How is Israel able to keep their fertility rate above replacement. I couldn't find any laws or economic policies and only got either "it's a miracle" or "It must be stopped" articles.
For reference the fertility rate is around 3 or 2.5
How is Israel able to keep their fertility rate above replacement. I couldn't find any laws or economic policies and only got either "it's a miracle" or "It must be stopped" articles.
For reference the fertility rate is around 3 or 2.5
orthodox jews have fuckton of children
Free land.
Palestinians are breeding like rats.
Their society is actually geared toward the survival of the jewish race.
They pay Haredim and Ultra-Orthodox Jews to do nothing but have children.
living in the desert - check
old ass religion followed - check
being entitled faggots - check
But they are a very small minority compared to the other groups of Jews. Many of these Jews were noted as also having higher fertility.
Many of the alarmed articles were about the continuing fall of non-Jewish birth rate. The "miraclists" talked about how this negated Arafat's claim that "my greatest weapon is the Muslim woman's womb"
Russia has attempted this policy but even with much more land they abysmally low fertility rates
They have super orthodox jews on welfare who keep shitting out kids. Until recently the super orthodox even refused to serve in the army. Now they have special army units for the super orthodox where the OT laws are strictly followed.
Ultra-orthodox jews who have 10 kids and their welfare is paid for by US tax dollars. Really makes you think
There's not many Ashkenazi jews in Israel (the white jews). Instead it's full of mizrahi and sephardic scum who have dark brown skin and look like arabs.
Also, Jews are taught that every jewish baby is a finger in the eye of hitler.
Iran has a pretty bad economy, not many gibs and it also suffers from young iranians leaving the country
Oh Gee, Israel, looks like you need a good boost of 18-30 year olds to not only help keep your population steady, but also to prevent yourselves from becoming overwhelmed by Palestinians! Bet you could use some extra army recruits and taxpayers.
How about we send some of our 8 million Jews your way?
Haredim or ultra-orthodox Jews are a group within Orthodox Judaism which itself is the smallest group of Isreali Jews so it seems unlikely that such a small minority is pushing these numbers up.
It's common to see groups of traditionalists within religions have a larger number number of children than the majority of its group but seem to have little effect on overall rates. In order for higher fertility rates the majority of the group or at least a sizable minority must be having kids. But I want to know is how his Isreal able to keep these numbers high whilst the others (even traditionalist countries like Latvia, Poland, Italy, Malta, or etc) continue to fall.
>Russia has attempted this policy
By giving shitty frozen land in the middle of nowhere, far far away from any civilization. This whole thing is a joke, rather cynical one. By availability of actual living space for common man Russia can be compared to London or New York.
they were 16% in 2007 and growing fast
They have 5, 6 kids each
How though?
Education programs? Tax breaks? Loans? Taxes if you don't have kids? Propaganda? Holidays for fertility? Maternity leave?
What are they doing?
half of israeli jews are ashkenazi
No they aren't, there are way more Mizrahi Jews than any other group of Jews in Israel.
Not spreading among themselves what they spreading among goyim, and feeling themselves true owners of their land. This is more than enough.
a combination of propaganda and ultra-conservative religious ideology. The same is true for the amish and the mormons
>Jews from Europe and the former Soviet Union and their descendants born in Israel, including Ashkenazi Jews, constitute approximately 50% of Jewish Israelis. Jews who left or fled Arab and Muslim countries and their descendants, including both Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews,[273] form most of the rest of the Jewish population.[274][275][276] Jewish intermarriage rates run at over 35% and recent studies suggest that the percentage of Israelis descended from both Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews increases by 0.5 percent every year, with over 25% of school children now originating from both communities.[277] Around 4% of Israelis (300,000), ethnically defined as "others", are Russian descendants of Jewish origin or family who are not Jewish according to rabbinical law, but were eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return.[278][279][280]
haredi jews and mizrahim
Then why are countries live Latvia, Malta or Poland seeing low fertility rates? They have sizable portions of traditionalists yet their national fertility rate isn't even close to replacement
Jewish Immigration and orthodox jews are probably keeping the birthrate up. Also, try to remember that there is a sizable arab population living in Israel.
Latvia and Poland (don't know about Malta) aren't nearly as "traditionalist" as you probably think. They're mostly European in lifestyle, so they also get hit with European birthrates.
But isn't Israel the same way? A large majority that isn't very religious yet a sizable minority that is
Immigration shouldn't factor into fertility rates since it measures average child per woman and the societies they are emigrating from have very low birth rates.
Basically Israel is getting more and more conservative because Orthodox families are making lots of children and secular families aren't. So secular Israelis are losing political power.
