Sup Forums BTFO
Brazil isn't whit–
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>thinks he's white
that girl in the thumbnail looks like mongoloid.
i know that, because some women in finland look exactly like her and Sup Forums would say that she is not white
So that scout says Southern Brazil has always had German and Italian blood. Plenty of the women have blonde hair and look very caucausian. So Rome was white.
Libcucks btfo
that girl isn't even from finland. she is russian.
and that girl in the thumbnail has wide jaw and mongoloid looking face
i believe finns have the highest percent of pure european DNA aside from the euskaldunak
Brazil isn't white and you know it there is no reason to make these threads
> 53% white country
top kek
Alright, we're doing this again...
Am I white?
his parents were Wehrmacht rapebaby or what??,
northern scandinavia mixed with sami ?
if you have wide mongoloid jaw then you can't be white.
which also means that at least 30% of finns aren't white, even if they had blue eyes and blonde hair. wide jaw is asian feature
It's not because some white elements are of your nationality that they represent your ethnicity. That's like saying the Swedes are Somalians.
The eternal Finn
South Brazil need to form a new country
I'm disappointed, son.
According to who?
South Brazil is literally Argentina-tier in the WE WUZ WHITE scale, very embarrassing honestly
He looks exactly like a swedish guy i know
Your fault, you bringed the nigger
It kinda is white, tho.
I talked to a few black people from the colonies and they are conservative as fuck! Once I was in college (there are only like 5 niggers there out of thousands of people) and they were gathered in some room studying. The room had available tables and I went studying there too. One of them had his headphones on but he had the wrong audio channel activated (sound went out the speakers and not the headphones).
Fucking loud religious music: "OOOOooh lord Jesus Christ, spread the love blahblah, follow Jesus blahblah".
Everyone laughed their asses off. Not even close to any afro american stereotype.
according to me
finns with narrower jaw look automatically better and closer to scandis, than we with ugly wide jaws.
just look at this kid and his square head
what a lucky faggot
east baltid phenotype, notice the ugly wide jaw. also those narrow eyes don't help either
half of the people in video is probably killed by drug dealers or died in a motorcycle accident by now.
That's just one fat kid...
Che confirms that the poor kid is inbred.
That's not what determines Europeaness though. And you're not in charge of anything.
Europeans have never been phenotypically uniform at any point. Upper Paleolithic Europeans had all kinds of looks, then after the Last Glacial Maximum the diversity was somewhat reduced, but Neolithic and Bronze Age brought tons of new genes.