Do you have friends? Do you have friends that agree with your politics? Do you refrain from discussing politics because you mayblose your friend(s), and have you lost any by discussing politics?
Do you feel that, with the pervalence of technology and the increasingly hostile political environnment that more people are losing their friends, becoming lonely, and instead relying on technology for their inter-human communication?
How do you make friends when you live in a liberal town, city, or nation?
How do you get a girlfriend if you have no friends, do you ever admit such a thing to her?
Friendless Society?
Yeah this is a tough one.
Many people don't want to admit how much the internet and modern politics has changed them.
I have a few friend who have the same power level as I do but overall the net just alienates me from society and makes everything meaningless.
Friends will only hold you back from becoming the redpilled white nationalist you need to be.
Right? Everything is artificial now.. everyone walks around with either headphones on or staring down at their phone
>Do you have friends?
>Do you have friends that agree with your politics?
No, but I'm redpilling them slowly.
>Do you refrain from discussing politics because you mayblose your friend(s), and have you lost any by discussing politics?
No, because we're friends. We could care less about political opinions.
>Do you feel that, with the pervalence of technology and the increasingly hostile political environnment that more people are losing their friends, becoming lonely, and instead relying on technology for their inter-human communication?
>How do you make friends when you live in a liberal town, city, or nation?
I make friends based on common interests and simialr tastes.
>How do you get a girlfriend if you have no friends, do you ever admit such a thing to her?
I do, if she leaves. Than that makes her a weak willed individual.
>Do you have friends? Do you have friends that agree with your politics? Do you refrain from discussing politics because you mayblose your friend(s), and have you lost any by discussing politics?
>Do you feel that, with the pervalence of technology and the increasingly hostile political environnment that more people are losing their friends, becoming lonely, and instead relying on technology for their inter-human communication?
>How do you make friends when you live in a liberal town, city, or nation?
>How do you get a girlfriend if you have no friends, do you ever admit such a thing to her?
stop being a kike posting titty porn you dumb faggot
What if the lack of friends keeps you from procreating as a redpilled white nationalist should be doing?
Stop being a queer admitting you don't enjoy seeing those tits Shylock
It is harder to make friends as you get older, despite what people on here will tell you. I am 30 and find it incredibly difficult to make meaningful connections with new people. Most friends are only friends given certain situations.
>The people I talk to at the gym
>People I live with.
I talk to each one of them but rarely is it outside of a certain set of social parameters. I don't remember the last time any of them wanted to hang out outside of those situations either. As you get older people become more insular, as they have to spend time with their wife, kids, family, etc. If you don't have those things you find yourself become more isolated.
Younger people also are the worst to try to socialize with as you have to compete with their phones.
t. lonely guy
Im always worried about redpilling people because I might fail or give too much info too fast and they turn against me thinking im like a terrible person
>Stop being a queer admitting you don't enjoy seeing those tits Shylock
you think i would be attracted to whores who have had breast surgery?
there is no way you can transform your filthy disgusting jewporn into a political debate you stupid kike cunt
>Im always worried about redpilling people because I might fail or give too much info too fast and they turn against me thinking im like a terrible person
because you are you dirty jew imposter
VR will create the friendless society and finish off the West
Right? I agree. And younger people who have friends only do so because they do drugs and get drunk together and when that stops they stop being friends.. at least such is the case here in the U.S.
>Right? I agree. And younger people who have friends only do so because they do drugs and get drunk together and when that stops they stop being friends.. at least such is the case here in the U.S.
>stop being a kike posting titty porn you dumb faggot
>I hate 3d white womens!
Board is full of naked black and asian and traps.
Go fuck yourself
Im surprised your Pakistani masters allowed you to use the internet today
Did you finish making your "welcome refugees poster?"
Also I'm jewish because I enjoy tits? If youre not attracted to that, then youre 100% a queer there is no other option
I don't know if it was always this way. The older guys I work with all seem to have a really broad social circle. I think a lot of it is due to the fact that they went through the prime years of their lives without cell phones, internet, and the like. That would have forced them to meet people in person, and to be more social.
I basically work, go to the gym, cook myself dinner, read for a bit, and by the time that is over its time for bed again. My social life, and skills, are basically non existent at this point.
