Trump trusts him -- why shouldn't we?

Give me one reason to dislike Kushner.

Hard mode: It can't be because he's a Jew.
Expert mode: You can't end up sounding jealous.


he has a zionist agenda

>choosing easy mode

Hey Jared

Here are the policy areas tasked to Kushner:

>Middle East peace
don't care
>Opiod crisis management
don't care
>Criminal justice reform
don't care
>Liaison to Mexico
don't care
>Liaison to China
don't care
>Liaison to the Muslim community
don't care

just build the fucking wall

why the fuck does anyone care what this jew does?

Because leave this board immediately.


He's a Jew. END OF STORY.


stormfaggots need to be gassed
you need to go back

>It can't be because he's a Jew.

Yeah, it really can, ass.

But I was willing to overlook that.

Until 50 other Jews showed up right as Bannon was being pushed aside and Trump walked back every campaign promise he made.

I can be forgiven for my inclination to look at those I dont trust when those I did are suddenly surrounded by a caste of people seemingly hell-bent on destroying Christian nations. The terror isn't that Jews may be deliberately trying to destroy the nation. If they had such plans, then they can readily be held to account. My terror is that the poor fucks actually are convinced they know what they are doing when they dont. That is the same evil as liberalism. You cant reason or negotiate with that level of incompetence. True evil has no clue that it is evil and destructive. Its primal and insensate.

I can overlook a lot. I can overlook the Jewish cohort, the shilling for Israel, letting Clinton walk, the apparently abandoned ban on Muslims, removal of dreamers and sanctions on santuary cities. I can even over look the miserable joke the wall has become.

As long as I get booming economic growth built on lasting principles.

If I can't even get that, then none of this was worth the fucking time to cast a ballot.

Don't trust anyone, most of all a fucking jew.


>It can't be because he's a Jew

Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answer?

Lucent technologies. If you find that against your first rule too bad for you. If against your second there is nothing there to envy. Why is fiat money something to envy? It has no value. Why are kikes good people?


Anyone have more mode details?




At least this faggot's being original.