What's up with this drug? It is attributed to be the cause of many german victories in WW2. Is this true or just another jewish lie?
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Shameful selfbump
IIRC, militaries used to use (meth-)Amphetamines to boost their soldiers in critical missions/situations.
/r/ vid of hitler shaking badly from it
It's just a form of amphetamine. "Methamphetamine" is the American white trash trucker version that came generations later.
>used to use
Still do just called different names now, you know? Give a white person amphetamines and you'll understand why they rule the world.
It's still not the same.
That's like saying "CO is just a form of CO2."
good stuff
>Give a white person amphetamines and you'll understand why they rule the world.
This, amphetamines are a white mans drug
it makes you a pervert?
finns were also popping that shit like candy during the winter war no wonder the russkies got BTFO
The legal alternative for fliegerschokolade is schokakola with caffeine. It still get produced.
"Awareness pills"
It's all the blitzkrieg and double the achtung that there is in wartime. Hitler himself used it.
Then in the 1940s he realized it's really fucking bad for German soldiers health, and he ordered that all the stuff will be sold to Finland for cheap. Cue legendary stories of Finnish pervitin fed ski commandos noscoping squads upon squads of russians during the continuation war, and you have the history of pervitin.
Does this mean all the atrocities of the war were because the Brits were speed heads and the Nazis were Meth-heads?
Yeah, I took it once and went on a fapping spree for 8 hours straight.
Chocolate and caffeine are good stimulants, but not comparable to actual Amphetamines.
My nigga. That shit is the best.
Bought a case of dark chocolate and it's fucking amazing.
Too bad it's incredibly expensive over here.
degenerates. regular amphetamine use causes psychosis
serbian candy
best candy
It makes you more focused. Snow turns to be more white. Enemies turns to be more red.
No one can beat spanish candy.
Didn't the French used to have some cakes called "nigger heads" before they changed the name a few decades back?
No one can beat german candy
really makes you think
That's not cool dude it's like eating nigger dick. Basically Germany nowadays.
> psychosis
Implying being on a psychosis episode isn't the ultimate redpill and redpill mentality. Psychosis and going full /poll/ mix to gather like jack Daniels and coke.
It doesn't absolve anyone of any atrocities of course. But yes, everyone was fucking high on stimulants during the WW2 era.
wait, just how expensive?
it's 25€ for 10 tins of Schokakola here
Yep, it's a small cake with mashmallow covered in chocolate, many countries in Europe does this in different ways, ours looks like this
Drugs were used by all countries and all sides.
Pervitin was freely available to the civilian population in German pharmacies and there was no widespread addiction. It's a really good argument for drug legalization I think; people aren't prone to drug addiction in non-degenerate societies even when they're easily available.
You realize thousands of Wehrmacht soldiers got addicted and were not able to fight without it anymore right?
I wasn't talking about the Wehrmacht you dullard. I know English isn't your first language but I made it very clear that I was talking about "the civilian population", come on.
Bullshit. Some proportion of the population will always be vulnerable to addiction. There wasn't some magical quality the German people had. People still get prescribed amps for ADHD, and some of them will become addicted.
My friend told me that there is a lot of this stuff in Czech. Is it so ?
Can I buy it on black market? Is it basically pharma grade speed?
You realize Soldiers and civilians are both humans and becouse of that the Effect is the same?
It dont get produced anymore but you can get some meth which is basicly the same
>people aren't prone to drug addiction in non-degenerate societies even when they're easily available.
All of the drug addicts getting sent to the oven might have something to do with it.
>wait, just how expensive?
>it's 25€ for 10 tins of Schokakola here
Around $10/tin here
the point
your head
Soldiers were under different stresses, IE fighting the most intense war in history. They were likely required to use pervitin every day because of those conditions, causing them to become addicted.
One of the most addictive compounds known to man was available cheaply to anyone in Germany. If this happened in USA today, our society would collapse immediately because there is such a deep spiritual rot, but it didn't happen in Nazi Germany; things were better than perhaps ever before.
What I'm trying to say is that humans aren't born with the desire to become drug addicts, and only become this way as a result of their conditions. People living in a non-degenerate society full of national pride have no reason to become addicted to drugs.
look on varusteleka
Just did. $3.27 +S&H. Not bad.
Nowadays Modafinil is the patrician choice of drug.
You remain clear-headed and focused and can stay awake for days.
Also known as Modalert.
Amphetamine is the least degenerate drug I've seen everyone I know who does it doesn't make there entire life about and they all have jobs or in school full-time as long as you have some self control it's the white man's drug of choice
Look into drugs like dextromethamphetamine or modafinil. Commonly issued to special forces and fighter pilots. It's also strongly encouraged.
can't selfbump nigga
I'm prescribed the stuff for EDS. It works. It's definitely not a stimulant, and maybe that's a let-down for most people looking to use the drug. But it lets me lead a reasonably normal life, where before I would spend literally all of my spare time sleeping and was honestly only a few months away from dying on the way to work.
It's not the drug from limitless. It just makes you more awake. That being said, I don't know what it's like for normal people.
The major German victories were more from Germany learning lessons from wwi and applying those lessons properly. At the beginning of the war, most nations still had a wwi mentality when it came to ground combat tactics and supply.
>Despite America's anti-drug rhetoric, They used a little courage pill called Ritalin
> $9.13 / tin at fucking Amazon
yeah. I buy the stuff from Varusteleka, which is possibly the greatest milsurp outlet in the world. If I'm not completely incorrect, americans should get all orders under $50 delivered without paying any customs fees, too.
