eating lots of fresh plants.
You'd think whitey would have figured this out since Greece and the renaissance figures were basically vegans.

The video with the Dutch banker exposing Luciferianism elements in finance and advocating for the validity of the Protocols
Look up those keywords and watch the video, super redpill

Ronald Bernard

You're welcome

This guy knows.

I think the best way to look at it is that we're animals, what would we eat in the wild? What have our bodies evolved to make use of?

>microwaved veggies
do you not know how to cook?

also have with your radiation cancer


>The best bet is to trust what your body tells you

if you're craving some potent vitamin or mineral source (like fresh fruit/veggies or red meat), you should obey.

but your body can also try to harm itself.

some foods are like drugs and stimulate your dopamine and serotonin. diabetes also makes you crave more sugar.

don't always listen to your body.


Try eating healthy for like a week.
I'm not saying go full salad freak.
But cook for yourself. Eat fish and veggies. Rice.
Don't put too much sauce on everything. Eat some cheese. Don't overeat.

You'll feel the change. You'll see how much better you feel.

Then after that you can go back eating like a lazy ass if you want. But don't forget about how much better you felt.

>Humans are not suited to go consume any part of an animal

Explain Eskimos eating Whales

>Luciferianism elements in finance and advocating for the validity of the Protocols

just link it fag

>eating legumes, grains and wheats, and dairies.

Yeah, real redpill there buddy.

Another thing to keep in mind with nutrition is common micro-nutrient deficiencies. These include magnesium (dark leafy greens and nuts/seeds), omega 3 (avoid capsules, they are nearly always rancid -- get canned small fish like mackerel), calcium + potassium + vitamin K (leafy greens, dairy), and a lot of plant-derived compounds like sulforaphane which are EXTREMELY healthy and you will only really absorb in significant amounts by eating green cruciferous vegetables DAILY. I also recommend vitamin D pills + eating garlic or taking garlic capsules (its very good for blood flow and boosts the immune system ... in fact garlic is as effective against many bacteria and viruses as medication like antibiotics).

Overall eating sugary and trans-fatty shit is an easy way to destroy your body. If you exercise then high protein will help build muscle obviously. Organic products are ~sometimes~ better. Often its a money-making scam and will involve using 'organic' pesticides which are worse than the ones which farmers usually use. Generally grass-fed animal products will contain more omega-3 fats.

I think meat is great but uhh.... Eskimos aren't exactly the ideal picture of health.


Yes true, I should have specified that this is mainly if you feel discomfort eating something.

Chicken, eggs, rice, broc, spinach, sweet potatoes, fair life milk, leg days, pizza, beer, good girls that are your sluts, no marriage, beach, good friends, siblings with kids.
You're welcome.

This is correct. Plants are the only healthy food.
Half of your plate should be grains, 1/5th should be fruit, 1/5th vegetables and 1/10th beans.

There is only one negative study on GMOs and it's something that caused cancer in mice that never made it to real food.

GMOs are in almost everything. Without advanced farming techniques we would only have about 105 of the crop yield that we do. Banning GMO would kill billions of people.

This is because normal natural selection is used to make resistant plants, and when they are copyrighted, they count as a GMO. Very few things called a GMO are actually lab created, and the ones that are go through extensive testing before consumption.

This whole topic is kind of retarded. Only liberals and people that don't understand what GMO's are fear them.

For normal health food:

Cholesterol, sodium, and carbohydrates should be lowered in most food. Even when a fast food place has acceptable calories, it's often still very high in these other measures, which are major contributors to developing diabetes.

Just try to have wheat bread, eggs, vegetables, rice, fruits, and low fat meats like turkey and chicken.

Gluten free is for people with chronic disorders. Eat the listed foods above and you won't need to worry about it at all.

Take a vitamin pill and drink distilled water if you want to gain muscles. Tap water and most bottled water has xenoestrogens in it which suppress testosterone. It's because all the women on hormonal contraceptives pissing it into the water supply and it's not something water treatment plants remove. Also, avoid beer, that also puts estrogen in your system. Stick to hard liqueur like a real man or don't drink.

>Eskimos aren't exactly the ideal picture of health.

They actually are assuming they eat a traditional Eskimo diet and not consume any processed food.

If you have northern european genes, you're adapted to digest milk. Other bloodlines? Not so much.