He's from the UK forgive him it must've been years since he's seen a white blonde woman over there
>Board is full of naked black and asian and traps.
because you post them, shlomo
>Go fuck yourself
i should "go fuck myself"?
>Im surprised your Pakistani masters allowed you to use the internet today
>Did you finish making your "welcome refugees poster?"
>Also I'm jewish because I enjoy tits? If youre not attracted to that, then youre 100% a queer there is no other option
>He's from the UK forgive him it must've been years since he's seen a white blonde woman over there
Could be, although just having a good social circle doesn't necessarily mean they're happier.
There's this app called "meetup" where you put your interests in like hiking, movies, yoga, etc. and it gives you events related to em
Dunno if it is available in the UK but there should be a similar one.. probably a lot of such similar services that offer relief for this dilemma
>Do you have friends?
>Do you have friends that agree with your politics?
>Do you refrain from discussing politics because you mayblose your friend(s), and have you lost any by discussing politics?
>Do you feel that, with the pervalence of technology and the increasingly hostile political environnment that more people are losing their friends, becoming lonely, and instead relying on technology for their inter-human communication?
>How do you make friends when you live in a liberal town, city, or nation?
>How do you get a girlfriend if you have no friends, do you ever admit such a thing to her?
im a stay at home neet husband. I travel with my wife who is an ultrasonographer. i 'lost' most of my friends in college due to going to different schools. i made friends in college, but stopped seeing them as everyone continued their degree and starting a career. i have endless free-time to do anything but christ im so lonely.
growing up a big hobby of mine was gaming; but i realized in college i only play games for friendship. now it doesnt satiate the feeling like it used to
Im married, wife is red pilled
I have very few friends because I cant stand most people.
Dont you think Tinder is a terrible (((application))) that further degenerates Western women? I refuse to use it
I lost friends over brexit. Wall of text on facebook the day after the referendum with them all saying revote, all i did was point out that they said no revote in the weeks prior as we all thought remain would win.
I'm familiar with that app, as they have a website for it as well. Unfortunately I live in a small village and there's really not any events around here. See the problem is also that lets say I do meet up for a hiking group, they'll end up falling into that same scenario. They'll be my "hiking" buddies, similar to my gym ones.
I'm looking for people I can have meaningful conversations with, and enjoy myself. Also being right wing in Ireland/Europe makes you a social pariah if you're open about it. People regularly rip on Trump at work and I have to bite my tongue on it.
>Could be, although just having a good social circle doesn't necessarily mean they're happier.
>There's this app called "meetup" where you put your interests in like hiking, movies, yoga, etc. and it gives you events related to em
>Dunno if it is available in the UK but there should be a similar one.. probably a lot of such similar services that offer relief for this dilemma
is that your app for meeting whores you filthy deranged fucking kike?
I could understand I mean if you didn't vote Brexit you hated the thought of British exceptionalism and would rather be ruled by some (((unelected politicians))) over in Brussels
That and Obama didn't like it
Im 100% convinced you're a Jewish troll making the alt right look like idiots now
>im a stay at home neet husband. I travel with my wife who is an ultrasonographer. i 'lost' most of my friends in college due to going to different schools. i made friends in college, but stopped seeing them as everyone continued their degree and starting a career. i have endless free-time to do anything but christ im so lonely.
>growing up a big hobby of mine was gaming; but i realized in college i only play games for friendship. now it doesnt satiate the feeling like it used to
>I could understand I mean if you didn't vote Brexit you hated the thought of British exceptionalism and would rather be ruled by some (((unelected politicians))) over in Brussels
>That and Obama didn't like it
you're an incompetent kike
He's probably 19 and doesn't even remember what normal interaction with the opposite sex was like.
cunt click ids and give me a real reply. youre just operating off of colour while you troll
Most of my friends are Chad's who don't give a fuck about world issues/feminism/'redpilling'
They are loyal as fuck and fun to hang around, though. I don't need all of my friends to be political.
