Should we just let the union collapse and see new countries emerge?
Is America worth saving?
get a fucking job and get off your computer
Let it burn
Stop being an edgy faggot and come up with an argument
>Implying you can't make good money working from home on the computer
>going to work to feed the Jew system
Good goy
We can save it, but it is going to be a very different country to say the least. Racially and religiously speaking I envision a future America where people are mixed race and almost entirely atheist or into New Age hippie religions.
Culturally, I think we will retain some things. Gun rights will probably always stay strong here, and I hope we can keep free speech.
The Midwest will emerge as a white ethnostate
balkanization is the way to go.
Can't wait to burn Ohio to the ground in the resulting wars
as long as detroit burns too
Why Ohio is fine except for Columbus and Cleveland. Half of my family lives there in places where there's almost zero nogs or spics.
Midwest is pretty cucked to turn into an ethnostate. There really aren't any racists who live out there.
It's Sunday on a holiday.
SHILL BETTER, you dumbass
>Midwest and New England combine into a white ethnostate
Sure why not.
Fuck no. Illinoisfag here, we're the most cucked degnerate wasteland in existence. Nigger rap, white people saying nigga constantly, dressing in OBEY hats, saggy shorts, and swaggy faggot clothes.
Not one person has any decent taste, intellect, reason, and everybody's bluepilled beyond belief.
The Midwest is one of the last bastions left for white america except for the urban zones.
I live in Indiana and there is no difference between Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois outside of certain large cities from a cultural standpoint. I've never been to Michigan but I'm sure the same can be said for your state, too. The Midwest is meh and boring.
I will contest that living in the country is god tier.
>letting Jew England join us
We need to balkanize into ethnostates.
White ethnostate will have the good parts of the constitution, 1st, 2nd, 4th.
With no women allowed to vote.
Strict immigration with DNA test.
Excellent military.
Walls on all sides.
No Jewish people allowed, genetically speaking, or any other non whites, asians included.
>most cycled state
Have you ever been to California? I have an uncle in Illinois who's a farmer and he's a pretty racist guy. If we redpill all of the suburban and rural whites we could make it happen.
It's my belief that some people are capable of being redpilled, others are not. One has to possess a certain open-mindedness coupled with some intelligence, and the desire for truth.
Sounds good even though I'm pretty sure that DNA tests are Jewish scams.
The test could become pozzed. But the test should be able to be replicated by a white person in an independent laboratory. Genetics is a science...
23 and me needs some competition