If all of the Russia story turns out to be true and Trump is ultimately impeached and arrested...

If all of the Russia story turns out to be true and Trump is ultimately impeached and arrested, will that finally put an end to this fake news thing? Will this finally restore trust in our media and our government?

The news and government will always lie to some degree, either on purpose or by accident, but never in the many many years I've been alive have I seen this level of distrust in people who had previously earned the trust and respect they were given. Even when actual news is reported nowdays, we're to the point where if it follows a certain story then people just automatically question it or downright don't believe it.

That ain't right, guys. I don't like what's going on. Our enemies are laughing at us right now because we're screaming at each other and disbelieving each other. We've got to fix this. We've got to straighten our shit out. We've got to trust each other again. We've let this tear the country apart.

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>Will this finally restore trust in our media and our government?

no. it didn't erode overnight and similarly it wont heal itself that quickly either.

Fuck off, you bluepilled goy ass nigger.

>If all of the Russia story turns out to be true
it already didnt

It eroded very quickly. Granted it's taken a hit ever since the tea party movement happened, but the fake news thing hit full swing during Trump's campaign. And with multiple sources saying that Russia helped plant that doubt, we need to be taking that into consideration before we automatically doubt every single thing we're told just because we might not like it.


This isn't your person blog, faggot. Fuck off with this retarded Russian conspiracy theory

I'm taking whichever pill results in a calm conversation without namecalling or yelling or stress. I'm done with it.

Nope, people do not trust the media that much these days. It isn't about "Fake News" but just disgust about being lied to.

Thank Zoe Quinn for starting this whole thing.

sorry but the Hill shilling did it, the fucking media(CNN was the worst) shilled so har for that old bitch that the damage is done. I can't see improvements in less than 4 years.

We've been lied to for decades though, man. That didn't mean there wasn't actual believable news.

Bias isn't the same as fake news. Bias has always existed, and still exists, for both sides. If your news comes from multiple angles then you're fine.

you dumbass, it's common sense: earning trust is hard, losing trust is easy. Media morons should think more before going full shill mode.

The reality is that the large majority of the population will believe the news again when the "fake news" thing goes away, which Trump being impeached could very likely result in.

shilling in this case is more than bias, there were lies and cover ups, and people will remember this.

>"MSM: Hillary is perfectly fine, saying otherwise is conspiracy theory"
>Hillary collapses in 9/11

the media started the "fake news" stuff, Trump just used it, and it worked.

>implying Brazilanon was talking about bias
He was talking about cnn doing all the damage control for hillary to make her look good. Also, If #hillaryshealth was """"fake news""""" why did cnn fire Dr. Drew?

trust in the media has been on the decline for over a decade

The point I'm trying to make is that there's a complete resistance to the concept that Trump has done anything wrong.

What this situation will culminate into is either Trump being completely exonerated, which will further damage what reputation the MSM has left, or he'll be found guilty, and the news and government will suddenly have been who was trying to tell us the whole time.

But has anyone really been far even as decided to want to go more look like?

>If all of the Russia story turns out to be true
It's already true. The only question is whether the information is actionable. We know Russia swayed the U.S. election, but legally don't they have a right to? How can Trump be impeached simply for a foreign government helping him to win?

99% of liberals think that Trump is under investigation for collusion with Russia when he is not.

What do we do about low IQ people being a danger to our system and others?


I'm referring to collusion accusations.

with the

(((multiple sources)))


The news media has earned the distrust. Especially now with the huge influx of alternative news sources muddying the water even more. Each one consistently reaching lower and lower to keep their doors open. All the bullshit spin and baseless articles pumped out faster than your dad on Xmas morning that those fuckers hold no accountability for us reason enough to distrust them.

It's harder for them to hide it now that everyone has a camera. Tbh it was that faggot commie Walter Cronkike that was the most successful at subverting people through the guise of news dude.

What did he do wrong?

You don't think everyone here is tired of this shit? It's not our problem, it's the fucking media's. FOX and CNN are two sides of a coin. Anyone remember the leadup to the war in Iraq which has lasted roughly 14 years now and how the media has continuously lied on both sides and is basically being used a mouthpiece from various administrations? (Fox for Republicans, Cnn for Democrats) When they get their shit together and stop being a bunch of fucking rats on a sinking ship I'll trust them, not before then for one moment. If you want some real news, visit defense one, war on the rocks, cfr, etc. Those are sources you can trust.

There is no evidence of this Russian narrative. Just conspiracy theories, grasping at straws. Media brainwashing low IQ emotionally driven people to believe...

You got nothing. You are children. You are a danger to other people because you lack the most basic reasoning abilities and are willing to be dishonest about anything to get your way.

