Do you miss mlpll? Turns out were just a google search away!

Do you miss mlpll? Turns out were just a google search away!
>no shills
>no antifa
>no blacked
>no mods forcing a leftist agenda
>no gookmoot swlling your info for shekles
>pedoshit is bannable

>inb4 Lee shows up


We miss you senpai half our mods are from mlp half from pol keeping it balanced

Yup, /mlpol/ was pretty nice, i kinda miss the ponyfuckers.

pic related

Just google us m8 we first result now

mlpol. Damn

Oh yeah. Google it

Normally I would say that we OP and Mods are fags but this is an exception.

I don't think Lee will show up. He comes based upon an image search from Derpibooru, and this picture isn't in Derpibooru

We the people control the board on mlpol
Posting replies has no capcha, though new threads do to stop raids
admin post replies when questions are asked rather than ignore what u want
Join us friends

god what have we become....

Furfagottry alloed on /mlpol/
Maybe I'll stick around... x3

You forgot "ponies are allowed"
I know. I swear 75% of the catalog on Sup Forums is spam

Yea, every time I see a "daily reminder" thread I die a little inside.

Shills got BTFO

Shilling and "daily reminder" are absent on mlpol
Nice image. I haven't seen it before

you forgot all the divide and conquer that is there

Yep they died for an entire day on this board. They have returned but do not post on where we came from.

never forget

Damn that was a beautiful day. We've recreated some of that on our board

Jesus, if you want us that badly I'll take a look. Just stop sounding desperate.

>taking the bait so you post a pony and get banned

Nice honeypot
>liked, subscribed, bookmarked, set as homepage