Which union would dominate the continent ?

Which union would dominate the continent ?
In my opinion it would clearly be the orange one
No one could beat the allied Central Germanic countries

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How would it be any different than the other two times?

The United States of America

based on op's bullshit ideas those alliances look great.

well actually they would win this time because it would be racist to shoot the muslim armies.

Implying the "red alliance" couldn't just block your trade routes through the atlantic and fuck your shit up.

>le Germany never won a world war maymay am I rite guys xDD
Kys pathetic nigger cucks

Well I don't know, are Northern Africans and Pakis good swimmers on the average ?

tfw being invaded rn without even being in a war.

You tell me Ahmed.

Not really. The Dutch are the ones who can really fuck someone up if they embargo them

The Fingolian Empire will dominate Evropa

t. Moor
Even you dark blues have a better naval history than the red ''alliance''

The Germans lost the two actual wars they participated in. Krauts are like teenage boys, you all think you're Top shit but you're too dumb to realise that you're trash.

Wallonia isn't Germanic, mate.

>he thinks anything could fight deal with the red alliance.
It isn't even a question of my nation being in it
>2 of the world's 10 most powerful armies
>American is always going to side with Britain
>2 of the three countries there that have nukes
>some of the world's biggest economies
>best navies
>can block trade routes

the central germanics have a chance by beating every alliance piecemeal. red is schizophrenic. blue is economic hell. pink will turn into some danish-norwegian colonization of sweden and will be busy exterminating new swedes for a while. purple is hopelessly lost. light blue is yugoslav wars: revenge of the serb.

Why are you mean

Germans almost best the entire world. Meanwhile your criminal ancestors fucked emus and abos. I know who I'd rather side with.

Have fun producing anything of worth when germans are replaced by turks, niggers and syrians. To be honest there will be little need for an embargo. My bad.

Bongs would fucking smash you like a cockroach, they still have real soldiers instead of flags and trannies.

>when germans are replaced by turks, niggers and syrians
Sorry my friend, we will not make the same mistake just as your nation
Now kys, disgusting rapebaby

Well, assuming they are all going at once, blue is too spread out to do anything, and they're all poor, light blue is big but again, poor, they'd likely simply invade Greece and thenget invaded by purple. Brown is very stronk, but against all of purple and pink, they'd run out of steam quickly. Purple would be dominated by brown, pink would be a good contender, but would have trouble with brown. So now we move onto orange, red, and pink. Pink would put up a good fight, but the thing is, with fighting off brown, they wouldn't be a priority because they would constantly be on the defensive. So red and orange would duke it out, and frankly, France and Britain are more economically powerful (Portugal helps too, but they'd be fighting back blue) than Germany and the other countries. Especially in Germany's current state. So realistically, it'd come down to a fight between red, pink, and brown, brown would take over pink, and then we'd have a Cold-War like division.


Reality says otherwise. Germany will be gone and there's nothing you can do about it. Mama Merkel wants it gone and you cucks won't do anything about it. Have fun being a dellusional autist on Sup Forums.


What did Germancucks mean by this?
>your house is gonna be confiscated to house Jamal and Achmed
First your house, next your wife!

We (orange) would dominate the red one my friend, we would beat them on an economical level
Hell, even an industrialised dark blue alliance could hurt the red one really well

.t Autismus Maximus

The grey one

Almost... Still not a win, leaf.
The Germans lost twice, and they're currently losing their entire heritage and nationalism to a bunch of Muslims.

If you're not from the same celtic group as our brothers in galicia fuck off nigger


not even a question

Don't delude yourself, we're a joke militarily.

Nice reasoning lad
>looks at flag
Colour me surprised

It has already happened... They lost the first time... Though to an extent you are right because of the EU (vomits) that exist today, which is primarily is controlled be Herr Merkel, leader of Germany. (By the way, my condolences for the mess of a government you have.)

pick one

saudi arabia, qatar, dubai

I know you think Germany is great and Anglos are cunts but look at red
>Biggest economies (together crush Germany)
>Biggest military ( Germany got that 2%?)
>Other orange members have nothing to add basically just Germany

Das it mane

this is better

>endless supply of oil
>industrial economy
sure thing buddy

I think it would be the blue one to be desu.