Doesn't Israel have lots of arabs and even some blacks? Add to that the need to replenish population after WWII (inb4 holomeme) and that explains it for me
Ultra Orthodox Jews make lots of children. Their financed through Foundations of other Orthodox Jews out of the Us and elsewhere. The Left Wing kibbutz secular Israeli is a dying breed.
The haredi kikes have literally dozens of kids and they get subsidized to breed awhile a typical kike has like one racemixed kid or zero.
even the seculars are traditional if you compare to the left you are expected here to have a kid til 29 if not you are a failure
Socialism has destroyed fertility and thus, western civilization.
its cuz the military service
it makes you grow up and make you wanna have a family and kids
We had way better fertility during PRL. The opposite is true, capitalism destroys fertility because it offers so many opportunities and such high quality of life that having kids is a huge drop in those
People repeat this meme "traditionalist" lol and they are so fucking alt retarded they don't get it.
Traditionalist: Amish man with 12 kids been breeding since 18 farms all morning reads bible all night awhile wife cooks and washes his underwear by hand in a bucket.
Fashy goy rad tradly: thinks it's "trad" to hate fags and nigs awhile working shart in mart job and shitposting about degeneracy.
"Traditional" societies lived to breed. It was considered a disgrace to have one or two kids and backbreaking labor was considered the only virtuous work.
I'd expect a lot of propaganda and social pressure to have many children if you want lift your population after getting decimated and while being surrounded by hostile nations
as i said its cuz the military service it makes you grow up and makes you wanna have a family
Are there any governmental practices (laws,propaganda,tax breaks, tax burdens) that reinforce this mentality?
Aren't women also drafted into service? Would mandatory military service in early adulthood also get in the way of reproduction during the most fertile years?
You will hang one day motherfucker just wanted to let you know that.
not that i know yes and no
cool, now debunk my argument
They're really not though.
They just subsidize the Haredim kikes who breed like mad.
Vast majority of Jews don't breed at even white levels and have highest rate of race mixing (at least in the USA).
If Europe or America did this jew strategy it would be like if we found some weird catholic minority in the woods and payed them to breed.
they place more value on
- family
- legacy
- ancestors
- community
- honor
WRONG Jewish fertility rates are at 3.1 haredim are at about 10% of the Jewish population
Whites aren't reproducing BECAUSE of Jews. Obviously they wouldn't use their own dirty tricks on themselves.
Its not about money
They just dont hate themselves
If you care about you people you will make sacrifices to have kids even if you are poor
You do realize this thread is discussing how a CAPITALIST country is able to have a fertility rate higher than replacement right?
Gas this fucking meme. It's bullshit.
The average kike has LESS children than the average white and they are MORE likely to racemix.
Only reason their reproduction is that high in yisro is cause they subsidize insane inbred Haredim.
WRONG Jewish fertility rates are at 3.1 haredim are at about 10% of the Jewish population in Israel
Yes, and that has been answered by now. I was talking specificaly about polsih situation
Can you math kike?
The average Haredim has 10 kids. So they could easily make up most of the population growth.
poland is having a baby boom
Muslims are like 30% of Israel and they race mix constantly. They will be replaced.
>half of israeli jews are ashkenazi
This isn't true whatsoever. They are only 30% of the Israeli population. over 60% of Israeli Jews are Mizrahim
They don't have to worry, no-one is jewing the jews
Kike cannot math.
Here get the news from a kike if you don't believe me. PRACTICALLY ALL ISRAELI POPULATION GRIWTH IS INBRED HAREDIM LUNATICS.
Non Haredim kikes, especially those outside Israel, are going extinct.
In the USA alone there will be half as many kikes in 30 years and that's without another Hitler.
Then why are East Asian birth rates such as Japan also abysmally low?Nearly every country in Europe has tried subsides, tax cuts, you name it (the Russians even tried giving away fridges and SUVs) it, at least how it's been tried, hasn't worked.
Israel is doing something the rest aren't.
do you know math goy lets say 3000000 jewish woman make about 3 woman 300000 of them make 10 that means 3000000 out of 9000000 that means 1/3 2/3 of that are made by regulars that means 2700000 make 6000000 which is above 2 per non heradi
Kike is the service mandatory ?
They are allowed to be nationalistic
yes for 3 years
Red is fertility rate, green is system transition date.Under capitalism birthrates plummeted, but the trend started earlier. I'd have to read on that
Cooking with no shirt is just asking for trouble. Look at what happened to zyzz, he had to get that huge rose tattoo on his midsection because of an oil burn
and thats saying heradis have 10 kids which is abit exaggerated
Why low Japanese, Russian, Latvian, and South Korean birth rates?
