I've studied Africa and barring South Africa and the northern coutries, Africa is a hopeless continent. There is death, starvation, aids, suffering and governments that couldn't give a toss about the people. We just need to start again somehow. Is there any other options that people think could work? Haven't they all been tried?
I am actually an English guy studying in the US. I work for a Democrat Congressman. Look into the utter devastation and poverty of Africa before answering. Its genuinely heartbreaking.
Should the west nuke Africa?
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But ,eventually,when all other continents are cucked , africa will be the last cotinent where life is possible because its resources are yet unexploited , maybe africa will feed you someday , an don't give me the "we 'll je colonise it again" argument , cus you can't
Africa would be a nice place to live without the niggers.
holy shit that's true, I never considered it because i know that whole continent is a no go, but that would be some really nice real estate.
>But ,eventually,when all other continents are cucked , africa will be the last cotinent where life is possible because its resources are yet unexploited , maybe africa will feed you someday , an don't give me the "we 'll je colonise it again" argument , cus you can't
Why couldn't Africa be recolonized?
I would not like all cool animals in Africa to go extinct, otherwise nuking it all to shit would be one of the best things to happen to this world.
I'm thinking a Genetically engineered virus that only targets niggers would be great. Well Jews as well, that would be optimal.
Ebola was about to Make Africa Great Again but faggoty doctors from european countries had to ruin it.
Yes, something like ebola, but longer incubation time and more means of infection, and it would be awesome if it only got activated by nigger DNA markers.
In its current state it doesn't spread nearly enough.
Ebola hasn't killed a single white person.
No, just stop sending gibs.
The best thing to do is engineering some sort of virus that only targets the subhumans.
With the Chinese going into Africa, things are about to get interesting.
Don't worry, the chink insectoids will rid Africa of niggers and will take all the resources they want. Niggers will keep on being racists and blaming the whites for exploiting Africa and destroying their Kangdoms. It will be hillarious.
Really? That is intriguing...
>Its genuinely heartbreaking.
>maybe we should nuke them
This will let them know that we really care. sage
i know what you're thinkin
and we should
why waste a nuke, just make it a no go zone and wait for the problem to solve itself. Also sink anything trying to leave the continent.
>English guy working for Democratic Congressman
Redcoats trying to influence US politics once again
You mean AIDS?
>Nuking the only continent where you can easily extract cobalt.
Even China goes get rare earth there.
Fucking retard.
Chinks will mine and exploit africa dry.They will not give aid(unless for political gain). Africans will likely ask the Chinese to farm their land for them.
I could give a fuck less about those animals. They are a real pain for farming. White people want to turn all of Africa into a national park, chinese have no qualms fucking up the environment for productivity.
It'd be way easy to destroy africa / greatly reduce the existing barbaric civilizations.
Cut off world aid.
The governments would be forced to re-align themselves to appropriate population sizes, and forms of government that served the peoples domestic interests.
How do poor countries push communist policies? By getting external State and NGO aid and distributing it.
No nukes required, just let nature take its course.
It would make more sense to kill off the niggers by engineering an ethnic bioweapon or an ultra-strong form of malaria. Nuking Africa would also kill off the animals and the rainforests.
No, we should colonize and enslave them and kill anyone who says otherwise.
>cobalt will die with the niggers
what is the legitimate reason for their disposition? how can a subset of mankind be so cruel and savage?
SA nuff said
>There is death, starvation, aids, suffering
...and yet Africa is on track to have the greatest population growth in the world over the next few decades.
Someone's lying about something.
> It will be hillarious
implying we'll still be here to laugh
Destroy one of the supply caravans.
Use propaganda to generate fights between tribes
We really should!
No, that's too slow.
We want niggers extinct, AIDS doesn't cut it, people can live for years and years with it.
. Ebola kills within a day or so from infection, so it haven't time to propagate properly.
If ebola were to lie dormant (but infectious) for a month or two before insta-killing, it would have time to spread.
I know Pierre, it must be hell to live in France. Stay strong, Europe will wake up. Eventually. We'll be here, but mostly because chinks are a devastating plague and they will wreck Africa in 20 years.
They don't have neanderthal (Europeans) or denisovian (asians) DNA, only cro magnon.
They truly are subhumans.
Isn't China trying to colonize it right now?
> The Chinese are learning about how difficult it is to deal with Africans
>implying they'll stop at africa
while we talk about the nigger invasion we tend to forget about the chinese immigrant
i mean they have a whole arrondissement in paris to themselves
we are surrounded race war now
Just stop giving Africa money.
Put a blockade around the continent.
They'll all starve in a month.
But why do they treat all life so horribly? Where do they fit into creation? I know people on here joke about awful things, but they actually cause so much harm and pain for no reason I just don't understand.
