Tim Pool is pissed at all Americans for taking off his beanie

Tim Pool is pissed at all Americans for taking off his beanie. Do you think he is overreacting?

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This is like beaniegate

What is his endgame? What is he hiding under there?


The beanie was a gift from his mom, it costed him 1,000,000 GBP

A million pounds?
That like, $20
what a rip.


No 1m good boy points, newfag

Whats the diffrence?

Good boy pounds come from the queen instead of mummy

>Attention Ho wants fame
>Gets it
>Bitches about it.

sounds familyo


I exclusively use good boy points


Lul youtube.com/watch?v=dO6AA83NVVI&feature=youtu.be&a

he couldn't handle the trolls


fuck him. no please no please keep doing your "job" fuck this cunt. he's a joke. see him yesterday snitch out a bloke to the cops? on camera? this cunt is radioactive dogshit.

Exactly. He puts himself in all his videos and people got curious about the Beanie. It was bound to happen unless his channel never took off. Then he would have been safe and not successful.

Tim is good goy who dindu nuffin
Mustachefag is a tier-1 spetztroll who is claiming low-hanging fruits like Tim & Shia...
Uncle Chang is the only Hwndu really moving the ball with his absolutely subversive scriptfagging.

Let Tim Vlog for shekels...he is usefully contrarian.

I hear Syria is safe this time a year if he doesn't want to do domestic events.

Isn't he supposed to have covered wars?

I could do this guy's job. He needs to quit bitching.

>still crying like a bitch because moustache matt took his hat
this guy is such a fucking pansy.

>being THIS much of a baldlet

Just shave your head. No one is buying the "people will recognize me now" shit.


he should have Matt charged with assault desu. i think that'd be hilarious


dude is legit retarded if he thinks the only thing stopping him getting attacked was a fucking hat lol

Needed two beanies, like blue bucket head man


He tried to hide that he is balding. Big fucking deal. Now people mock him. I am balding myself and wear short hair, from time to time also mock my bold head, nobody cares....

he just put out another video. he is like in tears about the beanie coming off. he doesn't want to do american rallies anymore after people gave him fuck tons of money on super chat youtube donations to do them.

bruh look at this dude.... oh no no no

It's actually an identifier. He wears the same thing everywhere. He should at least change it up once in a while. Matt wouldn't have been encouraged to do it if Tim didn't wear the same thing in every video.

He should have glued the beanie to his bald head.

He is making such a big deal out of it - forcing it to become a Meme - he is making it change his life

Did he die? Was it extremely painful?

he doesn't want to be a subject of his videos but you have to watch him skateboard in some of his videos to get to the parts where he is filming the events


i ain't signing up for twitter for this and i know he reads Sup Forums.
Suck it up, buttercup, YOU are Americas new journalists. Get your CCW in a permissive state (ask on /k/).
But really all you have to do is ask for help when planning to be in an area and you'll have more than a few neutral volunteers willing to run a screen for you and watch your back.

Mustacheanon, please apologize publicly. We need our journalists. I'll give $20 to your next road adventure if you apologize and volunteer to watch Tim's back the next time he's in NE.


Every Trump supporter gets their hat taking off. He is basically having a mental breakdown over his Baldness.

I doubt it. It's more likely he's having a problem over the loss of his pseudo-anonymity. Without the hat he was only recognizable to the extreme pattern autists.

he should talk about who exactly it is he feels threatened by

But he made his channel about him. Just like Lauren Southern and other vloggers. don't get me wrong, it was a dick move for that guy to take off his beanie. but him saying its a problem to know who he is when his channel is about him seems silly.

did he die when they took it off?

Who's that? I don't recognize him.

It was extremely painful.

Let's see this get...

are you that ignorant?
Nobody has meltdows over baldness , you just realize you have notion of much and control over nothing .

Like people dying of lack of healthcare , enjoy your decay society and mind

Tim being exposed as a bald guy was the most exciting thing that happened at that rally.

And he is making enough money for hair transplant, if he has a problem with it

He is mad that he was exposed as a bald cuck

This. I started balding in my early twenties and I shaved my head. You have to embrace it for it to be sexy.


So he started wearing the beanie because its a disguise and not because he is bald? KEK

lmao what a child

Posting in a sageblue thread.

The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


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also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




i started balding at 22 or some , i can tell you that its better to cover because not everyone wants to use blade every single day and plus the shaving products that cost money and very expensive for proper ones , no cheap shit that makes your head red

you are very exposed to the chemicals of the shaving foam cream , dries skin and ages skin faster



>Tim Pool is pissed at all Americans for taking off his beanie. Do you think he is overreacting?

All the alt lite cucks act like leftists when confronted with violence.

Cernovich is a great example of this.

>he's bald

Not even a fucking man. God I hate the Alt Lite.

When it happened to me , I just started shaving my head like everyday, then I got tired of shaving it and started wearing a hat again, now i just dont care anymore since I reached my 30s.

Pool should have knocked MM the fuck out. Not for "revealing his identity" but for taking the liberty of touching his head from behind. You just don't do that to another man you don't know intimately.

