Antifa is getting more violent


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these nazi goys are going DOWN

Uhh this bitch is like 10... how is she allowed on twitter

Plus why the fuck would anyone teach their kids this shit. Some parents need to get their children taken away from them for causing child abuse

>Punch American Neo-Nazis
>2. They love & worship guns

this is going to work out well.

>this space is for everyone!
>your not welcome here!

>nonazis means anyone who isnt extreme left


We're anti fascists, yet we're the fascists

These idiots are really going to get what they rightfully deserve when the real fringe elements of the right start emerging

If they think the common citizen who is for this country are vile "racist" scumbags, they will be kowtowing out of fear for their own lives once they see the real hardcore right wingers with their firearms being toted around.

>Anyone who isn't a leftist is a Nazi

I guess antifa can punch me right in my big Jew nose and strike one against """neo-Nazism"""

As a commie, while you fascists are scum, so are SJW's.

>As a commie

as a commie you are an SJW faggot

I don't like jews

>as a commie

kys, you maggot

>America First is nazi sentiment
>punching people with guns
>stop liking what I dont like
>because they're the only ones who cant express pride in society without being lambasted
>not wanting the country you live in to be exceptional
>wanting a weakshit military
>wow its almost like they learned from history that massive unchecked hordes of foreigners might end up killing them
>because We're #2! is great for morale
>hurt feelings dont equate to lies
>neocons can get fucked though

1/10 is still a failing grade, these people need to check themselves before they wreck themselves.

I don't really like most people, desu I probably wouldn't like you if I met you either.

That doesn't look like a list of goals.

That looks like a list of contradictions.


They're genuine anti-fascists, in the way that Joe Stalin was a genuine anti-fascist

What's wrong with having a strong military?

>the real fringe elements of the right
This is an urban legend. The fringiest fringe elements came out for the Bundy Ranch. There's no fringier fringe that that.

Half of those things are literally just patriotism, not fascism. Literally fucking useless idiots.

It diverts resources from supporting welfare programs and starving artists grants.

>120 million native americans

Fucking what?

Is... is that adam sessler?

ANTIFA is controlled opposition and so is OP.

I give that meme... a one.
Out of five.

>Punch a Nazi
>They love & worship guns
Have you ever thought about the masses that were eradicated throughout time? Who they really were? They were these people.

Please gas yourself

Come gas me, bruh. Just try it...

far-left and far-right are controlled opposition by the same people, and thank god for that. can you imagine if either side got their way? it'd be a disaster. funniest part is both side's anger stems from the same source.

They divide themselves.

Like shooting fish in a barrel.

>as a commie

>120 million native americans

They have literally just made this nonsense figure up.