Operation BLEACHED

We have been inundated with Black men-White men miscegenation propaganda. In the media, in the public school, in the universities, we see Black men with White women - particularly White blonde women.

The fact is - the woman propagates the race. That's why men target the women. To destroy the genetic women. ISIS targets Yazidi women to destroy their blood. This is the nature of the game. Black men know that conquering White women has a demoralizing effect on White men.

Thus, we must produce White men on Black women/Hispanic women/Asian women propaganda to demoralize competing groups.

>Spread - via Facebook and Twitter and comments - White men conquering non-White women propaganda
>This will have a demoralizing effect on non-Whites
>Will produce fear in competing groups
>Will produce a 'Strategy of Tension' effect, resulting in destabilization

Other urls found in this thread:


Keep in mind, White men are 60% of the population. We are a bigger thread to them than they are to us. We have the numbers. This isn't as big of a threat as we think.

>tfw mixed gf
>tfw been bleaching before it was cool

Been there done that. I have been bleaching my negress for over 3 years.

Hear that boy? Every night I cum inside my negress. Whitening her lineage for all time. She'll grow and eventually give birth to a beautiful Caucasian baby.

But no one wants to touch those fucking boons.
The only ones worth a second look are the ones who are mostly white.

White men are 60% of the population?

But black woman are so...black

Thank God there are no niggers in my country

I like this idea

if all black guys are supposed to have huge dicks then why have all the black girls ive fucked had the tightest pussies? seriously fucked 9-10 black girls in my life (area I lived in during my early 20s had lots of black people) and almost all of them had the tighest pussies i've ever felt, whereas most white girls are fucking loose, its gross.


its actually scientific.

They also have narrower hips to accommodate smaller headsize births

That dude is better looking than both of them

They have much smaller vaginas.


It's probably because black children have smaller heads.

>Spread - via Facebook and Twitter and comments - White men conquering non-White women propaganda
>This will have a demoralizing effect on non-Whites
>Will produce fear in competing groups
>Will produce a 'Strategy of Tension' effect, resulting in destabilization

Meanwhile, a productive normal people assembled a fucking space station in orbit and is travelling 7.6 km per second at 400 km, harnessing power from fission reactor that is 149.6 million km away.

No, just mongoloids looool

I love this idea, OP. It's pure genius. In fact, us white men should get started on this right away.
But a psy-op won't be enough. Us Caucasian males need to MARRY black women and HAVE CHILDREN with them ASAP.

yea dude im all for this lets promote WMBF.
anyone has any ideas ?

>fission reactor that is 149.6 million km away.
citation needed

>Operation BLEACHED


a yuge bright ball in the sky that you can't make money of

as long as there's a partner site GOYED
where Real Abrahamic Semen Demons Submit to The Anglo Cock

Not make kids, just fuck them. Fuck them all.

>Unironicaly supporting racemixing propaganda

as i said citation needed .
give proof of people on a space station in a 400km orbit using a fission reactor 149.6 km away because i think you're spouting bullshit.

>She'll grow and eventually give birth to a beautiful Caucasian baby.

That's not how genetics works

GOYED would actually be a jewish man fucking a goy woman , like my dad.

You're forgetting the main thinl Brainwashed white bimbos will feel threatened.

oh didnt know there was science behind it, thanks bros TIL

>not secretly drugging her and surgically inserting a white woman's egg fertilized with your sperm into her womb.
best of both worlds senpai. qt tight sweet black gf, white kids.

Great idea

What would it be like to compare a single black mother raising her half black/white baby versus a single white mother raising her half black/white baby? Would one end up doing better than the other? The former case doesn't occur often does it. Whereas black kids raised by white mothers seem to have a privilege that isn't discussed very often now is it?

So, here's another thing. This is absolutely right, and I should have included in it the OP. White women love that White men hate when White women are involved with non-Whites. The tables will turn under this operation.

Yes, but we have to look to the benefit of conducting such an operation. We're not looking to race-mix. We're looking flip the narrative on its head. We're looking to demoralize non-Whites and White women. We're also looking to create destabilization and tension.

Let's get to work, goy.

This is the language I like to see.

is that actually possible?

Fusion reactor you silly twat, the sun doesn't split atoms.

>tfw bleaching different races since high school
Feels good as fuck

Doesn't that mean you're not really jewish? I thought the mother has to be jewish. Forgive me, I'm a little rusty on the kike customs.

I agree - white men must BLEACH jewish qts!

Wasn't it COLONIZED?

Operation go fuck yourself.


obviously not legal but yes , stranger shit was done . also women do the equivalent of this to men all the time statistics say like ~1% or something of people are cuckbabies whose mom fooled their 'dad'.
also with all the crisper and advances in genetic engineering in 15-20 years you will be able to choose your kids race. cant wait for all the butthurt among blm types as black couples will choose white traits for theirs.

I refuse to engage in bestiality.

Operation Colonized. This is also good. BTW, make MOAR.

This, too!

Anons, I think we're getting somewhere.


I'm already bleaching bro, doing my part.