Look at the actual numbers. They are almost 2 million more Sephardic/Mizrahi jews than Ashkenazic ones
Read the article I posted. Haredim outnumber all other Jews in Israel in 40 years you stupid inbred kike.
Yes I get it. Military shit may seem like it helps but if anything they have a collective sense of urgency.
The fact is that they subsidize these Haredim. I'd compare it to Mormon polygamists. Imagine if the government paid them to breed.
It's the combo of an isolated traditionalist culture and the subsidy that does it.
But seriously most of these Haredim are inbred and insane kooky Jews that aren't really model citizens. They're stereotypical disgusting shtetl kikes who stink and read Talmud all day.
Also remember that the jew government gives away land. I'd probably have more kids if someone just gave me ( or let me take) property I wanted.
they always say shit like this and it never happens
it doesn't factor a resurgence of heradim to become seculars
It's hilarious to me that there are black jews. Get all the hate, without any of the benefits. Why be a jew when you have none of the superior IQ
But wouldn't general subsidies have a larger affect than those aimed at a specific group. These subsides which are the most common have been tried by most nations facing this dilemma yet they have failed.
Free land doesn't seem to work considering that whole Italian towns paying citizens to live there isn't making any baby boom in Italy.
Uh once again we have the arguing jew who can't admit when he's wrong. It's a jew pathology.
Fact remains: Haredim are doing the breeding. Without them you would be at replacement rate. I'm sure some will go "secular" but it won't change the trend.
You do realize replacement is higher than the Eupean average and in some cases double the size.
i just proved to you that seculer jews have more than 2 kids per women
out breeding is different than not breeding at all
The best part is where the Israeli fertility rate is.
In Tel Aviv and other metropolitan areas the rate is like 2 kids per Israeli women, which is still a lot.
Once you go into the settlements the birth rate is like 5 or 6 children per family. The Palestinian birth rate in the west bank is only 2.8, the West Bank will be almost majority Jewish in 40 years
i don't know why mizrahi are in the same tan as Ethiopians
Ethiopians are black and mizrhis are mid eastern
Young jews are posting on here while Ahmed probably has about 3 kids by then. They will lose eventually. Law of averages.
They're considered a social problem in Israel because they're almost all living off social welfare shekels.
It's the combo of the subsidy and the extremely insular traditional culture.
General subsidy will never have much of an impact and its more likely to be dysgenic. We have dysgenic welfare policy already and whites don't know how to take advantage of it cause they have too much pride.
It's a cultural sense of urgency plus a breeder population (that is likely dysgenic cause Haredim are the shit jews).
Think about this.
What if millions of acres of government property was given to young white men who fit certain criteria? That would cause a baby boom. It would trigger all the natural behavioral signals that say "breed" in the white mind.
Whites delay breeding till property is owned. It's an evolutionary trait.
the subsidies are for having more than 4 children not being heradi
No it's not. And kikes outside of Israel are basically going extinct.
Jew bloodline is kept afloat by the most kooky inbred kikes. Most of the rest fail to breed or racemix.
I know you stupid fucking inbred kike.
I actually know what I'm talking about cause I've researched it out of curiosity of the jew breeding patterns.
no need to be all angry i cant read minds
I've read that they are scared of dissapearing in the USA, because of all the interbreeding. Maybe that's the reason for all those fake hate crimes, to persuade jews that all the americans still hate them so they consolidate
Those who refuse to see a problem cannot fix a problem.
That's exactly what it is.
They're dissolving into the population in the USA. And jew women are the most insane feminists so Jewish men avoid them and have a white wife. But jew women just rampantly breed with nonwhite nonjew men. Many Jewish obsessions with racemixing whites is projection cause those girls are blanda upp.
In Israel they're being degraded as well cause only the shit genetics kikes are breeding.
no detonation=bsaicely non Jews saying they're Jews for oppression points
I'm not refusing to see shit you moron wigger don't breed.
I'm finding solutions awhile you're alt retarded.
And honestly if euros don't rise up then they deserve to die off. That's just the way it is.
It seems that this time they have outjewed themselves
American Jews are just the worse
the pill
Uh..they can take any land they want and build on it for free. How many kids would you have under those conditions.
Because Israel is fucking everyone...
Ethiopians are caucasian
You're finding solutions? By insulting others for simply identifying the one country that isn't killing itself through low birth rates? Or is it because reducing whatever policies to just giving free shit away doesn't add up when the other countries that tried it still can't manage to get to replacement rate status?
If you actually have a solution it would be great to hear it.