Jews are smar-
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Ashkenazim have an average IQ of 115, higher than all those countries.
Israel is filled with Sephardic Jews and Arabs.
>Israel has average IQ of 95
is clearly the answer, Sephardi Jews and Arabs are bringing Israel down.
Da Ayrab and Mizrahi be bringen dem down, it's a conspiracy
The guy in that pic is clearly not ashkenazi, they are light skinned, pic related
Most jews are sandnigger tier, only ashkenazis are smart
They are only like 30% of the country. The majority of them look like pic related.
This. The smart Jews (ashkenazis) are the ones that selectively breed with Europeans.
>only ashkenazi jews are REAL jews
>only rich jews are REAL jews
Ashkenazis are the true master race.
and here's the fucking cherry-picking straight out of the gate. God damn the Jews for bringing down Israel's score! As if countries like the US, France, Germany aren't fucking human zoos full of minorities with ape-IQs. Fine, if Israel can cherry-pick then so can other counties.
>The guy in that pic is clearly not ashkenazi, they are light skinned, pic related
Half of these people look like Arabs or darker skinned Jews. The only reason there are so many white Jews is because they stay inside.
It's like comparing Germans to Spaniards and saying they're the same.
Actually... it literally is comparing Germans to Spaniards.
"only rich, educated, white European Jews who benefit from centuries of nepotism and wealth-hoarding should count as Jews"
Never said or implied that. Apologize.
Ashkenazis and Sephardics have few similarities. It's only reasonable to think of them as two different groups.
Heh, jew mongs.
>Israel represents all jews
It's only 75% Jewish. Calling Israel Jewish is like calling Canada white.
Ashkenazim are smarter thanks to centuries of selective breeding and regular setbacks to business due to anti-semitism which created a highly capable and insular grouping, Arabs and mizrahi are below them.
Diversity is our stren-
These facts are anti-semitic.
>Sephardics have few similarities
Not true. Look at this dude. He looks like a white dude to me, but he's Sephardic
>Ashkenazis and Sephardics
You mean the actual Jews instead of the Eastern European impostors who stole their clothes?
add up all the jews and its even lower
He seems jewy
People in this thread are confusing Mizrahi for Sephardic. Ashkenazis and Sephardics both spring from the same founding population in Roman Italy and have faced different pressures since then.
Ashkenazis are the smartest ones but Sephardics are still over the European average for IQ.
Mizrahis are eastern Jews that lived among the Arabs and have a higher IQ than them but aren't up to the level of Europeans.
We need to stop 2 things on /pol
1) the "muh intelligent jews" meme....LMFAO....intelligent kikes...hahahaha...RATS
2) jews posting
Also, we must kill every single jew, slaughter jewish women and children.
Took me a bit to get, but that last analogy is damn good