The whole "I wear this so people don't recognize me!" schtick is ridiculous. He wears it because he's self conscious about being bald. I know, I've been bald for almost 20 years. It sucks. Girls will think you're attractive with the hat on, but it comes off and they see your dome and suddenly they're not interested. But all Pool not covering domestic events will result in is less viewership and money for him. So.


T. A BALD user

Tim wasn't even Alt-Right to begin with. He's a libtard if anything.


I still shave my head like religious
maximum 2 days without shaving, only on winter i can feel the release of not using the razor every single day , but always covered because I can't stand peoples comments and jokes because it's something that is out of my hands I cannot reverse it,
its out of my power and control .

I could list you here so many thing related to baldness that I have been study , I lost hours of online research related to this.

I have no clue who that is.

Pool got his beanie knocked off and he wants to quit.

Lara Logan got raped by a pack of Muslims and still does live reporting.

What a phony.

>The whole "I wear this so people don't recognize me!" schtick is ridiculous.

Tim Pool does great work but you're right about this. How does he think MM noticed him to begin with? It was a friendly troll move and he gave his hat back right away.


This. He needs to own it like countless other badasses like Stone Cold, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Bryan Cranston as Heisenberg, etc. Those guys look even better bald because they know how to work it. Tim has a decent skull shape and can pull it off. Claiming "hue hue I'm going to stop covering domestic events" makes him look like a gigantic crybaby.

I shave my head like for at least 5 years straight, and in my experience it's awful

but if you embrace baldness so well why even save it? It's not comfortable to shave every single day

so well why even shave it?

Stefan should wear a beanie too

Only cucks wear beanies

>I shave my head like for at least 5 years straight, and in my experience it's awful

It might be a lot of work, but you can still pull of the "intimidating badass" look instead of the George Costanza look if you're really that concerned about it. Lots of women even find that shit hot as long as you don't have a lumpy potato skull or some shit. Tim doesn't need to throw up his hand like a baby and quit just because he's insecure.

Maybe he has a strong reason to be insecure and makes him a easy target , check my previous post As for the rest , you clearly don't know the ritual of having chemicals jew foam shaving every single day of your life

it's like im willing poisoning my skin

What if there was already a cure for this shit but because they make baldness a industry its not convinient?
and it funny cause you society moves economy leaching out of baldness with the

baldness industry check link :


Bald people support forum talking about Tim Pool.


dude if shave today and you are bald, if you not shave next morning , its like the werewolf , were you have few our till transformation

This society is disgusting, they shame you because you are bald and have bads genes as they say.

Yet you disgusting society feeds of baldness industry because it makes millions

I think a lot of it has to do with mindset. I knew a lot of dudes that shaved their head and grew a badass beard that had ladies. Even when their sides grew a 5 o'clock shadow, it didn't even matter because they acted like they were hot shit. A lot of it is personality and how you carry yourself when you're bald, I think. The guys I knew that pulled it off were all cocky badasses with some meat on them and a beard that made up for it.

Then again, I've never been bald or balding, so I don't know what it's like. I have a big ass forehead but it's genetic. I'm 30 and it hasn't receded; my dad is 60 and still has his hair.

he's live right now talking about it on his youtube channel

I thought he was okay before this happened but mostly just for him being extra coverage not any specific "talent" he has... After this incident I will never watch any of his content again. His "crossed the line" video was pathetic, his reaction at the event was pathetic and he revealed not only what a coward he is but what an insecure little bitch he is.

Many things are escaping you, for example check the commercial shampoos full of sodium number one cause for accelerate the balding process.

If you start digging it's a all industry behind , from transplants to all sorts of products that don't work

Because you cannot cure baldness with any of those products like rogaine .

Its a fucking industry leaching out of a health problem

I ask again how do you think I feel if every single day i have to fill my head with the jew chemical foam for shaving ?

coward why? serious you people are with this savage gene .. ape gene.. maybe you need to be send to arkham asylum because that rage gene needs to be cool down

Ironically Tim Pool threatened a guy claiming that if he comes near him again he won't have any teeth left. You're a stupid faggot just like Tim.

>Do you think he is overreacting?
If he feels unsafe from merely partisan political clashes then he's not a journalist. People that put themselves on the front lines of warzones to cover the truth (used to anyway) were true journalists. He's just a whiny shitbag that can't handle faggots exposing his bald head.

Maybe he reacted under emotional state , in my opinion he should not say that , but he his a human ape like yourself and your rage ape gene ...

So the man reacted the way he could, I just saying what the guy did to him was invasive
Im pretty sure if someone come to you and take your retard trump hat you would react the same

but why his baldness has to be exposed?

Why you even have the right to mention his baldness to intellectual challenge him over a social stigma .

Baldlets are this insecure. Sad!

white people crying on internet about African people are insecure. sad...

we get it. you're bald and angry about it.

People that are drunk are more intimidating than what he's come up against. He's being a pussy and only became overly aggressive when someone touched his precious beanie. He needs to man up and be a journalist for the sake of the truth, not his personal insecurities.

Those comments are vicious but true. He needs to laugh this off instead of being an insecure bitch.


You have every right to complain. Being bald is worse than being a manlet.

occupy BALD street