Will the inevitable Black and Mexican coalition be enough to reverse the damage caused by whites and save America?
Will the inevitable Black and Mexican coalition be enough to reverse the damage caused by whites and save America?
weez be hebrews!
>Will the inevitable Black and Mexican coalition
You might as well ask if unicorns will fix global warming.
Mexicans hate Negroes more than Euro Americans do.
You missed "I" in word "run"
You forget the scores of young whites, asians, etc. that want to kill the country.
The right can either unites as they are or see themselves destroyed. Not a call for civic nationalism, but meant to show we have a common enemy.
Into the ground?
And they don't feel any guilt about it.
Hispanics (not Mexicans retard) dont need blacks and are often much more openly racist towards them than whitey. Couple that with no built-in guilt button to hammer cause MUH SLAVERY and the negro is in for a rude awakening.
The reality all along was you should have been supporting a majority white country if your primary imterest was the welfare of blacks, but you are even too stupid to understand why. So suffer, negro.
>blacks and mexicans
>running america
You cant even run your own neighbourhood.
Yeah tell that to the niggers being run out of Compton.
Mexicans with citizenship also despise illegal Mexicans with a passion. I had a friend of mine in grade school who's dad (legal Mexican) would call immigration on his neighbors whenever they had "relatives" over, basically for shits and giggles. This was back in the 80s when the law was actually enforced much more often.
They are the damage.
Worked out great for Brazil!
If Mexicans can run a country then are they fleeing to the USA? If niggers can run a country then why is the half of Africa starving?
Mexican/Nigger country = Starved and Abandoned
>tfw Mexicans were ethnically cleansing their communities from blacks in Hawaiian gardens
Mexicans hate blacks more than whites hate blacks. lels.
Lol. Blacks are basically begging them to help. O imma lafin
Mexico is fat as fuck, I wouldn't say they're starved. Just poor. They are basically on par with any slav country, but more fed.(famines and all)
NO. Niggers and spics hate each other. Beaners are practically genocing niggers in L.A. as we speak.
Kek, Mexicans hate niggers more then any other race . How many blacks do you see actually living in Latino countries?
Mexicans hate blacks even more than white people do because they often wind up having to live in areas that have a lot more blacks.
Democrats final solution
Become the party of diversity and champion black interests while every city you govern, has a rampant crime rate that kills thousands of blacks a year
Fund abortion centres, which have a majority black client base
Promote race baiters like Jesse Jackson and Gangsta culture to make Blacks hostile to the police so they don't police black neighbourhoods.
Then ship in thousands of Mexican gangstas who have no problem firebombing black families
Not really, as they simply don't have the intelligence to "run" things. More like "ruin" things as they always do. Your ghettos are a good preview of what would happen.
Wtf, I love Democrats now
Why aren't the guys in that picture running the country then?
>will people with an average iq below 90 save America and run it efficiently
>they actually believe this
Little remainder that the elites in the (relevant) latam countries are (mostly) white
If you knew something about Brazil besides the obvious sterotypes that you read in the media you would know those who actually always ran our country.
Niggers cant run a convenience store let alone a country.
Wait, what's the problem here?
No problem, its just kinda funny to look back at the last fifty years and notice how blacks have consistantly voted for thier own genocide,
next step would would be to make the rest of America hate California so they get them to secede and they move all the Mexicans there
Mexicans hate blacks more than white people.
Unite or die.
We can argue over Libertarianism or National Socialism/Fascism after we've destroyed our common enemies. Fight together or hang separately.
Yet they vote for the anti white party alongside with the black people and race mix with them.
I wouldnt say that people vote for Dems so much because its anti white as because it is pro-sucking-their-dicks-all-day. Only about 56% of spics even voted for Hillary Clinton and not even 40% voted. Asians voted 65% Clinton and obviously the blanket vote from Dems pet black people. Dems ultimately shot themselves in the foot thinking they'd import a large voting base for themselves.
>tfw you will live to see the great Mexican Nigger race war.
Low quality b8
what do you get when a mexican marries a black?
kids too lazy to steal