Some art for you goys

Mural beneath the eiffel tower by cleon peterson, commissioned by benjamin de rothschild.

Everything is going to plan I see in France

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's another beauty from the same artist

Move along goy, nothing to see here

Some creepy shit. Cucked france

who cares about this shit except rural and suburban retards?
white genocide is a ridiculous myth
fucking sage

It's not as whites are not reproducing at population replaceable rates in the majority, if not all, countries.

Why can't anyone stand up to these childs of roth

so whats the underlying rationale

that if cultures mix there will no longer be unique races and therefore everyone will get along?

Strength through diversity

I'm bringing a water bottle full of lacquer thinner.

I'm dumping it all over the center of that bitch, destroying it.

That just fucking evil

any french bros there who can throw paint on that shit?

preferably red paint

>literal race fetishists

Seems like another instance of the demoralization campaign mounted by kikes.

Industrial solvent.

Its clear ish, and will ruin it.

Paint will raise alarms. People wont react to someone accidently dropping a water bottle.

Why has it not been BTFO yet? Bit of spaypaint will do the job

That's basically what they try to convince you. That somehow race mixing is some new profound freethinking way to live and only looking for white women/ men is racist. In reality they want to breed white people out of existence because it is by far the most accomplished race on the planet and holds all the power at least up until recent years with the Chinese who are catching up. I would be willing to bet they will employ a similar plan of race mixing with the Asians sometime soon.

Therefore everyone who isn't Jewish has an IQ of 90 and is genetically anchored to the slave class.

So art, much inspired


Welcome to the first mural at the Eiffel Tower.

Spiritual guidance. Only the best for goys, promise

What if someone got one of those big gulp bottles and filled it with paint thinner or some other potent substance and dropped it? Or if they snuck in tonight and painted red horns on all the black ones and a bunch of Jew stars? That would be crazy lol

I'm so glad France will fall first. Fucking deserved.


God helps us. (((they))) are getting bold

And French people are ok with and dont see anything suspicious about it? No one thought to check on the artists other works and notice that something is sketchy?
It's like you guys in the west are a living proof that zombies exist. It feels like a parts of your brain are missing.


>The guys entire work consists of black and white grecco-roman style figures
>Sup Forums instantly thinks it's symbolic for race.

Frogs don't have the balls for it.

I try really hard not to have an overblown hatred for jews but then they go ahead and pull this shit...

2 random triangles? Are you implying some unlikely far fetched connection?

I pray God does help us.

The other work by the artist gives it more context, good goyim.


Are you really that fucking retarded? I hope this is just boring bait.

fake news it was last year and lasted a couple of week


The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




And here we have exhibit A: An autist.

notice the whites are dead, the blacks are dancing on the corpses.

>lasted a couple of week

what does this imply
is the beautiful brave artwork gone?

heh yeah guys it's just a coincidence

Did you actually read the thread or did you post here solely to damage control?

This is one bold kike

holy shit this, some Frenchbro needs to get on it.

>calls out horseshit reponse
kek has spoken clearly today my friends

a terrible loss yes art will never recover

Just a coincidence go- ys my artworks are about peace and love

>its just coincidence

How does it feel to live without a part of your brain?

Yes, it has nothing to do with race, they're just obsessed with finding far fetched coincidences, goy.

The creator is disgusting, but more disgusting are the people championing his rape fantasy ((artwork))

>All the blacks are covering (restricting) the gentials of the whites. The only white without that is breeding with a black.

Wow really made me think.

If anything we should turn this against them.

It would be a shame if fliers with the other works would pop up nearby.

You know, so that people get to enjoy the other pieces of art too.

when you consider the spooby shiieeett these people believe in, placing that sort of thing under the tower has even more significance

>And in the center, black male on white female.

Every, fucking, time.

>defacing the black sun with this niggerdom



Learn to see shapes.

Holy shit

Dont worry brave youngling, there will be many more artworks to admire. This beautiful one is called the gravediggers.