Open your mouth, check upper teeth, 3rd ones are canines. People are omnivores, we can eat meat but it should be relatively small amount in comparison to vegetables.

Bananas were bred for sugar, they are not wild.

Green us healthier than yellow,

the whole eating fat makes you fat and fat is bad for you meme is a lie

what do you eat?

Fetti was geht?

>Is GMO good for you?

There has been no proof that GMO is bad for you. Even Bill Nye tried to prove it was and failed.

gmos themselves are probably fine. the massive amounts of herbicides and pesticides that the modification allows farmers to douse them with is not. organic in your grocery store is a meme but if you seek out and buy your veggies from farmers it will be cheaper and better. buy only what is in season locally.

Fat is really good for you, as long as it's not hydrogenated industrial shit. Sugar is the killer.

Your digestive system doesn't give a damn if the food is GMO or not. It is going to break it down into the essential nutrients it needs and your body will dispose of the rest. You autistic fags need to quit worrying about this nonsense.

So fucking wrong. Have an issue with the commercial meat industry not meat itself. Any non lazy intelligent human understands this

Post your reply to that video here I wanna know but if this gets archived do us a favor and make a thread with it

>GMOs are in almost everything.
only in burgerland and the third world countries you tricked into your shady buisness practices.

t h i k k

>Avoid soy like the plague
>Avoid high fructose corn syrup and minimize your sugar intake
>Only eat whole foods, organic if you can afford it
>Filter your water
>Go high protein, low carbs

Simple, but it's been working for me.

True you need some fat, it's necessary if you want to maximize testosterone. I get my most of my fats from peanut butter.

In general, the less processed the food is, the better off you are eating it. GMO is designed to make a population sterile after 3 generations. Pesticides fuck with your endocrine system and are probably a big contributor to feminization of men.

Dairy - it depends on your genes. If you come from northern european stock, you're probably good to go. If you're nigger or chink, probably not.

The numbers don lie.

This is a diet you should be on if you are lifting. If you eat all this and don't work out you will be a lard ass.

No. Healthy Carbs are extremely important for breakfast

Aint carbs bad tho? Im on a diet and dont touch pasta/bread


GMO is bad is a meme. GMO should really be GSP for genetically superior organism.

>Implying you need to eat food at all

I live off a diet of rainwater, sunshine and fresh air. My brain is more awakened than you can possibly comprehend.

I'm moving beyond food and am going to be living off fermented rock mineral dust. Trace minerals are where the magic is at. People are overfed and undernourished. Soils are depleted everywhere and have been for 100 years due to idiots not knowing about biodynamic farming. We need Yellowstone to blow and revitalize American soil with high spin rich volcanic ormus elements which are directly linked to high consciousness. You ever see lightning shoot of of a volcano? That's me. Take all the salt out of sea water and you have an optimum fertilizer that makes things grow huge. Blood and soil, my boy.

They're not bad, but we definitely tend to eat too much of them in general.


They're vegan, don't expect them to know much.

looool i like how he turned into a Fag


You don't really need that much carbs though. I say minimize carbs as much as you can. Only eat enough to provide you with enough energy to get through the day.

And get your carbs from greens. Grains are bad.

GMO is neither good or bad by itself. However, GMOd food is usually food produced for profit maximization and effort minimization, which comes at the cost of things like taste, nutritional value and overall health. This isn't because of GMOs but because of the circumstances under which GMOd crops are most often grown.
Dairy is fantastic for health. So are meat and eggs.
List of food depends on specific circumstances. Vegans can function, even carnivores can function. Omnivores are optimal, though.

>hunter and gathers had livestock

Oh so you mean pastoral societies

>this anti-truth image
erry tiem

fuck off monsanto shill

Eating carbs is why everyone in Britain looks like a fucking bag of potatoes with cellulite. They need Mew and Weston Price.

I dunno about society but I'm a big strong Aryan dude and I run on milk, meat, eggs, milk, kale, milk, broccoli, bananas, milk, rice, beans, and milk.

No drugs ever, that includes alcohol and coffee.

Ground up apple seeds in a glass of water when you wake up and before bed. Repeat this process until you start feeling the effects user

Meat, fish (especially salmon), butter, eggs and cheese. As for vegetables see pic related, lower number is better with spinach being the best.

