Can anyone explain the PJW meme?

He's one of the greatest anti-SJW YouTubers out there, he's almost always spot on about everything with says, incredibly red pilled. Yet all I see is mockery of him on here. Why is he regarded to be such a joke by Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Its shills dude. PJW is good here, just don't expect anyone to admit it.

It's leftists autistically screeching because they're losing the culture war


>that one photoshopfag who loved warping PJW's face
I don't know why he did it, but it was pretty dank. Anyway, it's probably because he's kind of bland and generalizes too much. Also still raving on about ESS JAY DUBBLE JEWS,

He's a fucking retard who has no idea what he's talking about and ENUNCIATES every SECOND WORD that comes out of his BRITISH FUCKING GOB

And this has what to do with the message itself, shit stain? Yeah that's what I thought. At least you earned another 2 cents towards your next nuggy meal, right? Failure.

Probably his retarded accent. He sounds like he has an intellectual disability.

He flip-flops on Trump like twice a day and says stupid cringey shit like "conservatism is the new punk rock." He's also a stooge for Israel like everybody else at Infowars. Plus he started doing that thing alt-lightfags do where he tries to prove SJWs aren't really progressive . . . by being more progressive than they are and parading photos of black people around.

Yeah I can see why people find him annoying based on how he speaks in his YouTube rant videos but when you watch him on the live stream for the Alex Jones show he comes across as a bit more chill.

you can agree with him and make fun of him


To be fair those pictures are funny. Whoever it is knows what to do with this.

He's a great beginners redpill, but people who come here should be past this level.

People who mock him on social media are shills, but sometimes mockery on here is just to get the level 1 "purple-pilled" people to keep digging.

>says stupid cringey shit like "conservatism is the new punk rock."
Yeah this is definitely annoying

He's a gay man

>being a vile bitter loser is somehow just one intense never ending gag.
Alt Right philosophy in a nutshell.

I'm supposed to trust some guy who thinks the past 30 years of music is shit and that independent music has a hard time of reaching its audience because fucking MTV is gone with his political opinions? No fucking thanks. As expected of some fuckbelch who actually watches this doughy faggot dribble on camera for 20 minutes at a time about pointless bullshit. Try not to focus on how much of a waste of human resource you are.

Found paul.

This, beginner stuff, and that fuckin accent...hard to listen to, but he does have impact. Anybody that says otherwise is full of shit.

He does have a POINT here. I imagine it was because he never had METEOR training.

He has a huge following, and all the comments for his videos are very redpilled




Holy shit, why haven't any of you fags mentioned his refusal to name the Jew?


>PJW is good here, just don't expect anyone to admit it.

I love the fucker.

I even like the way he says Mainstream Media (the SJWs like to make fun of that for some reason).

Hello Sup Forums Djeuzef Whotsun.

Paulo Joe Watto

he shares clickbait articles and false informations to push his agenda and mock his opposition. He is a sarcastic jerk who does not debate like an adult, just like his political opponents. He is just giving fuel to the left.
And "Conservatism is the new punk" come on this is retarded

>false information
Such as?


Implying the "mockery" isn't ironic.

>anti-SJW YouTubers
go back to plebbit you fucking mongoloid

Aren't Infowars funded by Jews though? He'd be a dumbass to do such a thing.

>greatest anti-SJW youtuber
Go back to rddit retard

>why is making Sup Forums fun of someone who doesnt deserve it?
its almost like Sup Forums is a huge accumulation of trolls...

Fuck off, Paul.

This is his biggest rival on Twitter. Joe Carnahan. A one hit wonder director (The Grey, the rest of his movies are shit).
He talks liberal, smug, Hollywood trash all day and challenges people to fight because he shadow boxes at a ladies gym in Santa Monica (it's actually called Box N Burn). He is friends with Rampage Jackson so make sure he doesn't puss out and call his buddy if you do go there to spar him. He's 6'2" 240 lb. but a 47 yo slob so make sure you have some decent skills and size. His trophy 2nd wife Lisa is also hot so you could just get her to cheat on him too to piss him off.

PJW is a redditpleb, but Jesus fucking Christ you post cuckthony cuntano as an argument against him?
Gas yourself

His videos are fine.
His twitter is off the charts cringe.

because Sup Forums is short-sighted and thinks everyone in media should scream Shclomo in full public view while still advising individual nobodies to hide their power level. They pontificate about multi level chess yet think everyone who is fighting the culture war should play checkers. Because this board appeals to short attention spans with no thought to the long game. Because Sup Forums is retarded and thinks everyone else should be.

Why not? PJW knows nothing about art movements and Anthony Fantano knows about art movements.

he's an idiot, with conspiracy theories

Sup Forums hates anyone who gets popular

PJW started to get really popular, so naturally Sup Forums started to hate him

Although the truth is everyone here still watches him

We make fun of him because he's meme-worthy.

That doesn't mean we don't like him or think he's an alright guy or a useful voice.

Of course, I don't speak for everyone, but that's the general.

I've been following this guy on Twitter, he's absolutely mental

He falls for every single troll, it's hilarious


Kek. I post pjw threads

He's a retard.