No, youre not, fag.

You know if this (((guy))) drew some stuff that wasn't just blatant genocide of the white race it'd look pretty good.

Just invert the colors to get some WP artworks.

>It's just a coincidence, goyim

Are you French faggots actually going to do anything about this? Or just sit with your hands up your arse as usual?

At least he drew white people as buff strong individuals unlike how they really are now


Just a thought, is this meant to symbolize the white women turning into mudbloods over the coming generations? The one on the floor is already almost completely covered.


I'm starting to think there really is something to the moloch devil worshipping shit

Maybe make a thread about it.

This shit is so blatant it seems like a false flag.


There absolutely is.
That's why there was crucifixions of owls and shit in Ukraine. It really is a fucking bunch of larping harry potter fags running this world.

how the fuck is this modern art shit even allowed near the eiffel tower?

Holy fuck!!

>white people kept outside by black people whose hands cover the white genitals and a black man makes love to a white women in the center

I want to plug back in.

Don't use water bottles, use water balloons. You can chuck them from distance and throw a lot of them in a short space of time. I swear one of you has to do this. It's incredibly easy and effective.

Why would you think that, goy?


Doing gods work...

Oh yes, the artist is clearly portraying ragging niggers taking out whitey in a show of "totally badass" black power. It couldn't possibly mean something actually more pretentiously "artistic" like "the true nature of man" or evil and good. Never mind that in most of the paintings without the modern day elements the characters are identical beyond color.

You're going to need some more evidence, some interviews and statements by the artist himself before you can pretend to know with certainty his art is meant to portray white genocide.

The Rothschild connection to the artist was over a yacht he designed for one of them which featured the same art style but with dark blues. It has nothing to do with the mural, he was paid to make a boat for a single member and not even a close one to the Rothschilds.

The artist is some faggot from LA who specialized himself in one specific style, but Sup Forums would try and make it like he's a masonic luciferian kabal wizard who was paid in golden seals of Moloch to construct an unholy anti-fertility idol that symbolizes the death of the white menace through mass immigration, low fertility and race mixing.

The security perimeter around the tower is new, right? Not saying that the mural and security are directly related, but it's still a rather peculiar coincidence.

I would be ashamed to even be seen there

This one really oodles the noodle

>evil and good
Yes, that's the symbolic meaning of it and that's also exactly why the black """evil""" figure is embracing the white one, right?

Yeah like in Afrika where there are only niggers and we see the peaceful harmonic utopian paradise they have there...

Since all this guy ever does is solid black and white characters different pieces could have different meanings.

For all we know the mural itself could represent two families at a wedding or some shit.


Become Legend....

This could use a better shop job tbqh

>not understanding art symbolically
>not seeing the six pointed star
>not understanding the synthesis of dichotomy as the main spiritual project of the elites

yeah i know, im lazy as fuck.


Yuge improvement.

Make sure the plastic is solvent resistant. Use balloons or water bottles and the solvent will disolve the plastic before you get there. There's a reason they say to use water based lube on condoms. I suggest a gator ade bottle or similar. I work with solvents regularly.

>Not seeing the star

I'm seeing the star alright, but a hexagram is not an uncomon phenomenon in circular pattern art. It's the first even numbered star you'd reach depending on the size of the figures and the amount you wanted to depict in your "wreath".

The artist believes the image, and its prime location, will inspire viewers around the world to rethink the ways humans isolate and separate themselves.

No coincedences here goy

Give me the sauce.then colgate.

> Not seeing the rothschild plan to fuel hatred against common jews again.

Are you guys retarded? Falling for that fucking bait again.

> Because I want to create universal hatred for this nation of the United States, because in the United States there are more Protestants and more Jews than any country in the world, and 'we've' got to kill all those people.

But when viewed from the higher vantage point of Paris’ iconic landmark, the mural reveals itself as a giant circle of love.

Apparantly based on the book Hypnerotomachia Poliphili

First page image see attached