I always hear that the Europeans wiped out the Native Americans with their diseases. But how come the European settlers weren't wiped out by the diseases of the Natives? It seems like it should work both ways. Also, since the Native population was much higher relative to the settlers, doesn't it seem more likely that the Europeans would have been the ones most effected by the exchange of pathogens?
I always hear that the Europeans wiped out the Native Americans with their diseases...
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It just doesn't make sense to me. I mean European medicine was still very primitive at the time, so I don't think that would have been that much of an advantage, especially in a New World colony. It seems they would have been the more likely to be wiped out by some weird Native disease. Same goes for the Conquistadors and the Aztecs. Why were the Native populations the only ones to catch diseases from the other's continent?
Europeans due to natural selection were resistant to the diseases that they carried to the New World.
Syphilis is all I can thing of.
>inb4 Whites are Nurgle cultists
Natives had shit like syphilis which was a far more dramatic disease to europeans at the time. Their entire bodies would be covered with sores.
Plagues, (Smallpox, Bubonic, Cholera etc) come from animals, and for any chance of a human to catch a plague from an animal, it needs to be domesticated. The Old World had many domesticated animals the New World only had Llamas.
I understand that, but the natives would have had diseases the Europeans weren't exposed to. It should cut both ways, that's what I can't figure out.
The natives had no Animals domesticated en masse and therefore no dieases
There were no significant diseases in the Americas other than I think syphilis.
This. The natives died of simple diseases that europeans are immune to...
Fucking burger education
>Columbian exchange
So the natives didn't have any diseases that the Europeans weren't exposed to? All diseases are European? You missed my point and didn't explain anything. Is that a picture of your mom that you posted? Happy Mother's day!
Natives were much more sparse in population than Euros. One of the driving forces behind diseases spreading is dense populations (see Bubonic plague). Also, our agricultural system made us more susceptible to disease than the largely-hunter-gatherer (not always) natives.
This is interesting, thanks.
Do they teach reading comprehension where you live or just reading?
The Basic Idea is that Europeans spent generations rolling around in pig shit in their big cities and had to develop a high standard of immunity to survive germ mania. This in turn meant that the germs were more powerful.
The Indians had no large cities or piles of pig shit to roll in and never developed any real immunities on par with the powerful European diseases.
All of this can be read in Pic Related, also a major motion picture.
That book is a big piece of shit
Interesting, so this is why Africa can have the worst diseases on Earth, but they still get wrecked by them because they are relatively undeveloped? Or am I mixing too many variables?
Europeans had spent the last few thousand years living and sleeping with livestock packed into tiny cities. Native Americans lived in low population density tribes without livestock and interacted with many fewer people per day on average. It's not that complicated.
Jared Quartz is fucking shit and his book is garbage, don't read it.
They were slaughtered!
Africans generally don't get wrecked by diseases. They die off primarily due to famine because they're literally too stupid to maintain their own agriculture. Their entire continent lives on handouts.
delet this fagger
Get a load of this guy...
>what is syphilis
Depends on which diseases, vectors, lethality. Smallpox spreads by blanketing entire areas, syphilis doesn't.
Go find Jared Granite and die in a fire with him.
Because whites were technologically more advanced and had better knowledge of diseases than the Indians. Some whites did die from the disease but were very few. Being centuries ahead of a another race that hadn't even invented the wheel will make you have an advantage
In Europe, people lived in close proximity to their domesticated animals and thus were exposed to a wide range of pathogens. Exposure over time builds resistance. American natives never domesticated any animals, which is why they had no pathogenic resistance.
Also you're comparing a group of people that had practiced statedom for multiple centuries whereas the native Americans never went past chiefdoms and tribes. The natives weren't as organized as the Europeans and weren't technologically advanced those two things were mainly the real reasons why the natives got BTFO.
>Burger education
We wuz basic hygiene.
Actually, thousand of whites died of malaria. Its just that smallpox is much more lethal. Which the white brought with them.
In the area of biological warfare. Whites really are the master race.