>Im 100% convinced you're a Jewish troll making the alt right look like idiots now
lay out your reasons why you are
>100% convinced
you are
>100% convinced
that i am
>a Jewish troll
so delineate them you filthy jew scoundrel
Ask em if they wanna go to a pub or restaurant with you? Ask like two at a time so it doesn't seem too personal or weird. Or perhaps find a woman first and try to double date? Ive been trying this out with success recently but alas, everyone here is a dirty liberal too and theyre utterly intolerable
>cunt click ids and give me a real reply. youre just operating off of colour while you troll
tell me why i am a troll
I heard it's rough over there in Canada for white people
Is Trudeau messing things up?
If you think that the current state of society is "friendless" or that "people are losing their minds", just wait 20 more years.
And by the way, being friendless is not a negative thing. You've been accidentally brainwashed by the accidental psyops that Hollywood has became, making you believe that having a wide social circle is the ultimate goal in modern life due to every single movie promoting it. When you pause for a second and actually think about it, it's really not a negative thing - it's even a positive thing. Isolating yourself from bullshit dramas and having absolute focus over your own stuff rather than others' is very efficient and beneficial for you. Notice how all the successful people tend to be weird asocial people who're usually the stereotypical nerd who didn't have any friends in school.
in this reply you clicked thinking it was the same id as
That's a really good point, I know exactly what you mean and wholly agree
But women are highly social, and dont you think theyd be turned off by the prospect of a man without friends? Or am I exaggerating and/or meeting with total sluts
yeah bro but i want at least 1 fucking friend
you're all kikes
what's wrong with you
you stick out like a sore thumb
w don't have filthy titty porn on Sup Forums
>Do you have friends?
Yes, but I only see two of them regularly. The rest are all married and have kids.
>Do you have friends that agree with your politics?
For the most part, yeah, but I'm relatively liberal compared to your typical Sup Forumstard, so that's not surprising.
>Do you refrain from discussing politics because you mayblose your friend(s)
No, but that's not difficult since I only hang out with the same two guys every week. When I meet up with my other old friends once in a blue moon, politics never comes up, and if it does, I just don't say anything. I just find discussing politics to be incredibly boring with normies.
>and have you lost any by discussing politics?
Oh God, yes, I was such a self-righteous jerkoff between the ages 17 and 21. Thankfully, I grew out of that "I read Noam Chomsky, therefore I know everything" phase.
>Do you feel that, with the pervalence of technology and the increasingly hostile political environnment that more people are losing their friends, becoming lonely, and instead relying on technology for their inter-human communication?
I think most people just don't have that many friends to begin with. We meet most of our friends in high school and you only stay in touch with maybe 5% of them after you graduate, and that's if you were a VERY social person. The rest of the people in your average person's life are co-workers, friends of friends, or mild acquaintances. The "political environment" has nothing to do with it.
>How do you make friends when you live in a liberal town, city, or nation?
Depends on how old you are. I'm 28, most of my friends are married by now and most people my age are married by now in general, so it would be near impossible for someone my age, but if you're younger, it should be simple to hide your power level and arrange some drinking get-togethers and get to know each other.
Slowly lost most my friends over the years, mostly my own fault for just withdrawing too much, and then even the core group that was left dispersed and my last friend moved to the US last year.
I don't really recall politics as such causing too much tension in conversations, but maybe that was because we were already on the same page, at least temperamentally.
But it almost seems just from a few years ago, and now, it's a massive change, everyone now these days seems hyper-aware of certain issues at all times, and if you don't agree with something, you're placed in a box immediately.
Meh. There's less white people but white people here tend to congregate in the same neighborhoods. It's pretty easy to tune out all the SJW nonsense. There are more normal people than SJWs, sjws just dominate the news because they are the loudest.
dude just fucking learn about ids
It's not titty porn without nipples
You're not exaggerating - no friends no pussy
But does your life really revolve around pussy dude?
no.not really.
Don't know about you here but I'm guessing someone will relate.
I was the one sort of backing away from people who called themselves my friends, due to low intelligence, lack of common sense, poor values and overall being very uninteresting people ,at least for me.
Another thing is the lack of will in regard to self improvement.
I just started getting fed up with their hypocrisy and bullshit and called them out,knowing that they would get triggered and fuck off. don't regret it the slightest.
>I do have this girl I fuck once in awhile,but meh.doesn't mean a lot
I don't know where to go to fiend true male friends.I've considered the army but I'm supposed to go to college this september.
fuck tinder
this. It's only purpose is to feed the female ego.
