Stratfor does 180° on Russia predictions

>global political risk firm who is famous founded by hungarian Jew George Friedman
>famous for "USA superpower forever and ever, everyone else collapse" predictions
>they are especially zelous in parroting "Russia collapse" narrative
>week ago they went "Oh shit, they are actually here to stay"
>write about restoration of russian influence through Eurasian Union and CSTO and how no one stands in their way now

How can one country have so much luck is unbeliveable. Probably all of them sold their souls to the devil or something.

Other urls found in this thread:Птичник_(Eвpeйcкaя_aвтoнoмнaя_oблacть)

Maybe the other side sold their souls. Interesting times ahead.

>does 180
It seems like a lot of people of are doing 180 as of recently.

Russia is gonna experience more internal fracture in the future, but a full collapse is unlikely. The highly centralized money flow has made some of the federal areas irritated. Tartarstan, that can be seen as the locomotive in russian economy, has openly critizised Kremlin subsidising heavily Chechenia and other loss states.

Hmmm....The Statfor Leaks?

Who takes Stratfor seriously anymore?

So, is Stratfor trying to push something like the Dugin plan, or are they getting people ready for Dugin to be the next big bad muh russia enemy?

It's called nukes, not luck. We could've destroyed Russia in the markets by simply undercut them in oil until they either collapse or the people get sick of being paid $300 a month; of course this never happened because Russia would use a trade war to start a nuclear one.

And because our Ukraine and Syria coups fail, with Trump wanting to work with Russia against the clusterfuck that the CIA has left behind, Russia is now back in the fold. We can thank the absolute incompetence of the Intelligence Community along with the vote of the American people for that.

Gas yourself.

Thanks CIA, next time you create an out of control Wahhabi group, put a better lease on them.

the dumb fucks ignored history and projected their "universal" values on to Russian public
Russia has never been an economic power, they handle a shit economy much better than the US would
I don't know if they thought that a switch got flipped in the last 15 years and all Russians magically changed or what


he got optimistic opinions on turkey too, also he knows how to banter lel

By following them a bit it seems they subscribe to Bzerzinski's way of thinking. Meaning, a main threat to US will always be any country that has the potential to dominate Eurasia and thus unite the resources of it against you.

You fighting Nazis to prevent that especially.

China can't ever fill that role since it is restricted by geography (Himalayas, Hindukush, Gobi desert, Siberia).

Only country being capable of fulfilling that role is Russia since they lay right in the middle and they don't have any barriers like China.

I cant wait for our ally based Saudis to destroy Russia.
>We sodomize and kill Assad like we did to Gaddafi
>Pipeline from Qatar thru Syria an into Europe
>Saudis and OPEC drop oil prices even lower
>USA prospers
>r*ssia loses 30% of GDP and drifts into a financial crisis
>USSR style inflation
>one dollar costs 300 rubbles
>Based Saudis finance rebels in Chechnya
>Chechen freedom fighters decapitate russkie soldiers AGAIN
Feels good t.b.h.

Makes sense to me. I just didn't know how to interpret your greentext exactly.

>he's a central intelligence agent
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it as a career
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is closest he will ever get to real field work in his pathetic life
>he ruins threads everyone else likes because he does not know how to win a meme war
>he wastes the time of everyone at the CIA because he gets in the way of the backlog of real intelligence data that real agents must go through
>he will never be a real CIA spy
>he will never be promoted to doing real intelligence work
>he will never be able to say he proudly served his country
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a microwave pizza
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

Yep, this is you in 2050 according to him.

>all of them sold their souls to the devil
Good luck finding proofs for that, mate.



>Strategic Forecasting

>guys jewish finance tricks will ensure US #1 forever even as we accumulate crushing debt that will eventually ruin our credit and we have 0 manufacturing base in our country and our only product is media propaganda and outsourced software

>who cares if Russia and China outnumber us 5 to 1 while stealing all our patents and everyone on the planet sees we are faithless genocidal israeli servants whose "free market" is really just a protectionist racket for the international elite

>Tartarstan, that can be seen as the locomotive in russian economy
Lol wut? It's important for sure, but certainly not THE locomotive

>they handle a shit economy much better than the US would
Funny thing, that's the only economy Russians can handle, once it gets better they fuck it up

I am suprised it doesnt cover all of Germany.

It's like permanent drills for the wartime.

be thankfull he knows some other oblast in Russia besides Chechnya. They don't look on map of Russia ever, but they know all US states. If Tyva of Altay republic were to get independence from Russia tommorow they'd be "wtf".

There are some improvements. For instance, you went in Ease of Doing Business Index from 120th to 40th place in about 5-6 years. That is a fenomenal success.

But you will always remain state capitalist country.

I know about the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. It shows that Russia is a tolerant country that knows the Jews have a right to exist as long as it's in some kind of encampment where they can be Jewish by themselves.

