/rsg/ Richard Spencer General - Niggers and Kikes Are Scared Edition
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Man the new Bloodborne DLC looks metal
yo is this battletoads
Lol all those moderate republicans are surely impressies with this
>Controlled opposition general
Since you're a paid Cadre shill who's spammed this on other threads. Let me explain it to you again; ethno-nationalism is seemingly implied as the weak man's ideology because the power level of the white race has yet to form. He subtly argues that ethno-nationalism can reach its potential of the explorers, the dominators, the conquerors once the white race has armed and organized itself to full power.
He means we should be the conquerors, not the ones begging our conquerors to give us a reservation to keep our culture and people alive on life support.
Pic-related is you on the far right.
niggers and kikes are less of a threat than central banking and ignoring the bill of rights. you can't have a parasite in a healthy body.
Hail Victory! Support to Spencer and all the the alt right, Damigo and Identity Europa, Enoch and TRS, Anglin and the Daily Stormer, Heimbach and TWP and the successors to Lincoln Rockwells American Nazi party the NSM. As well as support to our brothers like Generation Identitaire and Golden Dawn in Europe.
We need more demonstrations like in Charlottesville and New Orleans.
We're winning boyos
Someone get this leaf a brick to the face so he goes back to brand-name voat!
Fuck off Cadre. Remember the 14 words as that is Sup Forums's purpose. Try harder though.
The real red pill is that as soon as we stopped conquering people we started going downhill.
We can't suppress our true nature or we will become depressed
If we don't conquer other people, they will try to conquer us. Other races will never be able to beat us in a fair fight
Absolutely, Benito. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. 88!
Give this man a cookie.
>spencer: "we only want our own homeland. Everyone else can have theirs too, we aren't supremacists"
>spencer shills: "muh conquering heroes"
Aesthetic as fuck desu
That is specifically reserved for people who haven't decided to move back to their ancestral homelands yet. We will still conquer those who defy order.
I'm just saying what I think, I don't know what he thinks
>Yeah. I know. It would be terrible. But we have a responsibility. ... The most important responsibility. That's the Master Race. To imagine and build a better world. ... There is only one Master Race. Therefore, the burden falls on us. ... To end mankind's constant state of war so the real work... progress, perfection... can finally begin. ... Josef, this war will be terrible, yes, but this will be the last war. And when it is over, we will have a world united and at peace for the first time in human history. Imagine, Josef. Imagine what humanity will then be able to achieve.
Stop being Globalists.
Why are these threads being spammed so hard?
Wtf i love Marx now
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Really makes you think
I-is it finally happening Sup Forums?
Once again, he said adopting Israel's policies is necessary for the white race, if they can, then why can't we?
Because r/The_Donald is being purged and Sup Forums is returning to its roots via these threads. We are winning and soon once we find you, you'll be gassed.
I'm loving all these obvious newfags and redditors that are completely ignorant to the fact that Richard Spencer has been around for years. He's been preaching the same rhetoric for awhile now, it's only because the MSM attempted to slander the Trump movement by saying Spencer was some ally to Trump when in reality, he isn't.
I personally voted for Trump but that doesn't mean he's the same as Spencer, I just couldn't bare Hillary's pro-refugee policies. All of you claiming Spencer is a shill need to return to T_D and realize Civic Nationalism doesn't work. Africans and Hispanics don't like you, they leer at you and the moment you're a minority shall lash out at you as proven countless times in history.
T_D is filled with non-white mutts who cling to Civic Nationalism as that's all they have, and ever will have in their pathetic existence. They're lacking a proper heritage, ancestral knowledge and so on therefore run around screaming "civic nationalism is great mane nigguh wes all the same b."
In fact, most would call Adolf Hitler (if he ran today) a CIA Controlled Opposition as he proposed the relocation of Jews to their own space or the "holy land" as they call it. Unfortunately, Middle Eastern leaders condemned Adolf Hitler as they claimed the Jews would simply come to their nations, leaving Hitler with no options aside from rounding them into camps.
Fuck off. NazBols are bro tier.
youre doing good work
Marx is correct though. (((Capitalism))) creates balkanization at an inherent level. NATIONAL SOCIALISM is what whites should strive for, you damn kike.
This. Marx gave the correct analysis he just didn't have the right solutions.
Daily reminder that based North Korea is the last remaining ethno-state.
We're back, bitches.
The time is soon friend.
Absolutely. Much love to the Norks and Best Korea. They are a model that should also be followed after the race war, the conquest of America, and eventually conquest of the West.
>kike accusing others of being kikes. Not surprising.
Agreed to an extent. The only difference is that I would replace their completely planned ethno-socialism with more of an ethno-market socialism. Other than that, yup, they're /ourguys/.
No man. North Korea are allies to the White Ethnostate. Their entire policies are ethnostatist just like what we here on Sup Forums advocate for and there is no (((Rothschild))) bank. Why do you think Jewmerica is at war with them right now?
There's always ONE faggot who says this, doesn't post anything else and leaves the thread.
God fucking damn really gets my noggin a joggin.
I want to exterminate every single jew. I am not a kike. I'm a National Socialist.
Every jew dies. You are already dead.
Who else is voting for based /ourgal/ Tulsi?
When are you going to exterminate yourself Shlomo?
Right here. Although, she's part of our plans where we can use her as a kill pawn for our staged coup by 2021. We don't necessarily support her per se, we just want to make the White Nationalist Revolution all the more easier for ourselves. I'm sure Rich also has this in mind. Maybe it's >muh 4D Chess?