>dude just fucking learn about ids
you are correcting me are you
>It's not titty porn without nipples
you think that because you are a disgusting degenerate
>going outside
Through my life i have dropped all my friendships.
I'd like to say it was because of their shortcomings but it's mostly because of myself.
Why do you assume not liberal = conservative? I'm nothing. I don't follow or support political parties, because I havent met one yet that covers everything I believe.
I have lots of friends. We all don't have the same opinions, but that's fine, I don't ram my beliefs down their throats, they do the same for me - if they try to, they're not a friend anymore.
I've disagreed politically with every girl I've dated and/or fucked. I don't care. I don't date women for their politics.
Honestly, how big a NEET are you, that you need this explained to you?
I don't think politics even came up, until after a couple of weeks, and things looked serious. Just fucking ask someone out, you fucking pansy. There is no way to make dating 100% risk free, there is no way to find a "safe" woman asking on Sup Forums, the home of the neet and the virginal.
It's amazing how you little spastics will invent issues to avoid actually asking a woman out.
I'm in my late 20's. If it weren't for the friends I made growing up, I would have no true close friends.
It's a critical part, yeah especially since Ive been off (((porn))) I fuck once a week to keep the habit at bay but cant really find a meaningful relationship w. A clean white woman and this whole friends thing has been a major psychological blockade
>Do you have friends? Do you have friends that agree with your politics?
Very few
Do you refrain from discussing politics because you mayblose your friend(s), and have you lost any by discussing politics?
Well no. i once got a sperg attack from a female friend, shes now semi redpilled. I studied political science so i have some friends i can talk about politics but not all them agree. One of my best bros dosent believe in the nwo, kikes and other stuff.
>Do you feel that, with the pervalence of technology and the increasingly hostile political environnment that more people are losing their friends, becoming lonely, and instead relying on technology for their inter-human communication?
Yeah, most people rely on fb for social interaction and social circles are smaller with younger generations
>How do you make friends when you live in a liberal town, city, or nation?
Dont really know, i dont live in one. Probably by doing drugs
>How do you get a girlfriend if you have no friends, do you ever admit such a thing to her?
Girls dont give a fuck about your friends, they mostly hate them and are jealous.
Im positive my friend is way more right wing than me and im alrwad literally hitler tier
Im seeing this a lot ! Its not just you, a lot of people feel this way and if you're here, redpilled as fuck then youre of higher intelligence and are already in a high societal position as a result
>A clean white woman
Stop thinking about that. Really. It will exhaust and depress you. Accept the fact that it's all over, that traditionalism is gone, and fuck all the sluts you need until you get bored of fucking sluts. When you get bored, isolate yourself and make some money.
>when your friend is much more right-wing than you but voted hillary
americans can't into politics to save their lives
Army people dont make lasting friendships unless they join a veterans group after service
College > army
I have friends but at this stage I just don't care anymore. I'm a perma virgin too so I'm on my own for the next 80 years. How can any sane Human being live with that?
Why are you posting the rebbe?
Joke about libshit crazy stuff, slowly. When it aint going well stop. Show them some mark dice videos. When they start complaining about trannys or feminists go from there. EZPZ.
Wtf man arent you Bulgarian? Is it over for you guys too??? Im from the Balkans too (not slavic) and thinking about going back to find a traditional woman because balkans/eastern europe is the last bastion
because it's a funny picture of a dirty jew
I have tons of friends that I'm slowly but surely distancing myself from every day.
I'm 24 now, I'm jut getting tired of being around retarded people all the time. I live in a blue collar city.
My best friend I grew up with has become a fucking compulsive liar coke fiend and keeps getting me into sticky situations.
Other friends are basically just drunks.
Even the ones who are working and finished school.
I'm trying to get the fuck out of this town, but I realized a while ago that just about anywhere I would go to start fresh would be filled with the same shit.
So I'm going military, just to leave. Learn some skills, meet some new people etc.
If it wasn't for my family I would have left right after college.
girls suck too. Ex gf's were trash, even though they were hot.
