This is what peak performance looks like

This is what peak performance looks like.

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wasn't he a drug addict and physically falling to bits?




Never send an Austrian to do a white man's job.

Yeah, he also had one dick, was epileptic, and 3/4 Jewish. Don't believe everything you hear.

Hitler was a failure, stupid stormnigger

He had more than one dick?

>one dick
what a subhuman piece of shit

How does it feel to be eternally plagued by jealousy and inferiority?

Hitler would have had your "kingdom" surrender and capitulate within a week of invasion had he not had to deal with the Americans and Russians.

Sorry, he didn't have a dick then. Is that what you mean?

He literally spared them at Dunkirk

He didn't have to deal with any Americans. And yes, if he wasn't retarded enough to betray Russia then things may have gone a different way. BTW we own you, god save the queen, now bow down.

Why do people on here nowadays have such a cuckhold fetish for authoritarianism? Like niggers that need adults to take

>he also had one dick

Caught you, reptilian


>had one dick
and 4 brass ballsacks


This is what peak performance looks like
Hitler wasn't half the man that Roosevelt was.

>Failed at art
>Fucked dogs
>Ugly as fuck
>Weak as fuck
>Not even Aryan
>Didn't know what to do when he realized Nordcucks were never great
>So he decided to try to steal Southern European culture and claim Italians where nothing but slaves during Rome and the Ancient Greece.

>conquers all of europe
>standing on top of the world
>invades russia, gets germany destroyed, half of conquered lands enslaved to communism

was he controlled oppo?
was he assassinated and replaced by an actor in 1941?

>he also had one dick
Better than you who have two, one up your arse.

Yeah you hear this bullshit all the time coming from kikes

>Hitler had only one nut
>He had no nuts
>He was a druggie
>He had syphilis
>He liked pissing and scat
>He had a mangled dick

Says more about the kikes coming up with this gossip shit than does anything to hurt the Führer's image, like it's so obvious, it's what the kikes do all the time. Just look at the sick and depraved Jew humor coming from Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, Adam Sandler...etc. All dick and fart jokes and disgusting, degenerate thoughts. Jews are perverse