Daily reminder: Smack every Nazi you see in the face

Daily reminder: Smack every Nazi you see in the face.

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>Daily reminder: Smack every Nazi you see in the face.


Because they won't do it by themselves.

That game was hard.

The good thing is that their definition of nazi is very broad. Anyone not ANTIFA is a nazi.

Guess what: Germans know who a Nationalsozialist is.

Yes, I read that Germans, according to some polls, miss Hitler.

>Because they won't do it by themselves.

Why should they smack themselves? Surely there's got to be a thought out reason.

why i am not surprised

>That game was hard.

And cool.

>The good thing is that their definition of nazi is very broad. Anyone not ANTIFA is a nazi.

Will be interesting to see how it unfolds.

Hey Germany, read the attached file and stop believing in your media.

Daily reminder

fuck dat cracka ass up!

Let them it makes us look better. Look at what Hitler did when they marched against the government he let them shoot him and after that his popularity exploded

Daily Reminder:

Turkroaches aren't real Germans.

He was in the midle of explaining an Internet meme and why he had it pinned on and how it symbolizes the alt-right and it's cause. An Internet meme. They wouldnt want to punch him if he was a little classier in how he went about promoting the white race

Anytime I see a Nazi, I give them a
>Heil five.

>Richard Spencer

lol, k

Of course: You can tell them how much you appreciate their worldview. The faster the punch, the better.

edgy fgt

I would love to smack some sense into you, but i know you would have no chance.

>Go to your local Nazi rally.
>Support it.
>Get smacked in the face.

So you don't actually speak or read german then?

>Of course: You can tell them how much you appreciate their worldview. The faster the punch, the better.

What is so wrong about their worldview that they deserve to be hit in the face?

Lol newfag, there are at least 2 misspellings and 1 grammar fault on this fake paper. Gfy

Absolutely nothing. It's totally relevant to think in racial groups and telling that these imaginary races are superior/inferior.

>Lol newfag, there are at least 2 misspellings and 1 grammar fault on this fake paper. Gfy

Google it up, its not fake. Source is Gerd-Helmut Komossa

>Nah, don't need too. It's pretty obvious that some kiddo or weirdo write this. Can't even write properly in german. Get over it.

Don't wanna hang around in some fucked up Reichsbürger blogs.


>Absolutely nothing. It's totally relevant to think in racial groups and telling that these imaginary races are superior/inferior.

Are you suggesting that everyone is equal?

>Don't wanna hang around in some fucked up Reichsbürger blogs.


>Gerd-Helmut Komossa (* 11. November 1924 in Allenstein, Ostpreußen) ist ein ehemaliger deutscher Soldat der Bundeswehr im Dienstgrad Generalmajor a. D. Er war 1977–1980 Chef des Amtes für Sicherheit der Bundeswehr (ASBw) sowie Chef des Militärischen Abschirmdienstes (MAD).

No, but (should) have equal rights.
It matters what you do, not where you come from.

>So what?

Says the nazi

>No, but (should) have equal rights.

So where does smacking people in the face come into it?

>It matters what you do, not where you come from.

Are you talking about race or location?

Daily reminder: All Germans are Nazis.

Daily reminder: History is written by the winners.

>So where does smacking people in the face come into it.

It comes from no tolerance for no tolerance.

>Are you talking about race or location.

I'm talking about Nazis think there are inferior/superior humans due to their imaginary race hirarchy

let the hate flow out of your puny soul sören, it was a tough day for you.


I agree OP, smack the Nazis, German and Swedish women deserve the BBC, white cock is inferior lmao, don't let the Nazis prevent white women's desire for the superior BBC


s a g e


lalz, ppl think that fascism is a moderate political opinion.

> Fascism is like Islamists. They try to segregate humans. Political Islam is the same shit as fascist governments or fascist trying to get into power. Better stop them before it gets worse.

Haha, gotcha.

>It comes from no tolerance for no tolerance.

You can only tolerate that which is unhealthy or that which you do not want/like.

How do you justify your intolerance for their intolerance?

>I'm talking about Nazis think there are inferior/superior humans due to their imaginary race hirarchy

Racial taxonomy is not based on geography though. For example, multiple races exist and are born in the USA.
Theories about hereditary ability/capacity are not based on geography, but on biology.

What makes you say any of this is imaginary?


As I said.

> Fascism is like Islamists. They try to segregate humans. Political Islam is the same shit as fascist governments or fascist trying to get into power. Better stop them before it gets worse.

Race ideologies are poor when it comes to prove them by science.

> desu, this is a good one

> Fascism is like Islamists. They try to segregate humans. Political Islam is the same shit as fascist governments or fascist trying to get into power. Better stop them before it gets worse.

So you're saying it is acceptable to smack Muslims in the face?

>Race ideologies are poor when it comes to prove them by science.

What are you basing this on?

Are you saying that racism isn't real?