>UK and France together
>the two strongest militaries in Europe
>not the clear winner

Are you delusional?

DonĀ“t be sad, you are our brother's.

think European folks in a mutually beneficial, symbiotic, relationship and covered by the protective umbrella of Mother Russia. Then wondrous things will happen.

>Orange in war with red.
>Brown in war with purple
>Light blue in war with itself
>Dark blue too lazy to dominate
>Pink too autistic and faggy

Green forms a strong state with Austria being the brain and Western Slavs the body.

Forgot to delete name, not actually saging.

Krauts still think they haven't lost a single world war kek

He's another anglophile who believes that England cares about Portugal for anything other than mowing the lawn with its teeth. They're the worst embarrassment in all of Iberia.

This is the fucking whole problem with germans, all you fucking think about is dominating other countries. Calm the fuck down, live in peace with your fucking neighbours, wht the fuck is wrong with you??

Austria is not even in green you autistic, germ loving amerishart.

Muh german ubersmench

Battle of Britain don't real
Battle of Stalingrad don't real
Battle of kursk don't real
B-day don't real
Operation Bagration don't real
Battle of Berlin don't real

When exactly was Germany nearly winning the war?

I really can't see how Russia wouldn't win. Assuming of course Burgerland doesn't interfere and that the US funded NATO military bases surrounding Russia are rendered useless.

>This is the fucking whole problem with germans, all you fucking think about is dominating other countries. Calm the fuck down, live in peace with your fucking neighbours, wht the fuck is wrong with you??

When they steamrolled the Poles and went through the Maginot Line. It was downhill from there are

Yeah they did pretty well early war, I was just responding to the idea that they were besting the entire world at any point in the war.

>They're the worst embarrassment in all of Iberia.
second only to sp*in

Germanic Alliance automatic victors.
Think about it.
>possess a greater numerical number of pure Aryans (Scandinavian Alliance advantage negated)
>pink can not muster the numbers nor the will to fight against orange
>red will be divided between cultural differences and wont be able to orange alone (not enough money or raw manpower despite France's nigger army)
>blue is obviously a subhuman non-threat
>purple Baltic state can't even overcome themselves (my prediction is they will try and go to Finland and Finland will join Pink under Sweden and then purple and pink will fight
>green doesn't possess the technology to overcome orange, not to mention the main staging area for purple to go after pink will be right in the center of Poland, also Brown would be retarded to not steam roll purple and green while purple fights pink and green fights to keep her sovereignty
>teal would each other alive and grey will try and take them out seeing them as easy targets, brown might also try pan-slavism again and try to bring teal, green, and purple to heel, but the time this happens orange will have taken over the blue and red to the point where they can all unite against encroaching brown empire
>pink will join with orange on heritage lines, same for red (red will be more easily annexed)
>orange is also able to stage naval incursions directly into brown heartlands as well as pink while at the same time having little coastal space so that other naval powers (red, pink, brown, blue, etc can not attack by sea, also it would take a diplomatic juggernaut to unite everyone against orange, the other nations are like borders)

>What is the Minsk Kessel
>What is the Smolensk Kessel
>What is the Kiev Kessel
>What is the battle of Dubno
>What is Case Blue
>What is the third battle of Kharkov

They did inflict four million irrecoverable losses on the Red Army for one million losses of their own. That said they could of only won if the Soviet Union collapsed as a result of such massive early losses.


Your military would be inferior to pooland's. Britain and France would dominate due to having the largest economy, largest population, largest military, best equipped military, and the most nuclear weapons in Europe.

Seriously with the exception of Britain and France it is hilarious how shitty Europe's militaries are.



+during Operation Barbarossa

He's right you know.
Countries that have lost one world war

Countries that have lost both world wars

Your country hasn't won a war against white people since the Franco-Prussian War.

>world war 1
>world war 2

we win every time you half human fuck

Okraine is love


you're in for a world of hurt pal

>Germans almost best the entire world.
They really didn't. If you ever bothered to read a book you would understand that there is a plethora of reasons Germany couldn't have hoped to win even if they did everything right. Also the "they fought so many countries" argument is retarded. If someone tried to fight five people at once and got their teeth kicked in, their nose broken, and their skull smashed would you consider them a good fighter?

