Croatia = shithole

so this is my third day in Croatia and I already got assaulted by a group of kids calling me names such as nigger, "maymoon?" and so on, until some old lady told them to stop and apologized.

Im still in shock, you are in EU now you primitive fucks. There is no place for racisms, sexism, homophobia nor other hate crimes. Its 21st century for gods sake.

Even your girls are fucking racist. All of them gave me weird looks when I tried to approach them and just turned around and went laughing.
I dont get it, women usually liked me when I was in Germany...

Fuck off Croatia, I wish Serbs killed you all. I cant wait to go back to Sweden.
And my honest opinion to other foreigners is to avoid that place.

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dont be a nigger and expect to be treated like a kang.

I had the same experience and I'm not even black. My biological dad is, but both my parents are white.

10/10 review, stay in sweden. Ideally you'll freeze to death in the winter.

shit quality bait

I agree, almost everyone I know that has visited Croatia has claimed that it's a racist country. Although naturally beautiful, the people of Croatia are very ugly inside

Croats made this gun I bought, an XDS.

good job croats, I hate you slightly less now

Low energy

horrible racists should be punished!!!! >:^(

Fuck I love my country. Maybe you shouldn't have gone there in the first place, nigger


>dont be a nigger and expect to be treated like a kang.

disguisting racist maymoons

>I cant wait to go back to Sweden.
like pottery

fuck off ape, just fly the fuck off to sweden

>disguisting racist maymoons
And you're just disgusting, majmun, like all niggers

Fuck off, Serbnigger.

Replace Croatia with all Balkan countries and there you go.

Based Croats

Nigger free Europe

this country is garbage

nobody should ever come here

>group of kids calling me names such as nigger
fake news, croatians are infact niggers themselves

holy shit i cant stop laughing
bless you ope

Odjebi majmune nigerski

>fake news, croatians are infact niggers themselves

yeah, they are subhuman, but some of croatians told me smth that serbs are turks or "turkish rape babies", dont know what is that about?


never change croatianbros, it's lovely to hate each others while speaking same language, no one on earth has that privilege

>privilege level far beyond 9000


t. чeтник

>the serb have never heard about sun tanning

Low quality bait, but I wish this was true. Zagreb is slowly getting flooded with niggers, and for now there is no reaction, because "muh turism" and "muh we are Europe"

Sorry Mbamba but white people can't tan. They're non-whites in hiding, living in Europe away from the Sun.

Bullshit. You cant get whiter than me, yet i get blacked in 5 minutes if i am out on sun


Im white and i become like a mulato after two months in the coast of Mediterranium. You should try sometime.

I'm Dalmatian. We're all fair skinned even though we spend our entire lives in the Sun.

Thanks for the keks Franjo, made me laugh.

horrible bait but still entertaining enough. so i give it 5/10



Fuck off from my country you nigger. Nobody invited you here.

dont pretend like you are not our big turk bro



this thread keeps getting better and better



it's bait crobro

Maimoon means monkey in arabic

All bait aside, isn't this how niggers are legitimately treated in the Balkans?

Thinly veiled Croat bragging thread.

Back to Africa spade

No. Happens during football matches, though.

Cry me a river.