Someone on reddit told me to back to Sup Forums, so i'm here, how the hell do I use this website?
I don't know how to use this fucking website
Other urls found in this thread:
Get lost, nigger faggot.
what are your opinion on anal rape?
No.125524776 and a kek to you
not bad
Delete system32 and install gentoo for better browsing experience
You use this board by leaving and never coming back again.
Kill yourself
you must register with your real name, real address, and give real credit card id to admin chinkm00t, and you'll get a verified VIP gold Sup Forums account
>delete system 32
I may be a reddit user but i'm not that stupid
i know this is bait, but still fucking ironic kinda
like im pretty sure people over at leddit tell anyone not comforming to their belives to "go back to Sup Forums", while we tell bluepilled cucks to go back to T_D.
as above so below i guess
what brand of bleach would you recommend?
you're cool wit me
This is bait
Read that and then go back to your life.
nah man, I told an indian guy that i'd always need tech support. he said "Go back to Sup Forums asshole" now that i've figured some stuff out, I actually quite like it here
Fuck off. We are full!
The cheapest you can find for a plebian like yourself
ok, jews bad, got it
You're not welcome here either
I said "READ", not look at the pictures and say something retarded.
and you better leave while you still can
you cant just mash in a dozen different charts and infographs into one picture and expect some bluepilled guy to swallow all of it in one go.
thanks, both are helpful.
I have a question for you:
How the fuck to use Reddit? It looks like a conglomerate of autists created it as autism aware project. Navigation is shit, moderation in north korea/gulag style, top posts are the worst posts, faggotry 24/7, drumpftards are even more retarded that /ptg/ here (they did it!), site is constantly down, etc,etc
You'll need to delete the "system 32" folder on your hard drive to access the extended Sup Forums posting interface. Once you got that done, it's milk and cookies from there.
So I heard there is an invasion or raid board, maybe I can prove I'm not a fag there
Well, you gotta go back.
You need to delete your system 32 folder in order to get a fresh cache
You gotta go back
Fuck off, we're full.
I really like cheese. One time I got a brick of a Switzerland cheese I'd never head of before called Appenzeller. The moment I opened the packaging I was overwhelmed by the smell of goat shit.
This cheese literally smelled like goat shit, I'm not exaggerating. I resolved to taste some, and it also tasted like shit.
However, as soon as I unwrapped it, my cat came bounding into the room. She started meowing, purring and rubbbing. She jumped on my table and starting trying to get at the cheese.
Now, my cat never begged for anything, she's a kibble and wet food kitty. But something about this shit smelling, shit tasting cheese was driving her nuts.
So I said "fuck it" and put the whole piece of cheese on a plate for her, and she spent about 15 minutes just licking this awful brick of cheese.
A couple hours later I was sitting in the living room playing some games, when she jumped on my lap. After a few seconds, the smell hit me. My cat was ripping the worst cheese farts I've ever smelled.
She smelled so bad. I tried going to another room and she followed me, leaving a trail of horrible cheese farts behind her. I just gave up and went to bed, making sure the door was closed so she couldn't stink up my bedroom.
TL;DR Animals have shit taste and will eat anything.
back to the past
wait, so is the world controlled by the rothschilds or the jews?
nice try, two people have already tried to get me to do that. I may be a redditfag but i'm not stupid
yeah, the interface is awful. relay is alright. I mostly browse /r/imgoingtohellforthis which is basically a wannabe Sup Forums
the world is controlled not by the jews, but the (((jews))). many jews are (((jews))), and many (((jews))) are jews. but not all (((jews))) are jews and not all jews are (((jews))) but we simplify it simply to (((jews))) because most of them are.
the (((jews))) controll the world, and rothschild is a jew and a (((jew)))
>9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.
the illuminati, the masons, the reptillians, zionists, globalists, the establishment, the 1%, (((them))). they all are the synagouge of satan and just another chapter of the whole cluster which works actively to keep humanity down
I can't see why those terrible, White Islamophobic racists are upset at the enrichment caused by these magnificent Muslims. Murder, mayhem chaos, rape and other such multicultural, diverse experiences are wonders to behold and make our drab lives more exciting and livable. After all what can make life more livable than slaughtering people left and right?
Luckily, voters such as in France recently, and a few months ago in Austria and Holland, voted for more enrichment by voting for candidates who want enrichers to invade, sorry, immigrate to their countries. Luckily we can thank democracy and our intelligent white brethren who are letting these superb incidents to be happening more and more. Won't it be nice to read in the not too distant future that an extinct white race once ruled over Europe and let itself be willingly wiped out while having a big smile on its face and blood over every other part of its body.
Try to swallow that.
Cultural Marxism is what replaced European Culture.
We live in a commie wet dream and we guard our "European Values".
They replace Our world brick by brick.
>tfw they purposely denied hitler from artschool to make him go into politics and create an eternal boogeyman which they then use to shame every white guy in existence with even just the least amount of traditional values and thus weaken the whole movement for generations to come
>tfw this all only caused the opposition to develope a deeply rooted grudge against (((them))) after being called racist and bigot 100s of time that this very occasion they wanted to use together with the twisted narrative they spun around the event is now seen as a guideline than a warning.
You have to buy the diamond pass before you can really do anything. I've had mine for three years now. Well worth the $25.
Can confirm
Posting in a sageblue false flag divide and conquer thread.
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust: