Equality parade in Poland

Equality parade in Poland

It took place today in Cracow (unfortunately it is (still) legal).
And, as usual, our nationalists came to protest against this degeneracy.

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>faggoting forbiden


this time they decided to wear hospital suits



Holy shit, an open display of a rainbow, white supremancist symbol, in Poland? Take note other countries, never vote for nationalists.


>muh degenerate

Why should you care about gays?

because they want to adopt kids, and that's where the line has to be drawn

Keep up the good fight, slavbros.
Hitler was wrong about you.

I'm okay if they are lesbians

What the hell is with big cities and degeneracy? It's always the big cities where this shit is accepted, and widespread, wy?

There is no such thing as a lesbian, just a female that wants to act manly and dominate the other female. The only real homosexuals are gays/faggots, and they are disgusting.

How do those kids from homes without father do? Like, you know, it's one of the best predictors of the anti-social behaviour?

Thank westfags for funding this shit

>put your dick back in your pants because i gave mine to my fat old lady


Played by charlie sheen. We all know no clam diggers wear condoms or have foreskins. Invented zika and 9 forms of cancer and original sin and grab ems and called sodomy homosexuality and also super gonorrhea. And also HIV in a lab because you're fucked

The following potion does not work on pussystank. Sorry charlie you lose. Enjoy. Aaand. Gone

It's because they have lots of other scum around to validate their insanity. You get the same thing online with furries, etc. Lots of people = lots of freaks.

What about all the single moms...I prefer a lesbian couple than nothing. These kids need love, stay in a orphanage (children prison) is worst.

>The only real homosexuals are gays/faggots, and they are disgusting

This is not a choice my son.

>just a female that wants to act manly and dominate the other female

Oh boy...

Keep the good fight going Poland show those fags they are not welcomed.

my fucking sides

The best family model is father + mother, and thats pretty much "settled science (R)". And yes, children of single mothers are way too often mentally damaged to just shrug it off. The thing is you can't really stop single woman, lesbian couple from having a kid. I agree than any familiy is of a order of magnitude better than no family, but full hetero parents should be given priority for adoptions. Lack of father authority figure is a terrible thing for psyche

>I agree than any familiy is of a order of magnitude better than no family, but full hetero parents should be given priority for adoptions

But that's the problem, most of then don't adopt kids.

Also nobody teach you to be straight, think about that. Poland is a very religious country, I'm not surprised about all this mess

Poland is such a backward-ass country. The world would honestly be better off without you all.

You're white niggers.

nice knowing you, poland, see you in hell with us.

uncucked > cucked

I'd need to see stats on adoption, with the infertility epidemic plaguing wester world, i'd expect more and more pairs who cant concieve their own offspring to choose the sdoption option.

It's not about being taught to be hetero, it's about mental issues and anti-social behoviour which is statistically much more prevalent in kids raised by single parents. Think about that, how are you supposed to know how to be a man, if there's no man close to you that you can copy while you're developing?


Less faggotry, more of this.

> Poland is such a backward-ass country.

Better that than being a godless, weak and feminized shithole that worships cum and aids.

You very correct. And then when these damaged people raise children, it often results in a repeating cycle.

Meanwhile the Jewish media, instead of presenting good role models to try to improve the situation, offers destructive role models instead.

i sympathize with you, man, but that is simply not going to happen here

>EU welfare state acting all high and mighty for being bigots

All symbolism aside, this pic has just such a great aestethics..

Any more shots of the protestors? You guys make me so proud to have Polish blood honestly

isn't texas supposed to be based?

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord;


Too bad they took it down eventually, no more homo rainbow burning day.

Even fucking Poland is cucked, there really is no hope for the white race..

we'll see about that in 10-20 years, i'm betting the future will vindicate us



It's so good there that you need to flee to other countries to make a living. You're white niggers/mexicans.


what about kobierzyn?

don't you worry about poland, lol, better sort yourself out

>want to leave niggerville and move to Poland
>tfw just a truckdriver
>tfw Polish are moving here to take our driving jobs so there's no way they'd take me over there

Just gonna leave this here

There's a hospital for mentally ill

Gee, someone really put a lot of work into it. That's a good thing tho. The more people percieve us as racist, the lesser probability of unwanted immigrants coming here

You could make decent bux by being native speaker for english teaching schools. You better come here with your own gf already tho,


Would I be accepted in Poland? I'm white (really, no WE WUZ shit) and Catholic planing to have at least 5 children.

written by an atheist syrian refugee who is

You need to be university educated and have a job lined up with a company that will stand behind you to get a working visa in the US.

A Polish person cannot simply go there and drive a truck.