Throw everything else away, and I do mean everything.

Darkest chocolate is the best. 90% and above when it comes to chocolate. And not the entire thing, take two to 4 squares once or twice per week. (If you want to, it is not necessary).

Avoid carbs and sugars like the plague, and no fruit! Fruit is shit avoid it. No pasta, bread, grains, corn or any other carb food that contains more than 5 grams of carbs/100 grams of the product. Eggs are the best thing you can eat besides fat and meat. No potatoes!

Eat only when hungry, and make sure you eat the fat. If you get dizzy it is 90% likely you have to low of a salt intake (Since you are not consuming pre-fabricated crap loaded with salt, your salt intake could become to low sometimes) , add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water and drink. If no relief comes you have some other issue, check with your doctor.

Grain is for peasant and contains antinutrients. You can't live over 100 on a grain diet. Make some cute great great grandaughters for me, cucks. Hahahahaha bigu.

Nice, just finished my kale shake myself. And if you're going to drink alcohol then go with vodka, rum, or tequila. They have the lowest calories and are the least estrogenic. Avoid beer, it'll make you fat and grow man tits.

And avoid vegetables that grow below ground. They are shit. All of them, spices MIGHT be acceptable such as garlic spice for taste. But that's it.

No soy, no beans. Fuck beans are shit.

apricot seeds are better

If you don't eat enough carbs you get gout. Carbs are fine, it's really more the total intake of all carbs that you have to worry about.

Whole wheat breads are "ok" tier, but bleached bread/white bread products are basically just pure starch and a huge insulin spike waiting to give you diabetes.


>What is healthy, and what is not?
A balanced diet of one meal a day, not unnecessarily excluding anything.
>Is GMO good for you?
GMO is good for creating extra mudskins south of the equator.
>And is organic really that superior?
Monsanto doesn't even serve GMO food in their employee cafeteria.
>Is dairy as bad as people say it is?
Most people in the world are lactose intolerant. If you can eat it, eat it.

>tfw the thing you prefer on earth is cheese but your doctor tells you that you are lactose intolerant

desu i still continue to eat cheese, drink milk and yogourt on a daily basis. I prefer to be dead rather than stopping to eat lactose products.

Ok noice, I'll be sure to pass on the wisdom kek

eat something your farmer great great grandpa used to eat and you should be okay
>lots of whole grains(fiber/energy/minerals source)
>lots of fruits/vegetables(get all those vitamins)
>dairy including kefir(gut flora is important + it has good macros and micros)
>some meat/fish(dont overeat protein, /fit/s 2g per kg of bodyweight is a meme, but you need those aminoacids)
>eggs(vit d, good macros)
>oils/fats with good omega3/6 ratio like nuts or butter(keeping this balance is important)
>some alcohol is fine(especially red wine full of quarcetin/resvaratrol - senolytic properties)
>avoid anything overprocessed or packed with additives ( sometimes additives are harmless but avoid things which have mixed medical publications results - use pubmed to check if certain ingredients are safe or not)
>supplements are useless unless you have proven deficiences by lab results

another good tips to maintain great health
>IF or other types of fasting (increased autophagy)
>keto (same as above, not neccesarily extreme variations, even as much as 30% of energy from carbs is associated with similar benefits to full keto and isnt risky - just make sure those are quality carbs)
>exercise(any type of moving your body or lifting weights is good for your musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems - also increases autophagy)
>dont smoke its retarded

All sugars and carbs are degenerate as fuck.

Final readpill on diet is Aajonus Vonderplanitz books.


GMO isnt bad at all, it's basically the reason why we have as much food as we do. I can't remember the name of the guy, but there's some guy who pioneered a modified version of corn or wheat or something that basically saved all of America from starving during the depression.

Dairy probably is pretty shit for you, but that's not gonna stop anyone eating it, so as long as you get your veg and don't eat too much you'll probably be okay.

All American fiod is cancer. America is a nigger hellhole and the spillover feom niggers being able n the country makes American food become equitable ro rat poison.

I stop drinking milk and my man boobs dissapeared.

Thanks for the redpill. Remember: a redpill a day, keeps the manboobs away, so enjoy your day, aand cheeeeers

Grains are pig food. And dairy is shit. It's literally estrogenic cow titty juice.

Wait why is soy so bad?