This BLM race baiter looks whiter than me except for the kinky hair but that could be done at a hair salon. Pic related.
Is Shaun King transracial?
Other urls found in this thread:
>kinky hair
He shaves his hair that way to make it look like that, his hair is straight. His mustache is fake.
She does go to a salon, she's a natural blonde.
>kinky hair
kek, do you mean nappy hair?
Cant we just find out where he gets his hair cut, and send the sample in for a racial DNA profile?
Jews pretended to be Europeans for centuries. Now they pretend to be black and i bet there are even fake Asian jews.
Herro my fellow Japanese man!
Yes, but he's not pretending, I'm convinced he actually believe he is black.
He is whiter than Elvis.
Arab terrorists = dark skinned white men
Progressive left race-baiters = light skinned black man
>checkmate, racists.
He's clearly a mongrel
Sup Forums wouldn't be devilish enough to push the transracial narrative as a progressive goal...
No. He is a jew.
Jews are mongrels. Nothing new about that.
Someone should do a side-by-side pic with some bad traps that says "If they can be women, then they can be black".
Wigger, and not even the fun kind
I fucking love watching regressives fall over themselves to not offend Shaun King. Boy is white as A4 paper
Yup. Tree of Logic goes in great detail over all the evidence in this video:
Cliff notes is his dad's white, his mom's white, his birth certificate says he's white, he claimed himself as white on a police report, etc. His only counter to any of this is that his mom's a slut and burned lots of coal in her day.
Note to posters in this thread. When you allow a Shaun King thread to go on without posting this. (image related) You aren't doing your job.
So BLACK amirite?
More proof of his blackness
I wish he'd get a 23andme done and prove all the racist haters wrong.
They're both white.
>applies for and receives black only scholarship
>pulling the rug right out from Leeroy and Jamal
>Oprah gave it to him herself
Why aren't we all doing this?
>he shaves his widows peak
It truly makes me feel proud that I'm the guy who found this out. He lost his shit when Sup Forums found out about his hair
Shaun king is a fucking kike, if he didn't get a nigger haircut and shaving style to fool people and he were to let that shit grow, he'd be OY VEYing and calling himself mordechai in about .23 seconds.
You can't get DNA from cut hair. The DNA comes from the cell attached to the bottom of the hair.
He's like Pocahontas, lied about his race to get free shit for college and then just ran with it.