>be me, 25
>~60K net worth, living with parents
>bachelors in memeanomics with 3.8GPA
>cant even get a job at McDonalds
>doomed to work Uber and Lyft for the rest of my life
And you expect me to get married and start a family?
>be me, 25
>~60K net worth, living with parents
>bachelors in memeanomics with 3.8GPA
>cant even get a job at McDonalds
>doomed to work Uber and Lyft for the rest of my life
And you expect me to get married and start a family?
Other urls found in this thread:
Same story here. If you have a job today that gives benefits you are doing pretty good.
Spend 12 weeks and go to welding school.
So I can die early from breathing in all those fumes?
>trade school
stupid meme. where do you live OP?
NorCal. Probably my biggest problem.
>excuse for everything
sorry the world wasn't made for you to succeed in. have fun at your parents house
>Masters degree in ebonomics
Stop being lazy and blaming companies for the fact that you don't have anything of value to offer
Maybe you should start learning something useful
Go into the trades in sales.
Move to NYC or Philadelphia metro areas and look for work here. Especially in NJ there is plenty of jobs here
Living expenses, including rent, are probably a lot higher than you're used to for much less but trust me you'll find work here
>i have a shitty meme degree
>why not try working hard?
>i don't like working hard
you know user respirators have existed for a long time
it looks like your situation is the result of your own choices, the other user gave you a way out and you said no
>be me, 21
>leave university year ago, because it sucks (it was free)
>get entry level programmer job with salary above country average
>have savings equal to around 4 monthly salaries
>moved to rented flat last month
american dream my ass
>being this good of a goy
OP, do not listen to this idiot. the root of all of your problems is that you are not worth a damn. you have no skills, only a piece of paper that says you paid a lot of money to get certified to do the same work a laptop might do. you are frankly not worth anything objectively
what you need to do is increase your inherent productive value by either learning skills or imply using your own production to earn your keep.
move to the middle of the country and get a job digging holes, if youre a good hole digger, you will get promoted. its a shit start at 25, but it's because you've been misled by (((certain folks))) who want you to willingly enter into slavery
On a side note is getting a fork lift operator cert for babbys first job a good idea or nah?
>gives op a lazy 'solution' thats probably already been considered many times before
>gives up and insults the person he's trying to help after a single attempt
What a fucking loser lmao. Keep larping about your welding job while you live in your parents crawl space ya nerd.
>I'm a good goy
>no you just need to dig holes OP!
>Trade apprenticeships in my area are about 3-4 years long
Better than getting a 4 year meme degree though.
Go to a trade school.
indeed.com retard apply to everything get a job.
inb4 i dont want to work there!
Do you have work experience?
>be me, 27
>college dropout
>get job at moving company
>like $25-30/hr after tips
>work 3 days/week
>can work more whenever I want
>move to good neighborhood
>dank apartment
>cool roommate
>lots of time for hobbies
>lots of sleep
>life is great
>wonder what everyone's bitching about
>apply on every fucking weird shitty website that requires you to spend 2 hours to send an application that'll just be thrown out
websites like indeed and linkedin are a shitty waste of time.
Not sure why people haven't figured out that just because the university says it's degree is useful that means it is. They are after all just trying to sell a product.
Yes, I do.
>be me
>23 years old
>60k per year with full healthcare benefits and 401k
>three day weekend every week
Why do you guys shit on unions so much?
Take up writing either books or movies.
>60K net worth, living with parents. There's your problem right there bud. Beta mindset. Still living at home at 25 yrs old. That's what university does to a man. Give him a worthless piece of paper, a huge debt burden, and takes away his manhood and self-sufficient drive to get er done. The fact that you are here complaining speaks volumes.
>Don't be a slave to the Jews OP! Dig holes in Nebraska instead!
>Work at minimum wage job
>Move into low income housing
>Only have to work 75% of the week
>Have more then enough left over to save up
>Can spend most of my time relaxing
Wagekeks truly are slaves. I'd feel sorry for them, but I'm too busy playing video games or reading literature to care.
>graduated 3 yrs ago with BSEE
>married and planning to have kids
>90K salary
>own home on 1.5 acres & 2 cars
>3 years until student loans paid off
Learn to fix bicycles or lawnmowers or etc.
If you can't get the job you want get something to tide you along that is not so taxing.
working is something real men desire to do. Enjoy your "relaxing", meanwhile real men will be out actually accomplishing something
where the fuck am I going to move without showing evidence that I have a job?
Stop being a woman and work with your hands.
I got a History degree and learned very quickly there wasn't much in the job market for that field. It did teach me how to think though which is nice. I started working in the admissions office of a university. Pays me enough and has benefits, so I can't complain. Surely you can find something if you're smart OP
>living in America
HAHAHAHAHA! Divorce lawyers love saps like you!