The northern part isn't exactly a cornerstone of civilisation either.
Which means they have inferior brains.
The more folds on the brain, the higher iq/intellect.
Due to gibs
They didn't even need agriculture before the colonisation-induced population bomb
of course, but where does the hate come from? no other living thing is so heartless.
Their brains are not developed enough to be capable of true empathy. I am not even kidding.
A couple of factors:
- They don't have empathy. Empathy is something that evolved in places where people had to work together to survive or they would die - like in cold climates. What shocks white people usually when they watch black people be violent is the loose casualness of it all, how easily it all happens - we would hesitate, feel bad, be paralyzed. They just do extreme violence and give no fucks at all.
- They are stupid and can't plan ahead very long or think abstract thoughts. Every situation gets reduced to immediacy - what is immediately visible and available. Is a woman available right here and now? Take her. The thought that 10+ years later you might struggle to get a job doesn't occur because thoughts 10 years into the future don't occur.
- A lot of problems appear to be solved much more easily with violence and destruction. You see someone you dislike? Kill him or hurt him. You see something you want? Take it. No empathy or abstract thoughts to limit the impulse.
That is why a large group of africans can put a car tyre around someone's neck, pour petrol on them and light them on fire. Problems are solved easily with harm -- no feelings of empathy -- no longer thoughts for the future.
One step at a time. We must push back. Let the chinks deal with them. Then we worry about the chink menace.
I don't think they really hate so much.
E.g. they see a thief or a badman. They have been told its a badman.
They want to get rid of this bad.
They pour petrol on the bad and set it on fire.
Bad is gone.
It wouldn't work, OP. Cockroaches can survive a nuke.
This is pretty accurate assessment of how niggers think.
in a thousand years, another homer will pen an epic about the false-men of the gotterdammerung. i can only imagine what mythology and artistic license will make them into.
Tire necklacing is african culture dont be racist.
Under developed brain incapable of empathy, high testosterone causing aggression, everyone competing for top position in clan, which can only be acquired by brutality since brain power is not valued.
In fact smarter niggers in Africa get ostracized or dragged down to a median level.
He didn't ask about nuking Turkey.
but brainless animals with no empathy aren't so cruel, they don't torture each other for pleasure. and aren't humans so much more than just animals? Where are their souls? This all really disturbs me.
so like children with adult hormones?
We should send them our Black citizens and save the continent. We have so many educated Women of color to help them set up their space program, we should allow them contribute in a racially safe space. Without the sons of Yakub draining their melanin powers, they could build flying pyramids and create a civilization where every man could be a king, and every woman a Nubian Queen.
It will only work if we send all of them.
what kind of environmental factors could lead to such antisocial behavior? is africa the real-life Mordor?
Eugenics can fix it. Raising nigger intelligence will make them less vicious to each other.
But , But snow niggers can't survive in heat , also , there won'be no White men in 40 years lol ,
We should nuke a lot of places, just end the suffering in the 3rd world once as and for all. It's only ethical.
You tunisian cockroach if you like so much the niggeroids then house them into ur shitty country
It could easily be colonized if whites took power back from the jews and just invaded.
We could easily take over all of Africa and Central America and outlaw reproduction for them and build a paradise. Problem is our own people holding us back groaning about the "poor Africans" who are breeding like rats wiping out species after species and flooding the world with garbage genetics.
Sand nigger lol the day there are no more white men is the day the power goes off and you starve to death.
i'll tolerate your comment just The good deeds of Mr Putin in Syria ..
That's the cool about us North africains , we're white , but still Africans , so we can be racist to both niggers and snow niggrs , slavs , Chinks , you name it ,
fucking kek
afro-arabs double trouble, double cockroaches. Yeahhh white.. lmaooo, nice joke you sand nigger
>The governments would be forced to re-align themselves to appropriate population sizes, and forms of government that served the peoples domestic interests.
Nigeria is doing reasonably well, thanks largely in part to China
Waste of a good nuke
China's already there m80
Historically, Afrika has had abundant food with no effort required to aquire it. Lots of fruit and animals to eat, so no need for agriculture.
Warm climate so no need for clothes or houses.
Thus no need for a brain capable of planning, construction etcetera. A bigger brain consumes vastly more energy, so will not evolve unless necessary, say line for survival in a cold climate.
No clothes=Dick size becomes important.
Biggest Dick gets to be boss and procreate the most, basically, thus breeding bigger dick populus by sexual selection.
So sorry for your predicament, France
still , better than being a fucking slav lol ,
Did u ever heard about Rurik? Fookin sand nigger, got all the shitty genes, even the saudis shit on u, plus the niggeroids shit on u, everyone shits on u.
At least slavs are white, mule fucker lmao