Has anyone been contacted directly

Have any of you ever been contacted directly due to your posts on Sup Forums?

I have been contacted about my posts here, I don't know how they got my info apart from my IP or something and I have been offered a job in a field that I have no experience of qualifications in apart from personal interest.

I am kind of spooked but at the same time curious. Has this happened to anybody?

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Last bump.

Why don't you go into a little more detail.

If not larping, still retarded. Gets contacted from pol comment, comes to pol to ask about it. Maybe they want you to be the professional patsy

Were you offered a job as a gay prostitute?

i would unironically work for the fbi or the cia if they asked me to, hell im fairly certain i could do a better job at certain things then most of their agents. most of us regular posters probably could.

Anyone with an IQ above that of a baked sweet potato could do a better job than the CIA and FBI at protecting American interests.

You don't want to work there anyway. The culture is totally different after 8 years of obongo and SJW policies put in place. Total garbage. You'd be better off working as an intelligence contractor, or for one of those firms doing data analysis. The performance metrics are absolutely retarded so there's no standards whatsoever.

They'd probably make you work for the interests you shill against. as a sick joke.

Not contacted but someone hacked into my computer after I made a post about signing up for the Marines as part of the crusade. I have a career anyways so chances of me signing up are near zilch.

(True fact): All major terror attacks were committed by animals who had already been interviewed and surveilled by the FBI.

the reason a person like us would be so effective and useful is because of the way we think. any agency would see or should see the benefit to having redpilled agents directly from Sup Forums who can see through propaganda and bullshit to be some of the best coordinators they have ever seen.

Can confirm. Intel contractor here. Less job security, but far more money and much less dumbfuckery.

You're thinking incorrectly. As a bureaucratic organization, the IC has no interest in actually producing useful intelligence or catching bad guys. They value conformity and following the rules much more, and maintaining control over their agents (so you don't go off and leak shit).

Intel relating to what?

What sort of things is the government interested in? Who and what are they focusing on?

Not Sup Forums but I was arrested by fbi and csis for larping on Sup Forums as a school shooter, Interpol was also in the mix because cloudfires servers are over there

you're probably right, its just something i have been curious about for a while, i feel like a lot of the people here are fit for the job and could actually get a lot accomplished and its huge untapped potential feels like a massive oversight on their part.

He said he NO experience or qualifications swedebro

You have no sense of subtlety do you? That's literally the kind of shit (they) can't talk about.

All government bureaucracies are like that. It's all about maintaining your cushy job and office politics more than getting the fucking job done. Any time results are somewhat necessary contractors are hired and overpaid.

is this a Larp?
tell us a little more about the job offer and the posts you made to get the offer.

Barack Obama called me after a shit post and wanted gave me a job paying $1488 per week ripping up tea party tax exempt forms. Best job at ever had.

thats really stupid, if thats the case its no wonder why information gets leaked i bet those contractors aren't even vetted properly.

makes me even more sure of the need for competent agents.

this is a LARP slide thread, with no actual substance and off topic, since the mods refuse to do their job (they delete the jew/nigger hate theads though) do your part by not bumping shit threads like this. also, my name

I'd be worried, Britain and USA are basically police states when it comes to online privacy

I was asked to do something too.. I'm out right now can't get into details.. but it showed me (((they))) really do fear white males


if someone came to me about my anonymous online posting i would laugh in their face, everything here is satire and people playing devil advocate.

fucking speak english you dumb slag

whut do you mean job? no qualifications? speak up faggot

This guy stole the answer out of my mouth. I can give basic stuff though. I'm 25, salary at the end of 9 months in is 120k. Starting salary was 63k.

Basically if you have a clearance, and they need you bad enough, and you are good at what you do, you can start making bank. Thats the real simple dumbed down version, there's a lot more that goes into it.

Government, although they make far less, have some amazing perks that make up for it. I essentially make 2+ time more that govvies who do similar work, but they have crazy freedom and lateral movement and other stuff I wish I had.

there was an user from some Europe country that was shitty. I think studying politics or something like that and he was posting on here scared. Something like he said he got a super hot American gf and he couldn't understand how, he knows he can't get girls this hot, and recently she was starting to talk to him about something like an organization I think related to George Soros. I hope someone can remember better but it sounded legit. It wasn't from pol though. I've had my cell phone have a woman talking and this has happened twice. I always put it on the other room if I'm talking about something related to pol

They're vetted for security clearance, not for competence.

Admit it, they asked you to post tits or GTFO.