What? Why do subhumans shill Spencer threads all the time.
Why would a kike want to exterminate kikes?
>can't even greentext
>stage coup
Don't laugh too hard, Shlomo. You know that we will be able to find you sooner as opposed to later? Start packing your bags to Israel before it's too late.
>Niggers and Kikes Are Scared Edition
Nobody is scared of a chubby socialist LARPing a white nationalist, tho.
Stop being Zionists.
Careful, there's a Jew hiding under your bed! WATCH OUT
all that protesting and you'll still end up with brown grand kids
There's a video of Spencer benching 800 or something like that from 2009, but I can't find it. Either way, I'd be scared if I got into his or his compatriots faces because they'd strangle your nu-male Slav ass on one little grab.
Bump. Also join the /fsg/.
/rsg/ and /fsg/ mastergenerals
>t. subhuman who hate Spencer threads because he advocates white identity.
Kill yourself kike.
>bench 800
>get knocked out by a literal shit-eating, submissive cuckold
Niggers are afraid, I feel it. Don't even get me started on kikes.
>There's a video of Spencer benching 800 or something
Is that why he got such big ol tiddies?
Why even reply? Anyone critical of spencer on here never talks about his ideas, just more kikes shilling like usual.
SeeBut it's OK, you're a paid Cadre shill here to make shekels and distract Sup Forums and Sup Forums from realizing where it belongs.
>The highly diverse law enforcement and military will stick with me in this pipe dream of mine.
You'll be crushed once and for all. Hell, you lot don't even have a dead man's hand for after your "lights" (of course only darkness follows you) ave been put out
>his ideas
>single-payer healthcare
>anti school choice
>supports Tulsi Gabbard
>agrees with Marx on most issues
Nice Alt-"right" you have there, commie faggots.
Not if we apply an armed militia behind preserved history. You know the Second Amendment exists, right, kike? Everyone will be thanking us then.
800?! You realize 405 puts you in an elite class unless youre a hamplanet.
richard spencer is cringe 100x, how much estrogen do you have to grow tits ? low T
Yeah, he's definitely principally known for those ideas, isn't he
Out of all white victors they chose to associate with Confederates who lost the war and NAZIs who also lost a freaking world war.
that explains the bitch tits.. he was doing roids but too stupid to take an estrogen blocker or get the gland removed.
They're afraid because it's not just Spencer they're dealing with. They're dealing with potentially hundreds and thousands of fit white nationalists with guns. This is the perfect opportunity to surrender. With a little help, it could reach a million for those on the appeasement train.
Personally, i can't wait for that day. Seeing you fags in your tacticool costumes getting gunned down on the evening news will be great.
why do people think that richard spencer is some badass? he got punched by an old man and ran away, did we forget that after he went to walmart and bought some tiki torches?
Haha, what a faggot. Also is he lactating?
As long as he's for creating a white state I could really care less what system of government he wants.
14 comes before 88 for a reason.
wtf i hate ethno-nationalism nao
Everyone bring whom, exactly, you delusional child?
Sweden was almost 100% white before implementing those ideas, now they're a third-world shithole. Those ideas lead to weakness, apathy and degeneration, both cultural and racial.
Spencer is fucking retarded and so are the inbreds supporting him.
Read: and realize while everyone on both left and right thinks of you as drooling, useless subhumans.
what about a white islamic state?
wtf I love Globalism nao
Like I give a fuck what some serb near-shitskin says on Sup Forums dude.
White Sharia is a good idea desu. We have to do something about these whores.
(((Why))) indeed. Guess we'll never know.
Dey got dem dere tiki torches frum the Wal-Mart!
And more will come to fight off the Neoliberal police state. Just all in our plans.
Sup Forums as a whole. Other Reddit and manchild tier boards don't count.
>why do people think that richard spencer is some badass?
Because the communists supporting him think Spencer will cut the gibs from niggers and give them only to white people.
Well I'm looking forward to the far left reaction to this.
Do you think they'll retaliate, I have a feeling things will escalate. Talk to me Americans
Zoom in on the picture. Those are fucking tiki torches LEL. Did you clear the shelves at Walmart to do your little camp-out? Holy shit could you guys make yourselves any more of a joke even if you tried?
Nobody cares what you say even in the US, faggot.
You're probably a Based Black Guy behind this post. Do you know how to read? It's not a surprise Drumpfcucks are all illiterate and now only niggers, kikes, and severely autistic Redditors are the ones supporting him now.
Pretty sure there's already been brawling at this event
Accelerationism is the future user
you're a moron if you think everyone on the right adheres to this moron, that's why there are literally 50 people standing out there with walmart tiki torches, most american's you know like america and want it like it was in the 50s etc, not a white neo nazi state.
The torches weren't cool enough
Cancel white nationalism
>tiki torches from walmart
I don't see anything wrong with that though. Maybe you have to go back?
Who knows man. It's still interesting what's going on with the Daily Stormer and the jews who tried to jew Spencer's mom. This country is such a mess there's hardly a day goes by that antifa and the commies aren't causing trouble somewhere.
>It's not a surprise Drumpfcucks are all illiterate and now only niggers, kikes, and severely autistic Redditors are the ones supporting him now.
Meanwhile, literally nobody supports Little Dickie (((Spencerberg))).
>I can't address his actual point
>Better ad hominem him instead
this is why im winning.
>stage a coup
>openly advocating insurrection and sedition
That's levels of larp'ing that shouldn't be possible
If you were paying attention youd know the entire pseudo nationalist movement is just a desperate last ditch attempt at pure globalism