Kill yourself Paul

Kill yourself Paul

Because he reminds many on Sup Forums of themselves and there's nobody they hate more.

Because Sup Forums is nothing but a bunch of insecure manchild social outcasts larping as paragons of virtue who do nothing but project and fantasize.

Being a questionably autistic brit and knowing other autistic brits, he sounds autistic as fuck. That annoying roboty accent and the way he doesn't quite speak naturally gives it away.

They are waiting for Goebbels.

Shareblue tactic to create divide on Sup Forums and to stop alt right media personalities from growing...nothing more nothing less. Anyone on Sup Forums that cringes at the idea of alt right ideology spreading is a shill. the whole point of it all was to get normies to accept the ideology, and its not working...the globalists cant stand it and send their people here to confuse and divide.

He's a fatty

His face is stupid and his voice is annoying.

Fantano thinks a urinal and a giant picture of an ass are art. His opinions are worthless.

Because Sup Forums itself is one big joke (in case you just got here from breddit, fellow com/r_ade

Some say he's the same mastermind behind the Colbert memes. If so, at least one of the autists on this board has found his true calling.

just looks at his face
he sucks a cock per day

He doesn't go deep enough and only scratches the surface. There are important questions he doesn't ask, but he is always on the right track.

I hate the awful way he goes about mocking people on Twitter comments though.

'da joos da lizard people'
'Netflix is great'

That retarded video again. Is that your video? You shill for it in every Watson thread.

You are actually trying to defend the shit show of modern culture. You hate Watson so much that you actually tried to defend a fat faggot twerking for black lives matter.

>2017 A.D.
>watching kiketube

Paul is just another innocent man trying to sell water filters and dietary supplements.

Is your retarded picture trying to insult Watson? It completely failed. Watson is right. The left is ruining europe. It is the problem.

Sup Forums is kinda off-put because infowars/alex doesn't overtly NAME THE JEW but he does it to redpill normies and sell water filters. Again, just every time he says globalist/techocrats/elites just know he mean the kikes.

This. There's literally nothing wrong with selling snakeoil and being humble about it.

The idea being PJW is still banging on about obvious, entry level things like "the intolerant left" or "the media has double standards", etc.

>banging on about obvious, entry level things

Good for Watson. Somebody has to. Common sense isn't common anymore.

He is a good guy for entry level red pills and his videos are a step towards ethno nationalism. The reason people hate him (apart from being shills) is because he doesn't name the jew which would actually be terrible for him. Talking about (((them))) would discredit him and create a big echo chamber. There is also no point to it either because most of his comments are full with people talking about jewish influence so he would just tell most of his audience what they already know. PJW does his youtube videos with effort meaning he also conducts research. Everyone who would have gone to such a depth as he did by researching material for years would know about (((them))) so you can 98% assume that he is actually Sup Forums level.
Also it is fun to joke about his accent and he knows this meme aswell.

The people who mock PJW are National Socialists.

They are just like liberal commies (because the philosophies are similar), they don't have arguments so they use manipulation and feels.

National Socialist love Saul Alinsky type shit

Because he tells the truth and they want us ignore him

yeah Stop watching anything based in reality
Start watching buzz feed and bill nye

he likes hopsin

Seriously Sup Forums, read this guys twitter feed and make him go crazy like Shia.
He shadow boxes at Box N Burn in Santa Monica and says he'll fight you if you go there. He's a UFC fan and friends with some fighters so he thinks he's a tough guy. He does have a hot 2nd wife but she looks like she was his or a friends nanny or something.

This is how you get people down the rabbit hole. Just like in school you don't do the advanced stuff like stochastics in the first year.

He essentially stands for nothing and is just counter for the sake of being counter like Milo, seeking out the attention of the counter culture community.

I will take him over Sargon "I don't debate or talk about the right because they are wrong and useful idiots" of Akkad. What cucks.

He's trying to fill the void Milo left behind as the edgy face of the alt-lite.
>Muslims suck right guys? Be sure to buy my tshirt



Paul is that you?

Prison Planet and InfoWars affiliations

nuff said

It's sageblue divide and conquer tactics.

Posting in a sageblue thread.

The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




Just saw part of one.

Interesting. I learned something.

I like him, though he sometimes gets things wrong. For instance, he spouts the cuckservative line >Islam is bad because it's a threat to feminism!

No, Islam is bad because it's a barbaric, third world culture that stones people to death and oppresses Christians. I couldn't care less about feminism.

>Why is he regarded to be such a joke by Sup Forums

most of pol are jews

>Yet all I see is mockery of him on here.
d&c shills, dumbfuck. I'm full on 1488 and I fucking love the guy. I just don't duck into the thread bashing him because I don't want slide threads shitting up the board.
saged because if you'd lurked for years like you were supposed to, you wouldn't have needed to ask this question.

Hello fellow JIDF operator.

Love me some PJW


Go to bed Paul.

This thread was started by shills. They know if they say this everyone will shit on him.

anyone who titles their videos "THE TRUTH ABOUT _______" is a joke. That includes Molyneux.