I'm not going to say that he did anything wrong. I'm merely making the point that people are saying he did wrong, and his actions have eroded trust even in people who previously believed him. We're reaching an impasse where either the news and government was completely right or completely wrong, and if they were right, I want to know how that's going to affect us going forward with learning to trust each other again.

I'm not saying Trump is guilty of anything, you're being defensive for no reason. I'm discussing how the country will move forward once this issue is eventually clarified.

>goys, I'm tired of people constantly questioning the media that has been proven to be lying to them

You're fucking retarded and sound like a schizo

I am just throwing that out there to anyone who does believe.

Why is Trump firing everyone who looks into it then?

That doesn't help us move forward.

Who is saying he did wrong? What are they saying he did wrong?

looks into what? The left is going to take him firing anyone in any agency as some conspiracy to cover up some other conspiracy that he did something wrong. Just no basis for it


If the firings don't mean anything then he shouldn't have a problem with an independent investigation.
>looks into what?
Stop being disingenuous.

Why is it A-ok to be backed by foreigners when those foreigners arent russians?

yes, please could someone/anyone answer this

An investigation of what? You need some sort of evidence of something for a basis for the narrative that he has done something wrong to initiate an investigation. They would not need Trump support to do that. It would not matter who is director of the FBI.

youre fucking retarded retard, kill yourself

the media has always been fake, it has just been ignored by most idiots

>>looks into what?
>Stop being disingenuous.
no, really I've yet to hear a single person provide a clear, non-bullshit answer to this EXACT question

See, there's really no reason for this kind of extreme response to what I said.

Society is broken.


There is nothing there.
Comey said it twice.
And Trump was never under investigation it was others around him.
The only ones saying there is anything are a few Political cucks , and they are saying this because of political party beliefs.
Wake up guy there is nothing there and after his 8 year stay what then?
No ties- yet again.

The 17 intelligence agencies that came to the conclusion that Russia meddled in the election, and the fact that Trump is acting guilty as fuck when people float the idea that he may have been involved. I don't understand what you're so confused about, unless you're just trying to be dissembling.

I'm not saying that the news doesn't hype stuff for ratings, or that it's not biased.

What I'm saying is that there's a limit on what can be said without violating libel and slander laws, and so far the only lawsuit I've heard about is some Russian guy sueing Buzzfeed over the dossier post.

No, an independent investigation of WHAT?

Are we supposed to just open investigations into Trump for any accusation without evidence? People can claim he's an alien and we need to investigate it?

No, the news will still be fake. If they want to stop being called fake news, they need to stop reporting non stop lies to push a political agenda.

That is fake news. Link me to the article I will explain how its fake news.

That's not my read on the situation at all

This is my point. Give me one example of one single thing that he could possibly, realistically be under investigation for. I'll wait

And yet, none of these 17 agencies has provided any evidence. You aren't very smart, are you?

I mean they don't have evidence and are just screeching so I still wouldn't trust the News. If they had actual evidence we would have seen it by now.

Or Putin is the FUCKING ULTIMATE ALPHA for trolling the whole USA pitting ourselves against each other and LAUGHING UP HIS SLEEVE

I've heard liberals say they have the evidence, they're just waiting to build the case. I ask evidence of what, they never have an answer

They literally just say, you'll see

this is Sup Forums

anyone with a brain and an iq over 75 can see how much the media lies, and is not reliable at all. Ever heard of operation mockingbird u dumb fuck?

Maybe so!

Cool flag, haven't seen it here before.

You're still being obtuse. My fucking point is that they should be able to conduct an investigation without the president whining about it or trying to interfere with it.

>independant investigation

we wouldnt be in this mess if the DNC had allowed independant investigation by the FBI

instead they paid crowdstrike (priv firm) to investigate and didnt let FBI operate

I've heard of a lot of operations where either the press or the government lied.

That doesn't mean I lost complete faith in American journalism. We have to get news from somewhere, and there's a limit to the faith one can put in Twitter. There has to be a body of people who investigate and find information.

I completely agree, they should. But here's my question: what are they investigating?

>17 agencies
care to name them??

this has been debunked many times shill

all of those reports were based off the single report of crowdstrike

>October 2016
>Trump: "The only way I'll lose is if it's rigged"
>MSM/Shillary/Obama: "lol no wai elections are not rigged"
>January 2017
>"Russians totally rigged it guise"
MSM has no credibility left, not that they had much to begin with.


The conclusion was a guess in light of no evidence. And also the US and other coutries meddle in each others elections. Obama did it to Putin. And the worst of all is Soros. But thats starting to fade away...

But if the press were going by polls, and the polls led them to that information, then there's a limit to how much blame one can apply to the press itself.