We no longer have an empire.

Sup Forums is the only place Germans can pretend to be liked because over half a century ago they had a mentally ill degenerate as their leader who brought their ancestors to the point where their very survival was a matter of the benevolence of our ancestors. And he had a pretty based ideology backing him.

Krauts are literal trash and need your permission to do so much as declare war.

Orange will roll over France and then win the war against red. We are stronger than the rest but only if G*rmany doesn't decide to attack the russians again after winning.

>implying we wouldn't unite and roll over you and rape you

>Orange will roll over France
With what army?
>French army is almost twice the size as German army
>British army is about 30% larger than the German army
>Britain and France have access to nukes
>Britain and France have a clear naval superiority
>Britain and France have a clear air dominance

Too bad germany is ran by angela "suck off ahmed" merkel

That is pretty recent you Afro-American

Daily reminder to all NatCucks:

>God Tier
The United States of America
Democracy/Capitalism/Civic Nationalism
241 Years (...and still going strong)

>Meh Tier
The Soviet Union
Communism/State Capitalism/Civic Nationalism
1922 - 1991
69 Years (Had a good run but failed in the end)

>Shit Tier
Nazi Germany
National Socialism/ Ethnic-Nationalism
1933 - 1945
12 Fucking Years (Absolutely pathetic)

If we keep everything equal and we're talking about the strength of the people and their military ability: either one of the blues.

If war was to break out right here and now:
Turks and shitskins would kill every 'white' before they could even build a strategy, purple and orange are full of cucked weaklings, so it would come down to Green or one of the blues again.

>We never lost a war you niggers
>Is being invaded by niggers rn and not even noticing

Germany is the worst empire ever

Nazis > Commies

Jews are Negroids.

>Nazis > Commies
Nope, try again. Democracy/Capitalism > Communism > National Socialism.

>Jews are Negroids.
...and the national socialist still managed to lose to them. Really activates my almonds.

>German Empire isn't on the list
Blood and Iron, faggot.

>47 years.
>Lost the first World War.
Still not impressive.

capitalism is the diametric opposite of communism
>not realizing that communism cant and wont ever work in the state that it was designed to work because of the nature of humans
communism is about the worst system in practice but best on paper that anyone can come up with


what is Prussia?

>capitalism is the diametric opposite of communism
No shit.

>not realizing that communism cant and wont ever work in the state that it was designed to work because of the nature of humans
Which is why a specified in my original post that it was State Capitalism and yes State Capitalism worked a hell of a lot better than National Socialism did.

>communism is about the worst system in practice but best on paper that anyone can come up with
Tell that to all of the dead Nazis.

If you're going to make that argument then the argument that actual communism has never been tried becomes legitimate.

Only one?

>NatSoc is bad because they lost
Try harder

>All Balkans
>In one country

But seriously, V4 block (green) would probably win if they could ally with light blue or purple.

Orange is far too cucked to produce actual combat troops, France will be too busy fighting the mohammedans already in the country, blue is a joke, and pink is an unfunny joke.

Rate my map

which trade bloc will dominate the planet in 15 years

>NatSoc is bad because they lost
The primary purpose of the state is to protect it's people and remain sovereign which Nazi Germany wasn't capable of doing either.
>Put National Socialism into practice.
>Get rekt.
>It was a huge success.
I didn't know the Allied powers were all Canadian and "if they killed all of their enemies, their enemies would win."

Are sides teaming our is it everyone for themselves?

It's between red and brown. They have the nukes.

jesus reddit are you really this retarded?
your ideology effectiveness meter is determined if they won wars or not?

They did exceptionally well considered they were fighting 3 major world superpowers and not to mention Hitler's economic miracle

>Winning a war 150 years ago is recent
For reference 150 years ago most of Africa was still uncolonized by Europeans, the Indian wars were still going on in America, and serfs in Russia were only freed a decade ago.

I love Jayden

the sides with boxes around them are allied/overlapping