>Gets killed by nigger
>CS master race
>multiple 100k+ job offers
>make 120k in position one up from entry level
>40hr work week no "work hard play hard" faggot shit
>recruiters reaching out with opportunities daily.
>interviews are easy as fuck, you literally just read this book about whiteboard programming questions and you can ace any interview
Fuck I was lucky to major in something good, and I'm a lazy shit, got a 2.6GPA in college.
You obviously don't want to work and you're not motivated enough.
If you really wanted a job and all you wanted to do was work and make money, you'd take your fuckin ass up to Alaska and fish. If you're not in a wheel chair and you're not actively free-basing meth as you walk in the wheel house, you've got a job.
You just want to bitch about not being a fuckin project coordinator for a nuclear engineering firm with a B.S. and no experience.
>graduated last year with CS bachelors
>making 70k as work-from-home programmer
>hate my job, hair going gray, tired all the time
Work-from-home actually means work-all-the-time, never fall for this meme
yur new theme bro
I bet ur a nigger
How about major in something not useless, like medicine, engineering, computer programming, you know fields that are actually valued and in demand by society? Instead of indonesian basket weaving, african pottery, and other equally useless degrees.
I have a fucking job doing Uber which makes me like $200 a day which is pretty shitty considering its soul sucking, depressing and I work evenings instead of spending time with friends and doing shit.
Go work at a restaurant-fuck waitresses and go into restaurant management
Enjoy your youthful salad days. When your back/knees start to go or, god forbid, you start a family shit will get rough fast.
>Nose to the grind stone.
>Save like a beast
>Wait for the boomers who have made this bloated cesspool to die.
Yeah okay slave.
The only education worth taking, as I've heard here, is IT shit. how true is this?
>$200 a day
i used to make like 50$ a day when i had a job
Because they're suckers who were taught business is always right.
Nope, white male, although half scottish and my great great grand mother was Asian.
its literally nothing considering I get no benefits and can get in a car crash anyday and everything would be fucked.
that's what prenups are for, user :^)
the funny this is that your country hasn't accomplished anything
You literally don't have to worry about this as long as you keep to yourself and don't run around screaming nigger as loud as you can.
Well shut the fuck up and man up. Change it or kill yourself. Fuck man, you can do anything, you probably just don't even fucking realize it.
Run your ass out to the Olympic Peninsula and go logging or jump on a fire crew in the high desert, or would you rather die driving niggers around?
Have some fucking ambition, you may not do anything great with your life but go be somewhere great. Or sit around and whine about being a faggot, either way.
>its literally nothing
but me making 50$ a day is something
you can easily live off 200$ a day
i used to make 200$ a week
>graduating with BS Chemical Engineering
>job searching the past 2 months, sending out 2-3 applications every day, and not even a single callback
If I don't get employment above minimum wage by August, I'm probably going to just kill myself. Fuck the kikes and their loans.
>Trade school is a meme
Not true. Engineering, CS, Engineering (except civil and environmental), mathematics, actuarial science, and math heavy economics degrees are fine.
Work on your resume and interview skills. Being enthusiastic and prepared goes a long way. I've gotten every job I've ever interviewed for just by acting personable
you're probably some boomer fuck who made $50 a day in 1970s. that's not the same thing. I can "live off" $200/day but I can't start/support a family.
no im talking about a few years ago
i would make 40$ some days
it was fast food and a grocery store
youre literally living life off $ 200 a day and you probably could start a small family
I make 80 dollars an hour making rifles, seems like you made a bad choice.
If you include dividend payments I make much more per hour though than just eighty dollars.
So join the armed forces as an officer then fucknut. You get paid well and there's tons of ass-kissing and you can retire after 20 years with a 90% pension.
Meant statistics instead of the first engineering.
>Wanting to work for the Jews
>Not starting your own business
Kek, I'm work from home too and I barely do anything. The problem is you.
Pretty much. If you just look calm, not autistic, and have prepared answers for the most common interview questions you usually get the job.
Most people get filtered out by failing at stupid ass questions like "tell me about yourself" because they couldn't do the basic preparation needed to just rattle off a memorized answer.
Good is an adjective, well is the adverb. You don't even know your own language, how the fuck do you expect to have a job?
>Entry level but you need 10 years exp.
This pisses me off more than anything, especially as someone who is trying to get a job in Oil & gas and the companies keep bitching about how there won't be enough workers due to the "Big Crew Change" and now the young people who did get hired and then fired back in 2015 aren't coming back because they found in different industries.
These fucking companies need to realize that it's impossible to find people like this anymore.