>expecting black women to respond positively to racist propaganda

they aren't as retarded and self hating as white women, they are disenfranchised, told they are ugly and hated

they need love, the love of someone who can understand them. please will the nazi mgtow rejects leave my board

>Yes, but we have to look to the benefit of conducting such an operation. We're not looking to race-mix. We're looking flip the narrative on its head. We're looking to demoralize non-Whites and White women. We're also looking to create destabilization and tension.
There are no benefits.

You'll just end full of DSTs, and with a mongrel baby in the worst outcome


im not jewish as in the religion unless i convert. im still obviously ethnically half jewish.
i also cant marry anyone in israel not that i'd want to but at least israel has very pro-nuclear-family male-favoring divorce courts so its not as bad as western countries.
if a jewish woman takes your mana the kids are jewish senpai.


>Yess, goyim, betray your ancestors, mix for the epic BLEACHED memes
I wonder who might be behind that post.


you know you can actually write non-cringey normie friendly shit about these pics that portrays them as a normal happy couple and not some weird shit off some fetish site .

this is too cringy for jungle fever\colonization fever people to fap to.

That pic is fucking with my mind. Did they pour feed out in that pattern or something?

More of these pictures hahahahaha

lol at thinking I'm fucking white women as part of some scheme to anger nerds on Sup Forums. Some of you guys need to really get out more. You all should be asking yourselves why more and more white women are working out and getting ass implants and no longer trying to look like stick figures. White women over the years have been trying harder and harder to get black girls figures. You all know the truth deep down, you know women can't possibly over come their deepest sexual instincts. They crave the Alpha big black cock. It's that itch they just have to scratch you know. Don't hate on me white boi

Do you have any ideas for a hash-tag? Honestly, I like the memes, but you should take the racial aspect out of it. You should leave out anything mentioning or explicitly stating details about the sordid past. The meme we speak for itself.


Don't forget Hispanics or Asians.


Brazil tried that
Didn't work so well en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_whitening

>Be the hispanic black
>beating the meat, scrolling through Sup Forums
>Sees the white man bleaching black wombs
>tfw gringo americano has more game than me.
>Despairs. Beats meat in tears.

You dont really need to create memes yourself. Just go to Whisper's interracial section


It was a completely failure

You know you feeding yourself with bullshit.


why the fuck is this little black girl kissing her own mother on the mouth ??

why spics and asians? when was the last time an asian man even had the guts to talk to a white woman, let alone marry her? I think that it's pointless to pursue these two groups, considering that the stereotype is already in our favor with far more white guy - asian/spic girl couples than vice versa.

We should really just put our energy into the #WhiteBoysBlackGirls meme.

These are perfect. Spanish bro on this shit.

Most of them already crave the BWC

The only thing white men have to do is to give them what they want.

It's not uncommon here.

p-please dont
I am a black man trying to find a good redpilled black women to wifey up and raise a family with. By definition if she is redpilled she would only love her own race. But this would still make things considerably more difficult for redpilled blacks who just want a good black women. And the search is already hard enough. If you blanda up with black girls what does that leave us with?

You just have to pretend you are fucking a nigress every night, not actually do it.

You think Daquan is smashing white puss every night when they brag on twitter/instagram.

Come on you had a literal retard elected president, you can make a few niggers chimp out.

>getting triggered by this

I think Hispanics are fair game. Your point on Asians is fair. #WhiteBoysBlackGirls

>in the public school, in the universities, we see Black men with White women - particularly White blonde women

You can't be serious.

>Brazil ironically saying 'You can't be serious.'



Fuck off Jew with your kike blog post.

The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Why did it fail?

Yes let's propagate racemixing, because this is what Sup Forums is really about.

If you could just find a high IQ black qt, who checked out of the indoctrination process at college. They absolutely exist, but in small proportion.

That's some trippy shit user.

this might be the worst picture i've seen here. no joke.

why senpai ?
>Sup Forums supports cheeto man because he supports israel
>he gets elected thru meme magic
its what the pic represents .
sadly we failed with the dutch election but at least got it right with the french one . cant wait for the israeli election with likud vs zehut vs bait yehudi threads and MIGA hats.


>Fucking autist

Just start sharing fake stories of how good sex is with white men and how much money they have. Spread all over Worldstar

Kill yourself, racemixing fucking scum
Fuck I hate nu-Sup Forums

anyone have that jpg of all those black chicks talking about how dating white guys is awesome, white dick, etc? it is hilarious.


lol trump loves jews

Get to work.

>he isnt into diluting black blood

that's not very conqueror of you


>yes goy, combat racemixing with more racemixing
Nice try, Moshe

Whites are less than 50% of new births in USA.
You are doomed.
The only thing to do now is congregate in the best parts of the USA for the eventual balkanization.

rly makes u think...

>Thus, we must produce White men on Black women/Hispanic women/Asian women propaganda to demoralize competing groups.
>Spread - via Facebook and Twitter and comments - White men conquering non-White women propaganda
>This will have a demoralizing effect on non-Whites
>Will produce fear in competing groups
>Will produce a 'Strategy of Tension' effect, resulting in destabilization
the result is the same you dirty jew trickster: mixing of the races, which is an anti-nazi stance
you filthy kikes never learn