>Jewish Autonomous Oblast
With 1% jews. Stalin wanted to send all jews at the Far East of the country.

jews there are less than 2% but cucked Russia would never change the name even after the last jew leaves. There are good names of villages that sound very middle eastern, but the whole autonomous oblast...its not even supposed to exist in that form because all other autonomous oblasts were abolished after the fall of USSR.

I think it would solve the Palestine issue peacefully to fund the relocation of Israel to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. It seems like such a waste.

There is a fucking village called Ptichnik (literally hen house or chicken coop). Imagine living there. Someone asks "where are you from?" and you answer "From the hen house!"Птичник_(Eвpeйcкaя_aвтoнoмнaя_oблacть)

I don't know how that's suppose to be strange for us.

Many countries have chicken villages.

>But you will always remain state capitalist country
Not necessarily, but in the nearest future definitely yes - the people are too used to the nanny state

In Russia the cock and chikens are like stigma animals sorta, you don't want to be called a chiken or a cock, or to be anyhow associated with those birds. Thats why mem "proofs" with the cock is supposed to be offensive.

Is this just a CIA ploy to recast Russia into a credible threat, to justify huge military spending and power grabbing?

Can't take the Russkies seriously if Stratfor says they are gonna just cave in anyway.

Interesting... I did not know that.

that's interesting. I wonder (((who))) could be behind that meme then?

Do you have any form of proofs for your fantastical claims?

Run down?

Ukranians and butthurt idiots from Krautchan

no, i have only this

tartarstan is hardly the center of russian econonmy, dude...

The timing is great for liberals because it fits the muh Russia narrative... but it's truth. The fact is that Russia isn't just painted rust, smoke and mirrors like it used to be. Putin has been saying this for almost two decades now -- even on here people like to pretend that Russia is a paper tiger. It isn't. The West got so fucking cocky and up itself after the collapse of the USSR that they've turned a blind eye to Russia for ~30 years now. Russia is a fucking powerhouse and has been for ages. Nobody wanted to believe it. Now they see.

no reason not to, they predicted a trump-type nationalist way back when

The prediction that they would collapse was always wrong.
They would just genocide their ethnic minorities if they tried to go independent.

But the idea that they have an expanding sphere of influence is utter bullshit.
They're back to good old Russian stagnation at these oil prices.

I'm not for Russian power, but I can certainly recognize that a nation that prides itself on survival and manipulation has thoroughly thought every scenario before Sup Forums did. I'm sure they have plenty of plans in place for a situation as you described.

When one superpower hurts, we all do.

cuck a doodle doo

Russia will be great someday. When they get rid of Putin and all the corrupt scum.

>wants to make muslims rich
>wants to make muslims genocide white people
>muh oil

Ugh no bro, not a powerhouse at all. I mean I am more jingoistic than anybody in this room, but that's not entirely true. Right now we're in deep defence, hoping that the US would rather fuck up NK or China rather than us.

>3rd largest military budget
>5th largest standing army
>2.5 million reserves
>nuclear superpower
>literally annexed a fucking country and nobody did anything about it
>"nooo russia nooo u cant do that muh sanctions"

1) So what, America has an obscenely large budget and yet cannot kill a bunch of goatfuckers because its mostly about money laundering taxpayer money for the MIC
2) Again so what, nowadays most engagements need small professional forces
3) See #2
4) It saves us from annihilation, but in hybrid warfare is completely useless
5) Uh which one?? Ukraine is currently under a fascist oligarchy that is rabidly anti-Russian, if anything that is the opposite of success


A country where the fascists barely get 2% at elections can't be that fascist, can it?

Russians Jews are some of the worst.

Putin gave a multi hundred million dollar contract to his Jewish friend during Sochi.

He's a TV zombie. Don't speak with him and let him go.

>hoping that the US would rather fuck up NK or China rather than us.
Respectfully that's wrong. All the US can realistically do is enforce economic sanctions against Russia. They wouldnt engage in direct warfare

>Based Saudis

You obviously haven't seen the rest of their parties
Fuck of lib shill, I actually lost relatives in the East to Nazis on pills
Your version is infinitely more preferable to mine and I hope you are right

>Kike actually shilling for CIA as if they're the good guys fighting the good fight, yet those pesky and ebul Ukrainians and Syrian citizens just didn't want to fall for Shlomos tricks and good guy CIA bungled it all up


We're not that retarded CIAkike. The fuck you think this is? Amateur hour? This website is for 18+ kikefaget

Kys stupid nigger

>t. Moshe Ben Bagelbaum

>Saudis and OPEC drop oil prices even lower

Saudis are unironically facing regime collapse if they can't get oil prices back up in the medium term thanks to their rentier state relying on gibs to buy the loyalty of a constantly-growing population.

But yes, Mohammed bin Mohammed, go ahead and root for your backwards cesspit to kill itself while trying to take out a nuclear power in economic warfare.

Stratfor is a joke.