David Duke /ourguy/

Reminder that David Duke is a true Sup Forumsack.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing but respect for Dr. Duke






>this faggot lurks Sup Forums

Why do these social media whores insist on telling people they browse Sup Forums?

He found his great white male Ishmael.

It looks like the guy behind him is giving him a reach around.

>tfw you might have been shitposting with david duke about hitler and niggers

In a sane world the great David Duke would be president of the United States instead of (((Trump))).

Because Sup Forums is the most hip rightwing forum online.

>Why do these social media whores
>Doesnt know who David Duke is

Away newfriend

Wouldn't he be the whale? Or one of the beta crewsmen?

So Sup Forums is a FBI honeypot? I'm not surprised.


>fbi informant in Operation Red Dog

why do cucks keep praising faggots on the government payroll?

>David is lurking this moments in Sup Forums trying to subvert you.

Try listening to him


newfags away!


Idk man when ever there's a conspiracy he'll say that it's the Jews like when he talks about the Italian mafia he says they were actually just Jews like wow so insightful

>why did it take so long to spot him in the wild?

Lmao, because live at home dweebs don't go grocery shopping.


>why do cucks keep praising faggots on the government payroll?

Coming from this guy with the actual Israel puppet president.


Because Trump.

I know who he was. I didn't like him before he hopped on the alt right Reddit train. I didnt like him when he staryed making a larger appearance on social media.

I hate him now that he's linking Sup Forums to a bunch of his faggot followers.

theres a lot 99% of the kkk is just FBI informants


I have. I'm not gay.

Oh you

He's not in the kkk

That's not proof

0 proof of him being an informant and his bio and modus operandi isnt tipical of it unlike Hal Turner.

prove me otherwise, Im open minded about it

Can you give me a pointer to these proofs? Why is his channel banned in Italy?
It doesn't make sense to me

>Sup Forums

Is that AIDS Skrilex?

I don't think he's an informant, he could be, but is it also possible there are shills here trying to discredit him?



>I don't think he's an informant, he could be

he definetly didnt started as one, read his bio. there is a possibility he made a deal later (who hasnt have that possibility?), but a traitor, quite the opossite

This really oys my vey!

I thought they closed the camps

I don't even understand what they could have to gain from having him while he keeps saying what he says

Pic related


for years there were stories of him beign an info man or watevare but ZERO proofs. shill faggotry.

Man he must have had a difficult life. He could see this all shit coming in the 60s and nobody gave a shit. America went from being 90% white to 60% white and he's in good shape so it's possible he will see the day when whites are a minority in the US.

God bless, Dr. Duke.

Swefags for David Duke!

To make Sup Forums look even worse/ increase the flood of normalfags

>if Dennis Prager wishes to respond, he should also pay

Oy vey!

Oh snap



>Man he must have had a difficult life. He could see this all shit coming in the 60s and nobody gave a shit.

my toughts also, millenials are at least partially woke. he grew up with hippie garbage was in jail almost gangraped by niggers etc...boomers nationalist deserve more cred

I like Duke, he says a lot of smart things. Too bad he'll never get big because of the time he was in the KKK.

I admired how he protested the removal of one of the statues

Seems like it's news to you.

David Duke makes me puke.

The LA State legislature could've protected the civil war monuments with a simple majority vote.

Duke is our guy. Nobody calls out Jews like he does.

The good doctor is in this thread! Wave hello to him


Sup Forums is fine with traps and le based nigger but isn't okay with Dr. Duke. ShareBlue has increased their shill payroll.

>Sup Forums
Yeah, nah, that faggot doesn't go here.

Tell him to make his radio more accessible. Everytime someone makes a new channel on YouTube with David Duke they get banned.

He absolutely does, did you ever listen to him? He has learned memetics from us


It's not just a meme, I have actually met such a couple.

A girl who dated one of my friend was married and her husband would come and greet her boyfriend as if it were normal.

It turnt out a year later she was HIV positive.

He really really needs a better web site

David Duke fucking sucks dude


Usually I listen on daily stormer.

This is a white person thread, Achmed.

>a literal ex-KKK leader who spends all day ranting about the same stuff Sup Forums rants about without ever promoting his content is CIA/FBI despite getting a fractional percentage of the vote when he ran for senate
you stupid redditfags are the worst. you come here and see people shit on e-celebs, so you attack literal racists who just so happen to post on social media. there's an obvious difference between richard spencer and david duke, but you'll never get over it because he made your shitty cryptokike god emperor look bad with his endorsement

your a white mail.

Bullshit, typical memetic warfare on the part of ZOG. Repeat a lie enough times and cretins like you believe it.

I'm learning web dev (front end), I might offer to fix up his website as practice. I think the main problem is just the organisation, there is little to no hierarchy of information and too much repetition

I'm browsing on mobile so I'll have to see what the full size site looks like later

Yeah unlike Robert Byrd.

At least we can shill his twitter while he's still allowed to have it
He could be way bigger in the right

This. Redpilled me on the JQ and faggotry.

He's been hanging out a alot with Daily Stormer's Anglin for a while. I think Anglin taught him to read Sup Forums and learn the millennial language.

Like this faggot has room to talk.

Jew detected.

Lots of jews ITT

I think he should just copy a good website
I guess he has trouble finding good people working for him

>KKK is entirely irrelevant, being made up of 50% FBI and informants
>KKK makes absolutely no headlines all year, every year
>Only exception being when election season rolls around and this bowl-cut faggot Duke invariably endorses the Republican nominee
>News channels get their hayday
>Hands are shaken behind closed doors
You fucking morons.

Notice me Duke-senpai

I don't want to go verify this; I don't want to face the disappointment if it's not real...

I live ten minutes from this market.

Yeah We should follow the rules of our enemies right? Then we will win!


>Sup Forums
>capital p
I'm triggered m8s



He's alright. I agree with most of the stuff he says.

Then you know what must be done

Quick! St. Louis anons, somebody casually red-pill this kid, before that lipodystrophatic aids face, David Duke, finds him and fucks him

God gave us a sign

I fucking love Dr. David Duke!

I listen to his podcast every day!


Same people that think Richard Spencer is on the level and isn't controlled opposition

Jewish mafia and Italian mafia did a lot of inter marrying, however. Not totally wrong.