Only 2 girls I know that actually satisfy me as a human, and one is nowhere to ever be found because she's not on social media at all and works at a Uni, also just stays home and reads all day .And the other one who is gorgeous and understanding and smart as well has two fucking kids.
She loves her kids but admitted that she fucked up by getting knocked up as a teenager.
Has destroyed alot of her prospects of ever finding a good man.
Only friend I can discuss politics with is a former felon who spends all day at a coffee shop after he leaves work.
Eh, just get a prostitute my friend its no big deal once you fuck for the first time youll realize its really nothing and youll have a newfound confidence youve never had before
I'm more curious why you'd know about him if you're not Jewish or living in Israel.
Chabad is interesting.
women are life's biggest source of misery. you're missing out but not in the way you think.
are you me? Am I you? That is eerily familiar. The fug dude.
>just get a prostitute
What a disgusting piece of advice. I'd rather not contract a STD thanks. And I don't like sex being a business transaction.
I think I am pushing away my friends. I've said too much Hitler-tier stuff when I'm drunk. When I wake up the day after I always wanna blow my brains out. By the power of media people have this learned instinctive response to "anti-semitism", me and my friends always used to talk shit about muslims, in some cases even niggers as a race, but when I bring up the JQ they feel "it's going too far". Gay.
I want company and companionship. I'm not even out for sex at this point.
Yes, I do have friends. No, I don't have friends who agree with me politically. Fascism is apparently way too extreme for many. The secret to finding friends in a liberal area? Fuck politics bind over something else
>Is it over for you guys too???
Yes. But I've already let go and accepted the reality so I don't really care. And let me tell you - the grass on the "idgaf lol" side is far greener than on the traditionalist one. I used to get quite depressed about this once and I'm quite happy that I'm not like that anymore. The vagina is a random muscle, who cares lol. It's like caring that a girl is a slut because she shits out one BBC-sized shit on a daily basis.
I have a best friend that I could spend my life as a roommate with. My other frienda are my neighbors. A couple old racists that still only get their information from TV and Newspapers so it's impossible to have a conversation with them. My best friend is a sponge that I can talk about anything with.
Yup, that's a broken heart around 14-18 years old will yield good results because you get that life lesson out of the way quickly with time to recuperate
Do you drink? How do you reign in your power level when drunk?
1. It's the oldest profession in the world
2. All sex is a business transaction, usually it's more of a barter system with a nice dinner, roses and chocolates but you pay for it either way
images are on the internet
LOL you sound like a hilarious person to be honest
Dont worry about em you can always blame it on the liquor
sadly, the worst thing about this is it hasnt mattered the number of related to this topic threads i have lurked, the majority of people who are close to my age (mid twenties+) who post in said threads are basically in the same position as us.
like people get homesickness, we all seem to be pretty conically ill with society though we tend to show symptoms a bit differently.
Well sex is 100x easier to find than that and not having sex will make it harder to find that too
sounds like what you want is female affection, but that comes at a hefty price, the misery i was talking about. it's not just about sex.
chronically not conically*********
Did you just Google Jews?
I know right? I fucking hate men who betray each other over it. Have some god damn values. Its why I have little to no friends from childhood.
Yes, I do drink, which definitely helps in getting friends, but with the right confidence, it can be done without. What do you mean with "reign in your power levels"?
pretty much
you gotta pay for that with something.
I just don't like the idea of paying for mindless company, she won't enjoy it and neither will I.
I've also found out the sex isn't 100x easier to find than female company. It's 100x easier to find a girl to spend time with. Sex is the hard part.
I just want to be with someone that I can talk to and generally be around. I can't even have that it seems.
Betray each other over women? It's a serious problem, yeah. Especially since we're all basically fighting for scraps like some dogs. (((Porn))) made us crave sex and it's become like money for people now, betraying each other just to get some action because only rich men are allowed to have a prostitute while we have to fight for the slags who wait for these rich men to fuck em
I doubt it. You can just talk to women are if it goes well, it's a wrap.
?? Prostitutes dont give a shit about "enjoying it" they all moan and grind as if they do because they're semi-professional actresses but they're probably so numb and drugged out that they couldnt give less of a shit about what you do as long as you dont take literally forever.
Dude what's it like in Norway? I hear its one of the richest per capita in Europe
Is the quality of life good there?