>apply for jobs on Craigslist
>realize all of the ones that say "competitive hourly pay" are just shitty jobs that use that phrase as a euphemism for shitty fucking minimum wage
Where are all the good jobs at? Can't finish school cause I can't afford it--parents never gave me info for FAFSA so I withdrew from uni and did community college, but yeah, no job is going to give you good money if you only have an associate's and not a bachelor's.
>can't get a job
>thinks he should start a family
And this is how niggers are born
Feels like this is most chem eng grad I've met this year...
>being a tradecuck
Enjoy never moving higher up
Nobody wants a fresh engineer unless they're only paying ~$14/hr and you're doing technician stuff while learning. Chemical engineers are useless for 2-3 years out of school and nobody wants to babysit them when there are tons of useful engineers sitting at home who will work for only ~$10k a year more than you're willing to accept.
Look for jobs in manufacturing as "management trainee" or "supervisor trainee". Companies try to brainwash young people into being good company goyim leaders this way and it will let you get your IRL skills up. In 3 years you can get a real engineering job. There are a million of these jobs available because every large manufacturer is following this fad right now.
>Be me, 25
>sub 20k net worth
>Bachelors in International Studies and Counterterrorism
>Didn't go military so there's no jobs, work at a hospital doing IT work
>get paid like 16 bux an hour
No one wants to hire someone for politics unless they are military.
can't, Im wearing braces. also, military is too much of a life investment.
It's strange, I am extremely awkward and social retarded but damn I'm good at interviews. Last one I did I left with the interviewers personal cell number so I knew I had the job.
>Paying taxes to the jews
What do you have? A pica pollo?
>And you expect me to get married and start a family?
So...Why not go back to the military?
If you're black it's a gold mine. But yeah if you're a white male you're retarded if you do that unless you have Jewish connections.
>fresh out of high school, falling for the college jew
>went online to what local places were hiring
>walked into local Chili's at a non busy hour
>asked if they were hiring
>yeah you wanna talk to the manager?
>didn't sperg out
>talked respectfully
>showed up to interview with decent attire
>had a job in a week
It's not hard.
>hasn't invested in crypto currencies yet
>I should always support everything that is good for me personally, even if it's hurting other people and the economy as a whole
This is your position if you support unions. They drive up the price of labor and subsequent goods/services unnecessarily, while stifling innovation and job creation.
wow you did what every human being on planet earth has done
there r kids in africa with no arms and legs
stfu and stop complaining about making 50 dollars a day
it's OK OP. I'm almost 26, still don't have my Bachelor's, live at home, have no job, share a car with my mom, and get drunk every other night.
> BS Chemical Engineering
>Still doesn't get a callback
This scares the shit out of me because if people who are actually useful to the economy aren't getting jobs, then what the fuck is up with the massive percentage of people who got stupid degrees doing.
I already know from someone who works at my old University that they are preparing for the day that no one is gonna apply for college anymore. They know the bubble is gonna burst but I at least thought the STEM folks would be somewhat okay.
i wasnt complaining i was pointing out how he was complaining
i see a lot of this type of bullshit like some guy was complaining about making 40k a year the other day
its like wtf i was making 10k a year , in america
its more than simple enough to afford a living on 40k+
>lazy solution
You can make a shit load of money welding. The only issue I've seen from acquaintances is job stability if you're welding for a project that will eventually be complete. But you can also weld for a steady company.
I never looked into it myself I make 60k a year delivering mail as a high school dropout. I never really had high career aspirations.
>bein a retarded loser who cant into the jobs that are always hiring
Factory and security you fucking faggot. The latter more so as we become more progressive
In the UK the job market is fucked as well. The government has been importing hundreds of thousands of non-whites every single year, driving down wages and making it much more competitive to get a job in the first place.
Coupled with the fact that the previous governments have also massively pushed for young people to go to university and completely ignore the trades or apprenticeships, means that every has a degree but the degrees are all worthless. Plus every young person is in huge debt because of student loans.
I graduated last July, have been unemployed since. I've kept track and I've sent out over 400 applications to various jobs and received 3 interviews, been offered none of the vacancies. I've tried to find part time work in the mean time, but they see a graduate with no previous experience in working in a store or an office and they think I'm joking.
>overqualified for part time work
>underqualified/underexperienced for the job my degree supposedly readied me for
Don't be a pussy. My wife parents both commit suicide in the same year. My Dad is a bottle-a-day alcoholic and my grandpa is a crackhead. All other family is states away. We have no assistance in life at all. Doesn't stop us. Got a son and another kid on the way. You don't need a perfect life to raise a family you just have to start.
I have an $18/hour part time bullshit job that I only got because of nepotism. No degree and I'm a college dropout. How am I doing?