Nice salary bro, make sure you manage your money properly. This gravy train won't last forever.

What they asked me to do was similar.. bc of how I looked .. no one would suspect me... said they had already sent two people in and they had fallen for each other .. spy meets spy.. they wanted somebody else in there pretending to be their friend to find out what they had planned...

He should have just dumped her and got a restraining order. You can't trust 3DPD, especially if it starts asking you questions about TPTB.

so then its safe for me to assume they know what they are doing and doing it on purpose, and are aware of certain people who would be great at their work but purposefully don't hire those people.

Thanks dude. Also kek at the competence part. I know a fair share of dudes who literally only,have their jobs because of their clearance. Literally mouthbreathers.

No But I wish they did. Im sure they have need for excellent manipulator of masses.

Been gang stalked in every possible way imaginable.


Yes one time I posted a pepe so rare the Queen's personal owl contacted me offered six gorillion good peasant points for it

sure user a job offer , then you go and they kidnap you and nobody will se you again

Why don't you stop being a FUCKING coward and take it

>and are aware of certain people who would be great at their work but purposefully don't hire those people.
Again, the goal is NOT the creation of good intelligence and good research or any of that. It's maintaining their bureaucracy, political power/influence, and expanding the budget every year. That's literally it. So yeah there are people who would be great at creating intelligence, but they have the wrong temperament for bureaucracy (not a team player, anti-social, strong sense of justice/morals, etc), so they don't get hired.

You want journalism, not spooksquad.


Too bad they aren't really there to combat subversion, but rather to create it.

The low levels do their jobs. The higher ups keep the lower levels from doing their jobs.

They don't work for the people, unfortunately...
Just the elites.
Think of the symbol of the masonic black and white floor tiling.

Yeah, my buddy Mike sometimes sees my posts and is like "is that you user" and I'm like "yeah"

protip: we are user only to each other. Every post is tracked to the poster and recorded. I'm already on a couple shitlists so I don't care. Obv use an user ISP if you are posting real shit. If you are just shitposting don't bother. The longer the shitlist, the more useless it is.

Tech related stuff or what?

you gone jail naah

i only shit post, so no

How do you goys even get contacted by these types of organizations? Or what topics are you posting about that they contact you for?

Does the government appear to be liberal or conservative? Are they really targeting whites?

I got a job at a PI firm by spying on the branch manager and doxing him during my interview. Thanks, Sup Forums!

A FUCKING LEAF, posting on Sup Forums should be a mandatory 10 years in prison anyways absolute garbage

Not even once which is strange...

There's no way I'm not on a list.

You know they just keep a big database from Google, Verizon, and the like which holds all your browsing history, all your conversations, and some rogue webcam video. All of it is sitting in a database somewhere waiting to be used against you as blackmail in the event that one day you become a notable/influential person.

geo anyalsis probs

tfw no one contacts me for my shitposting


PROTIP: If you're being gang stalked its not by a intelligence agency but by a corporate special interest group.

Unfortunately, intelligence agencies get the bad rep because they document the happenings.

Example: Crime happens because cops report it.

Fact of the matter is - all these mega-billionaires are not rich by chance. They are rich because their product/idea/technology aligned with an already preconceived agenda. They were able to provide a utility to the agenda and as such, they were granted a lion's share. This also is the reason that mega-corps can still afford to push some of these moronic advertising agendas and still turn a profit, they are being subsidized on the backend by your tax dollars.

Such can be seen in various organizations such as Facebook, Google, genetic engineering, data analytics, surveillance, and really anything else that will help them to assume more control.

Even if you are hired directly, you might think you are just doing some geoanalytics but your small puzzle piece is going to a far bigger scheme that is in mind.

Facebook was funded by the CIA at its beginnings and knows absolutely everything about you.
Even if you have not made an account, they can reach conclusions about you from analyzing patterns of people you know that have FB accounts.

All it takes is for them to download the Facebook app on their phones and agree to share their phone contacts with Facebook. (Which most people do by default)

With this, Facebook creates a "grey profile" (hidden) on you even if you don't have an account, sorting together all your social relations, categorizing you, and if someone uploads a photo where you appear they already get your face through recognition software.

The amount of data Facebook knows about people that they never input is staggering.

And now the app even snoops on your website browsing history, your microphone and your whatsapp conversations.


People simply do not understand Big Data Analysis algorithms. Simply liking a page about curly fries puts you in a special profile group.


Its unlikely that Facebook people know to look for badges or verified government contracts when forking over all that data.

