Yfw REDDIT has turned Sup Forums into /The_Donald/

>yfw REDDIT has turned Sup Forums into /The_Donald/
How does this make you feel, racist nazis?
You do realize none of us are actually racist right? All of us support TRUMP because he supports LGBT.
You stupid racist cucks couldn't defend your own board from us. Sad!
I thought you nazis were supposed to be strong. But instead you get taken over without a fight. wtf? what did /shariablue/ mean by this?
I'm SICK of being called a "faggot redditor" whenever I post. I want you nazis OUT of my board. This isn't a nazi zone anymore. This is a new-right conservative movement, one which supports our brother homosexuals and is actually quite feminist in nature.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on why nazis are so cucked?

Does it have a benis:DDDD

What are you talking about, you stupid nigger? My beliefs are rational which instantly rules-out racism.
Leave it to the shitskins & negroids to be fully ignorant of the fact that words have literal meanings.

Say racist again, I'm almost finished cummming

Kill yourself maltard you gross effeminate talentless shitskin

You poor poor fool...

No. leave my board :)

Anyone can make a post, you make one post and think you own the the board? I pity your retardation Reddit fag.

why are the Black guys stoning the Brown guy, I thought Browns and Blacks got along well

No faggot Sup Forums has always been a nazi board. You see we aren't retarded, we acknowledge racial differences and white superiority

racism is a meme my fellow 'pedes I mean it's

It's 2017. No one is racist anymore except you.

In time, you faggot redditors will get what you deserve. Digits confirm Kek's will

Fuck you nigger

mods delete that pic. bitch is gross

>This is a new-right conservative movement
a "new-right conservative movement" that uses semi-naked tattooed whores as its emblem is not welcome here you filthy fucking kikes

you have to go.

Literally hate faggots. That's why I voted Clinton. She hates faggots

That's right. everyone go on with the nu-pol meme and abandon this board. It's totally not bullshit being pushed by shareblue and leftpol

Kek isn't on your side this time nazi

Found a pic of OP's family

"We Did it Reddit!"


>Sup Forums agreed that mudslimes cannot integrate into western society and kebab must be removed
>established a Sup Forums colony on reddit to spread their message and "drop redpills" (bring democracy)
>Sup Forums is now in a reddit refugee crisis (migrant crisis in the EU)
>many native Sup Forumsacks are pissed off about this and vehemently anti-reddit (nationalism)
>more welcoming Sup Forumsacks are arguing that they will eventually become redpilled and assimilate (SJWs)
>if you point this out you are called a shareblue shill or a D&C kike (racist fascist nazi)
>the days go by and that seems to be less and less the case (reality)
>more and more boards are sick of the influx of redditors (EU nations)
>by 2020 Sup Forums culture will be dead and replaced by reddit culture (sharia law)

when did you realize that our dilemma directly mirrors that of the western civilization?


It's all the same shit, and they both need to go back. This is a marxist-leninist board.

Nah this place is a misery echo chamber aka anonymous support group.

We're all trying to figure how not to hate each other.

please have a penis