The blue schokakola is better than red btw
They still use it. Vietnam war we used dexadrine and now we use adderall.
It didn't do shit for me. I could take a nap on it. Thought the dose was too low. Doubled it and my head felt like it was buzzing, but beyond that I didn't notice shit. I have half a scrip sittingin my cupboard for over a year now.
Modafinil doesn't do shit for me.
It made me more focused. Sometimes I'd stay awake all night on personal projects, realise I had an hour before I had to go to work, then pop one. I'd feel refreshed like I'd slept properly.
It has the good effects of an amphetamine and no bad effects that I noticed.
>Ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for prison rape before taking pervitin
Idiot. When ingested as a pill or capsule or whatever, Methamphetamine is just a prodrug for amphetamine. There is virtually no difference in their effect when taken orally.
Smoking or injecting is different, obviously, but amphetamine and methamphetamine are really quite similar.
EDS? You don't mean Ehlers-Danlos do you? If so, why was that prescribed? I have Ehlers-Danlos, and no doctor has even mentioned modafinil to me.
WHY in Europe and the rest of the world its near to impossible to be proscribed amphetamines if you need them medically only and only in the USA the doctors are understanding and willing to prescribe them.
>being a state sanctioned dedicated killer on meth
fucking hell why wasn't i born 90 years ago
this makes me so depressed i may just quit my stupid job tomorrow
10/10 for that URL
No, I mean excessive daytime sleepiness. The sleep specialist basically said "You indicate strongly in all tests for narcolepsy, but only weakly in cataplexy. A Narcolepsy diagnosis would ruin your professional career, so I'll prescribe this medication under EDS"
I can still take a nap on it too. Because it doesn't act as a stimulant. It's very subtle, but for me if I don't take it for two days then I am literally useless again and just go back to spending all day in a micro-sleeping stupor.
fucking kek
I watched a very interesting documentary about stimulants in WWIi on my parents' (((Netflix))) account when I was at home.
It's episode 1 of "Nazi Secret Files" or something.
Everyone was experimenting with amphetamines during the war. Blitzkrieg was fueled by it, and later Benzedrine was developed by the U.S.
The african front was a constant back and forth meth fueled tank war between the brits and germans.
At least, that's if all the medical documents and such are true.
>reddit spacing
>take handful of meth pills
>awesome time picking off Russians on the eastern front
>Suddenly the psychosis hits
Reddit spacing???
What, you mean formatting my posts into readable paragraphs?
>6 words is what passes for a paragraph in canada
Its a synthetic amphetamine
No one reads walls of text on a mongolian basket-weaving board, frog poster.
I'm formatting for your convenience and ease of reading.
This is true. I overheard a black nigger say "I've never heard of meth until I went to all white-neighborhoods. We have coke, but meth is for poor white folks.". Literally meth is all over my state, and the white neighborhoods you can leave your front door unlocked as well as your car. Now, there are some heroin & benzo neighborhoods I would be less wanting to do so.
And generally, those neighborhoods have a higher mixed race outing. Lots of Native US mixed with white, lots of blacks, and very poor people. Generally, they prefer subs or heroin.
Meth is still a waste of money kids. Just find a wife and have babies.
Amphetamine is definitely a good way to increase focus and in some scenarios performance. The jewish lie is that Nazis were Methheads
I can do that sober now.
I used to do all sorts of drugs but it eventually stops being fun.
Kinda hard to even do it now.
haha germies
the RAF got given Benzedrine rations, really meant for emergencies but some pilots took them before battle
Yeah this shit is what makes it hard to use for duration and sustained combat.
Would recommend for short insurgency.
You sound like the ideal candidate for OP's subject
We used cocaine in battle as well as amphetamines. Our soldiers had tins of the stuff on them.
Nazis are methheads tho. lol. Ever met a real one? Shit, once as child, I was walking somehwere, I think like a local fair or something /middle of nowhere/ Anyways, ran into like hundreds of Nazis, all open and free. Probably wearing a ton of black leather, all kinds of different white heritage symbols. Swastikas everywhere, lots of WW2 things being sold. I could walk freely without parents and I was okay. Guns and knives were also there, I was like 6 or something, some Nazi was showing me his knives and it was pretty strange experience. I didn't give a shit tho, I just wanted them to give me a hug, tell me I'm pretty, and probably some real candy. Anyways, dude was Native, with his native family chilling under a tarp selling Nazi stuff. I could tell he was a methhead, god told me. Natives were considered honorary Aryans, and they love the Nazi stuff.
Kind of scummy, but not as scummy as Africans make me feel. Even the good ones. It also jacks your face up, and if you're a Native Nazi on meth, good luck. Skin will look like a bombing.
>I could tell he was a methhead, god told me
Yes. Indeed.
Good for short periods, but will cause collapse in less than a week from sleep deprivation and low dopamine.
>I just wanted them to give me a hug, tell me I'm pretty
Are you a grill?
Yeah. I had a perfect face, blonde-hair, blue-eyed. I'm German, of course. Actually I was 13 at the time. I see them every year, maybe different folks, but they always set up a Nazi parade. We'd buy knives from the Nazis. I do remember I did cry, bc no attention, and then I had a gut wrenching feeling of what it would be like to be a poor, Native and would hate myself. It was just scary for me, bc female.
Tits or GTFO
after having experienced an episode myself quite recently i have to agree although it was quite terrifying yet eventually liberating
I can't breathe