Literally anyone can pretend to be an agent and gain access to that information.

Let that sink in for a bit.

Sure, of course.

They have a number of super computers sitting somewhere that are iterating over everyone's search requests, messages, comments and reactions and using this data to form mathematical equations and algorithms they can then use to further influence and control the population. From this they will be able to model human behavior on an incomprehensible level beyond what is recognizable by the human brain. Teddy boy saw this coming.

Our entire "reality" is akin to a movie set.

>"won" WWII
>lives in a police state as a reward

Oh man, thank goodness those evil Nazi fascists lost.

i wish

this is scary as fuck desu senpai

No. But I have the connections to start a super PAC and I've discussed recruiting the top talent here with my backers

why could I not have been born a Swiss or Liechtensteiner, even an Austrian or Brit would be better

do it senpai


Hook me up desu. White 140 IQ redpilled af

>tfw your degenerate compulsions are so depraved that the only possible result of contact is blackmail.

All I want a cute girl to save me from myself and pull me into the world of memespionage, guys. Pls don't use me to push gun legislation.

Data's being actualized though. You'll see it in marketing and advertising mostly.

Some will be sprinkled throughout mainstream media. This isn't the doing of intelligence agencies, this is sneaky globalist trying to warn you about their own uncontrollable power.

Go on...

Yeah you're right user, the US government just had Intel build them backdoors into your CPU for fun and games

I don't blame them. People are untrustworthy on every level.

This gets abused though by fake spy's.

Riddle me this anons, who is the one pushing white nationalism here on Sup Forums and into the mainstream? It's clearly not an organic movement even if a lot of people agree with it.

Is the deep state trying to being a return to white nationalism or are the white nationalists merely a pawn for another major post-WW2 powergrab

ive had posts from here and steam used against me by CPS for some bullshit lies my ex said about me.

If you aren't larping/still here user, could you possibly point me in the direction to learn more about the kind of work you do? I'm desperate and I really need something to do.

>It's clearly not an organic movement
What makes you say that? White nationalism movements have been around (and continually subverted since the end of the Civil War) for centuries.

To reiterate since the term "Fake Spy" is a confusing one.

It's someone basically someone larping as a government official who pretends their goals are security but uses the information to emulate MK Ultra. Except instead of LSD for mind control its subversion using subliminal propaganda.

I'm a fake spy.

Don't trust me.

Just google, look into what IC recruiters are looking for. Get ready to do enough powerpoint to give yourself mental retardation.

No-one even contacts me on pol.
(you)less forever


that story sounds familiar, remember reading a post like that during ctr days , anything back then was a larp

What the fuck!? Now I want to eat some curly fries.

Well played, Arby's Meme Division.

Sup Forums is the final battleground for fake spies who assume this is where people go when they are vulnerable.

It's such a backlash, it's obvious.

Newfags don't know about don't fuck with football.

Donald Trump read one of my Sup Forums posts and sent a direct message to my phone screen via emergency alert system override

called me a pussy

Some key pieces of information support ethnic nationalism as a good political philosophy. Putnam's work on diversity and trust indicates that homogeneous societies have greater trust in their institutions. Evolution simulations find ethnocentric cooperation to be a dominant strategy over humanitarianism and freeriding/parasitism.

I do hope that Bolivian pedoposter gets v&

This is true of nearly everything on the Internet. But stuff in a forum like this, much more so, of course.

What kind of job did they offer you? Professional shitposter?

my boss said I shouln't lurk on forums so much. Luckily he didn't really check what Sup Forums is about.

I have. I occasionally make AMA threads, and I got a visit from John Kerry when he was at the State Department.. apparently someone made a FOIA request to see my contract. To my surprise it was a leaf. I've met a ton of Canadians from the internets without even contacting them directly. Canada has a huge online presence apparently. I even met that dirtygardengirl lady and i've never subscribed to her website ever.

why austrian ? btw are u a chick ?

Sorry, just got back to the thread. I would be working in finances dealing with oil, I don't want to give much information, I was asked to not mention it but 7 proxies.

It's not specifically about what is discussed here, I have posted some rough drafts for essays that I write in my free time to get feedback on ideas.

To the corporate or government overlords monitoring this thread. Offer me a job. I get paid well as is, but it's empty and soul crushing. I'm intelligent and fit, redpilled and can not be easily manipulated.

You have the money and resources for more of us on the payroll. Better to start early than scramble later on. You know the email, and address I'm certain of it.

wait wtf???? dirtyg why her? it sounds to crazy to be a larp