>Guys, these groups want to divide people into groups and make them hate each other
>Here is a list of groups that are evil and want to divide people into groups
>We must eliminate all the groups that want to divide people into groups and call some groups evil, because groups that want to divide people into groups and call some groups evil are evil

>Political Islam is the same shit as fascist governments

The fact that you have to say "political islam" to avoid being arrested for hate speech makes me feel kinda sad for you.

Also, stop speaking like a nigger.

It's legit to smack Islamist in the face.

I'm basing on poor science facts. There is a race theory as you wanted to say before. Prove the theory by science.

>Race ideologies are poor when it comes to prove them by science.

>Lynn's 2006 Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis is the largest review of the global cognitive ability data. The book organises the data by nine global regions, surveying 620 published studies from around the world, with a total of 813,778 tested individuals.

>Lynn's meta-analysis lists the average IQ scores of East Asians (105), Europeans (99), Inuit (91), Southeast Asians and Amerindians each (87), Pacific Islanders ( 85), Middle Easterners (including South Asians and North Africans) (84), East and West Africans (67), Australian Aborigines (62) and Bushmen and Pygmies (54).
Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?

Blacks are 55x more likely of having the "warrior Gene"that makes you violent and crazy
>5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele
50% of Whites have the empathy gene compared to 10% of blacks


Intelligence is mostly inherited, blacks score on average 1 standard deviation or below whites on IQ tests meaning far more are near retard level while only a microscopic number can be called "geniuses"


Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races.

slap the piss out of every communist, Marxist, Bolshevik you encounter is even better advice.

>yfw REDDIT has turned Sup Forums into /The_Donald/
How does this make you feel, racist nazis?
You do realize none of us are actually racist right? All of us support TRUMP because he supports LGBT.
You stupid racist cucks couldn't defend your own board from us. Sad!!!!
I thought you nazis were supposed to be strong. But instead you get taken over without a fight. wtf? what did /shariablue/ mean by this?
I'm SICK of being called a "faggot redditor" whenever I post. I want you nazis OUT of my board. This isn't a nazi zone anymore. This is a new-right conservative movement, one which supports our brother homosexuals and is actually quite feminist in nature.


"Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race.

Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.

Race can be determined via brain scans.

There was "minimal gene flow" between archaic Europeans and Asians.

Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning.
Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.
The average African IQ is estimated at 79.
ww w.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912003741

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
Arguments Regarding the Existence of Races

Biological Differences Between the Races

JayMan’s Race, Inheritance, and IQ F.A.Q.

HBD Fundamentals



Make it short dumbfag. Fascists see inferior and superior humans. They are not evil. Just need smacked in the head.


Stop trying to tell the board how to speak grandma. There is a huge difference from muslims to political Islam dumbfag.

>It's legit to smack Islamist in the face.

Why do Muslims deserve to be hit in the face?

>I'm basing on poor science facts.

What are "poor science facts" ???

>There is a race theory as you wanted to say before. Prove the theory by science.

Are you saying that science is not valid?

Do scientists also deserve to get smacked in the face?

Richard Lynn, university of Ulster, wtaf is that.

>There is a huge difference from muslims to political Islam dumbfag.

No there isn't. Prepare yourself for your first redpill. 99% of Muslims are the "fascists" you hate.


>Stop trying to tell the board how to speak grandma.

Jesus fucking christ, you are the biggest nigger on the face of Europe.



Weak bait OP.

>You still don't get it. Fuck about every single Muslim. Keep your government away from religion. That's all you need.

>There is a huge difference from muslims to political Islam

What's the difference?


Why do you hate gay people?

And you are pathetic. Can't even get along with words.

>equal rights

Okay. Niggers can hate white people, then white people can hate niggers. Nobpdy can be racist cuz all equals. Sounds fair enough.


>Don't let religion run your country.
>gtfo troll

>Keep your government away from religion. That's all you need.

And what about when Muslims make up the majority of European towns, cities and countries? Do you believe your secular liberalism will survive then?

>they wont make up the majority

Yes they will. I'll prove it for you if I have to.

But they don't think in terms of "inferior" or "superior"? I don't think you understand the ideology very well, Hans.

Well Hanz, do I have to prove it to you?

That's what I assumed. The truth is quite depressive. Go to bed, Hanz. Rest in blissful ignorance.

Daily reminder that real Nazis punch back.

Also, i would vote to let 5 million nazis into my country before 5000 muslimes or liberal fucktards.

Those fuckers were efficient, badass, and didnt afraid of anything.

It's really late here. Show it to me.

>Why do Muslims deserve to be hit in the face?

Collective guilt.
If someone is a fan of Trump people wabt to label and punch them.
Same with Islam. They might not be on the team (right this second) but they are in the bleachers.
Never heard a current muslim denounce terrorism sincerely.

but sweetie you posted a picture of a zionist shill. where is the nazi?

It's not easy. But if your constitution is strong enough, it's not a big deal.

Anyway, cu tomorrow in the daily reminder.

>Don't let religion run your country.


Nice try.