You have to admit, multiple polls showed Hillary winning. They obviously weren't polling the right places, since Trump won a lot from rural areas. Yet that doesn't make it fake. Just wrong.


>There has to be a body of people who investigate and find information.
But it does not need to be MSM. Shill.

lol...OP acts like this retarded partisan hysteria doesn't happen every election cycle.

You're still being obtuse. Unfounded claims do not warrant an investigation. Should we just make up a bunch of shit about EVERY Democrat congressman, and Barack Obama and investigate them all? I have answered my own question. You are not smart at all. Very stupid. And obtuse.

You need a basis for an investigation.

You assertion that firing Comey is interference in an investigation that happens to not exist is not evidence. Even if one did exist firing Comey is not necessarily interference. Trump getting pissed that people are accusing him of something he didn't do is not interference.

Is there a site you (or an user) can suggest that goes through the evidence?
All I see from the MSM is conjecture about this and that. Has any actual evidence been released?
Also If Russia hired shills to diss Hillary in Comment sections I couldn't care less. We all know Hillary was doing the same against Trump with all the CTR shit during the election.

>There has to be a body of people who investigate and find information.
You're a fucking idiot, all the media is owned by 5 corporations, they don't give a fuck about giving you accurate information, it is all about driving an agenda. You're a fucking sheep being led to slaughter

what does voter polling and obama telling people it cant be hacked have to do with eachother??

Are you willing to establish contacts in the government? Are you willing to invest much of your daily time following leads, being on the phone, asking questions, attending press conferences?

The only way you can devote this much time to such a task is if it's your job. And suddenly you're then the press, which people don't believe, because "fake news".

it's not?

Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Also, you're partially right about not all of them unanimously saying the same thing. James Clapper said it on behalf of them as the Director of National Intelligence.

I don't know why I'm even posting this since it isn't the Daily Stormer or whatever.


oy vey

Why are you so angry in a relatively chill thread? Relax, bud.

the difference is she paid people to do that...people like me shill for trump just for the lulz

I read the report, its bs. An old version of the software being used that was out in the wild coming from Ukraine is evidence of nothing. Metadata in Russian is evidence of nothing.

What if they continue to find nothing? Will it end then? And when?

a large number of corrupt politicians will be fucked

they are in cahoots with msm

trump and friends are getting close to clearing the way to a real investigation to happen

all this craziness is msm and corruption doing what ever they can to protect them selves the corruption

these are the words that will end the corruption

"Special Access Programs"

Agreed, But its legal. Lame and stupid, but legal.

>Coast Guard Intelligence,
>Energy Department,
>Homeland Security Department,
>State Department, Treasury >Department, Drug Enforcement >Administration, ,

lol cute

too bad none of them physically touched any of the DNC hardware or software

the only people who did were crowdstrike who signed a NDA

nice try though

>link with "wikileaks"
>doesnt know cia has spoofing capabilites leaked in vault7 that specifically name russia

>James Clapper said it so it must be true

It has to end sooner or later. Investigations will come to a conclusion.

Don't be a retard. Stop being retarded.

See how they want to use metadata to bring circumstantial BS? Thats why the NSA and CIA and them want peoples data. So they can make and control a narative for individual people whether to blackmail control or whatever. They have people like brainwashed that that shit is okay. Either shill or idiot but probably both.

Nobody is being retarded in this thread, we're having a calm conversation and you're flipping out for some reason. Just relax.


Democrats are not going to let go. Even the leadership has admitted there isn't anything there although they've been screaming for 5 months. No one has produced anything.

We have gotten tired of the constant lies told about trump that are unsourced, factually wrong, biased, outright lies, etc. There are actual sites that log MSM lies. With the Comy firing, Dems were calling for his firing in the morning and peeved he was fired that afternoon. Did the MSM even note the hypocrisy?

And the question is, why can't the Left tell us what they think Trump has done? I realize that that isn't needed for impeachment, but Americans aren't going to be happy with a baseless political coup.

Well it's NOT true.

Clinton and Podesta came up with it after she lost and pushed it into their friendly media allies.

That's why there is NO evidence of anything. There's literally more evidence of Hillary getting paid big bucks from the Kremlin than there is of Trump.

it is very much bullshit considering the tools used were on the black market for like 3 years

meaning anyone could of used them including script kiddies on steam

>DUR ITS HACKS USED BEFORE IN RUSSIA (and also in many other cases)


people dont understand how stupid that sounds

You know why they used the word meddle? Because it's very broad and most people in this dumb as country doesn't know what it means. It sounds worse than what it actually means. In fact, Barack Obama meddled in the French election openly and not a god damn word was said about it

The media coined the term "fake news".
They have been lying for many more years than you've been alive.