>however i've got to be fair and say that I'm not generalizing and not all Poles are racists, only about 80% of them are

You're a fucking leaf, though

They're an insidious force and a getaway to destruction of traditional family values. These degenerates undermine and sexualise society. Just go redpill yourself.


fuck faggots, pretty much all of them are liberal shills

fucking bigots dont even give hormone treatments to 4 year olds, i mean come on it's 2017

>puerto rico not a welfare state
worse state than california

my parents are polish and I'm polish through that law that makes anyone born by poles poles, and this is the shit that makes me proud, really makes me want to come home

>A Polish person cannot simply go there and drive a truck.

I'm not going to pretend to know how it works but I'm not lying dude. There's this sharp curve in the road I take everyday and you gotta hit it at 40mph but these Poles do it at 60mph or more and I've seen 4 wrecks in the past 3 years and all of them are Polish or maybe Ukrainian. Then I talk to other drivers about the state and they all talk about how these eastern Euros are coming in and getting hired on.

It's like yeah, you can't hire illegal mexicans, but then how do we have 30,000,000 illegals here?

True, we're miserable as fuck, I wish we didn't exist as a separate group. But hey, at least we have the pleasure of fucking up your countries and leeching off of you, and that's what makes me feel better.

>biological contamination

>The more people percieve us as racist, the lesser probability of unwanted immigrants coming here
This so much

Treating people unfairly/poorly solely because of who they choose to fug is petty, not based.

Can't be a welfare state if you're not a state :^)


Poland really knows how to make someone angry. 10/10

I'm a "don't ask don't tell" kind of guy. Demanding adpotion right and open degeneracy is what makes me against them

Most gays aren't like that, though. It's these Soros/EU funded faggots and their librul friends who push this shit

Soooo if you're a white Brit that is also catholic you're in? Brilliant lads see you there!

All gays should be thrown in the bog. You know that most child molesters are faggots right?

Then those gays should join the fight against the faggots. Nobody will even know that you're gay.

>All whites should be thrown in the bog. You know that most child molesters are whites right?

Most people in America are white.

>All gays should be thrown in the bog
Nah, I'm Catholic. Only protestants should be offed

A lot of gay people hate faggots

>Most people in America are white.
Not for long

i know, but they are extremly visible, you have to admit that. There's also a issue of heightened promiscuity that leads to sky high (comparatively) AIDS rates

it amuses me when clueless westerners look at us through the prism of their cuckoldry and degeneracy and think that we're going the same path as them

you fucking wish lol

you're like an HIV patient guy who knowingly spreads the disease to other people to make them feel what he feels. you're going to hell and you want to take as many people as possible down with you

the fact is, poland -- probably along with some other countries in the region -- is pretty much immune to globalism, and you'd knew that if you knew enough about us and how we think. there are historical, geopolitical, and cultural reasons for this. what's happening in germany / sweden / france would be simply unimaginable in poland

On the contrary being gay is a choice

>it amuses me when clueless westerners look at us through the prism of their cuckoldry and degeneracy and think that we're going the same path as them

Who says that? You're just making shit up to argue against desu.

Fucking degenerates we need to stop this

I love you Poland, never change.


>poland...is pretty much immune to globalism
Leave the EU, if you're so great.

Why do the Polish ignore hundreds of Jews coming together to stage how they might take Poland for themselves?


>replying to obvious bait


then choose to fuck a guy, but probably won't be able to because you won't even get hard, so much for it being a choice


I've heard of that, and most Poles wouldn't be suprised of such news. Our goverment lately passed a law, that makes it very hard to buy land in Poland as a foreginer. In fact, only farmers can do it easily, even non-farmer Poles have to obtin special permits

being a member of the eu is advantageous to us in our present circumstances. we're only doing what's best for us

also, i think the eu is a fundamentally institution that will collapse sooner or later, so i don't mind us milking it for the time being (if we didn't take the funds, they'd give the money to nignogs anyway)

my hope personally is that the countries in our region who share (v4 and friends), who share similar interests and dangers, will band together and form a smaller union, just strong enough to not be swallowed by russia

>I've heard of that
Watch it in it's entirety. It's not a joke.

>nah we're just gonna take the EU gibs and tell em to fuck off when they expect us to hold up our end of the deal
Literally white niggers.

I love the Protectors of the Holy Church! Poland, you guys are based. Thank God in Heaven that you maintain your Christian hearts for your country!.

All should commend Poland as Free Christian men!

I'd fight shoulder to shoulder with a Pole against Islam or fags any day!

Das rite

Also pay us the shekels you owe.

I'll save it for later, thanks

>pay the money you owe to Wall St. jews
Nah :^)