>Sup Forums looks up to this man
Sup Forums looks up to this man
>tfw that manlet on the right is dressed better than Dicky Spencer
He is so fucking hot
Is that a tactical dinner jacket?
why are they all wearing those shitty khakis?
it appears dick has had one too many strudels
I'm loving all these obvious newfags and redditors that are completely ignorant to the fact that Richard Spencer has been around for years. He's been preaching the same rhetoric for awhile now, it's only because the MSM attempted to slander the Trump movement by saying Spencer was some ally to Trump when in reality, he isn't.
I personally voted for Trump but that doesn't mean he's the same as Spencer, I just couldn't bare Hillary's pro-refugee policies. All of you claiming Spencer is a shill need to return to T_D and realize Civic Nationalism doesn't work. Africans and Hispanics don't like you, they leer at you and the moment you're a minority shall lash out at you as proven countless times in history.
T_D is filled with non-white mutts who cling to Civic Nationalism as that's all they have, and ever will have in their pathetic existence. They're lacking a proper heritage, ancestral knowledge and so on therefore run around screaming "civic nationalism is great mane nigguh wes all the same b."
In fact, most would call Adolf Hitler (if he ran today) a CIA Controlled Opposition as he proposed the relocation of Jews to their own space or the "holy land" as they call it. Unfortunately, Middle Eastern leaders condemned Adolf Hitler as they claimed the Jews would simply come to their nations, leaving Hitler with no options aside from rounding them into camps.
>Civic Nationalism doesn't work
>The US has been running on Civic Nationalism since the beginning
Really makes you think
He's too fat for that jacket, he should really visit a tailor
>the U.S. has been progressively getting worse and worse as years go by.
This country is going to look like Brazil if we don't stop it.
Spencer is a paid shit started and controlled opposition
So much evidence that supports that statement, but none of you Spencer drones do any research on that agent of the globalist
Nice pasta Moshi.
Spencer is based and the only reason theres so many threads about him is because (((theyre))) fucking terrified things are moving off the internet.
i gotta say these shoops are getting funnier and funnier
Since when? All I ever see is people on Sup Forums telling Richard to fuck off.
He is controlled opposition and shows that every day by supporting anything but a cause for traditional values. He is more degenerate than a Vegas hooker.
>1 post by this ID
He's a big guy
>>Sup Forums looks up to this manLET
Fat guy in a little coat
no one looks up to him, but he did clean up the white nationalist movement, guys in suits or khakis with polos and nice haircuts. Instead of the fat neo nazis in wifebeaters, shaved heads and fading old jeans
for you
Wrong. We had a white majority quota system of immigration until 1965.
>the delegates
>race mix goy
>holodomor never happened goy
>pay reparations goy
Manlets make the best wife beaters. Their fists are at their level.
This. Easist/surefire way to spot shills, newfags, and t_donald fags every damn time
>using derogatory term to demean someone for their height who can probably kick your ass anyway
Don't worry yourself toothpick we know you are safe behind the internet with your 2d porn
>so much evidence
>no evidence
Spencer is the man. Love him
t. Triggered Manlet
Is that a shop?
stop being Globalists.
If you don't GOMAD you are a traitor to the white race
Fuck globalist but also fuck you for being so good damn retarded
Why would people look up to a fat dude who jerks off to Adolf Hitler while wearing his Larping nazi suit. Adolf was a great man! Don't jerk off to him you degenerate, worship not fantasize.
you're the type of nigga to think that africa belongs to anyone to supports africa.
Hes wearing a bullet proof vest under it,..
Literally this XD