Be American

>be American
>get bitten by a snake
>now bankrupt because you survived

Other urls found in this thread:

That dude will probably pay like $15k if he tries to be a good goy. If he's smart he'll use it as an excuse to discharge 45k of credit card debt as well.

>Antivenom is expensive
>A stay in intensive care is expensive

Shouldn't Obongocare cover this anyway?

the antidote farmers have to make a living somehow! and it's life saving work :)

Why would the taxpayer pay for this man's treatment? How long was he in the hospital for?

That's the bill sent to the insurance company. If you pay out of pocket, it gets reduced sometimes upwards by 90%.

>not having health insurance.

>How long was he in the hospital for?
10 years if you believe the price.


Insurance companies negotiate the bill usually they pay pennies on the dollar. If you say you are paying out of pocket, you get a deep discount.

Also ERs are an absolute scam. I got stitches a few years ago and they bill the insurance 15k

>uninsured american
>hur dur what is medi-Cal
typical britard

>be an imbecile
>do risky activity knowing there is no healthcare insurance
>can afford a nice new ATV tho
>get bitten by snake
>cry all the way home

Obamacare isn't free healthcare, it's just a government subsidised policy for low income earners.

The modestness of Obamacare is actually the craziest thing about the whole healthcare debate. There's still about 10% of the US population uninsured.

I've only seen ER bills this outrageous on the internet. Typically it's under $1,000 for little stuff... maybe as much as $5-10k if they have to do a bunch of tests like MRI/cat scan/etc.

I suspect these comes from hospitals taking advantage of either insurance companies or people who don't know any better.

file bankruptcy. problem solved. you pay absolutely nothing.

Probably from individuals who had tons of complications, required very specialized medicine, and are going to out of network hospitals.

I've never paid more than $500 out of pocket for anything.

90% of Americans are insured according to studies.

Why should a middle class white have to pay for the bottom 10% aka niggers, spics, and white trash?

>Be American
>Don't buy health insurance when you're around FUCKING RATTLESNAKES
>Get bit
>Transported by ambulance
>Go to ER
>Get treated with the best medical care in the world
>Get follow up treatment from top medical care
>Bitch about being in debt
>Is Alive
>kys and your family faggot


Can't say I'm surprised.

If they didn't want to pay they could've just toughed it out or died as nature intended

risky activity like walking through tall grass?
gee what a suicidal psychopath

>Be OP
>Bitches about being alive

not understanding where rattlesnakes like to hang out.

If you're uninsured and get taken to hospital for treatment without consent (like, if you're unconscious) do you still have to pay the medical bill?

Why didnt he just suck the venom out? I swear some people are fucking retarded.

it's difficult to get bitten by rattlesnakes

I mean, they have a loud ass warning rattle when you approach lol

I've come within a foot of a rattler and I'm fine because I pay attention, I heard the fucker pick his rattle up, stopped immediately, saw him and backed off

Yes. Hospitals have stuff like payment plans and financial assistance, but EMTs will always take you to a hospital on your insurance plan if possible.

Unconscious = implied consent.

Only after fighting it in civil court for 3 years and racking up the same amount in lawyer fees.

>in 2015

Why you breaking the law, bro?

>buy my health insurance
>get bit by a rattlesnake
>cost me $150,000 to fix your ass

You're fucking dropped and I'm marking the neurotoxin's damage as a potential pre-existing condition so the next bloke that has to cover your dumbass makes you pay.

>Parts of America dont have access to clean drinking water
>people get sick from their bad water
>have to pay medical bills
>now bankrupt
>still no clean water
America is such a shithole

Listen here Deutsche Faggot, you know where Rattlesnakes are if you're an Americunt if you're around them often enough. They also are not quiet. The rattle is distinct and once you come close, you are taught to retrace your steps to avoid coming in contact with it if you cannot see it. They are completely avoidable if you're not a fucking retard.

Source: Have 2 rattlesnake dens on 2 of my acreages.

>Be American
>Living in debt is totally normal
>"B-but muh freedums isn't this country great xddd"

How can you be this cucked?

you know, if you're "free and manly", do whatever the fuck you like, but don't try to access a healthcare system that OTHER PEOPLE pay for, and then WHINE in the most manly fashion that they saved your life but charged you for the service that you felt you were too manly to pitch in for

Tell that to the unconcious girl I fucked last week.

>going to jail for a long time
hes got more to worry about than being bankrupt

>Has insurance
>avoids being in debt for the rest of my life
>doesn't live life paycheck to paycheck

How can you be this nigger?

what if you are jogging while listening music ?

doctors are bigger jews than the banks. you're a sucker if you donate blood. they sell the blood you donate for free for hundreds or thousands of dollars.

also, pick isnt snake bite charge, if so post proof

Also circumcisions they do thousands of every day cost 2 grand
the snip snip uses some very expensive scissors goy

Literally me:
-Rides bike in bicycle lane
- take small break
- get run over by a drunk in his moms mercedes
- lots of broken bones, crushed feet, paralyzed arm,
-sue the bastard
- he threatens to move all his monies overseas where he has citizenship.
- he spares a few sheckles
- hospital comes after me for the settlement
-guy gets a year in jail
- limited to 800 dollars a month to live.

Welcome to California. Where you can you can basically kill anyone with little financial and social responsibility because you are a citizen in another country.

Someone end my life, please.

Rattlesnakes typically don't "sun" like rat snakes or grass snakes. You would have to be running in tall grass or over a cattle guard with headphones in to get bit. They're very reclusive.


you being in debt is your own fault weeb, get over it

It says Service date 07/04/15 to 07/09/15 which either 5 days or 5 months. (going to assume 5 months since this is murica)

lol no.

don't buy the propagonda.

if you are poor, states cover you with medicaid.

you pay almost nothing and it depends on your income.

>poor people deserve to live in crippling debt
>social mobility is for niggers

This doesn't sound very American.

who knows man, some people here just love bending over for the rich people. they seem to think they'll have a turn on top at some point.

also wtf are you like 12? that's the worst writing style I've ever seen.

That's his fault. Obongocare made it super fucking easy for even poor people to get health care. My uncle who used to be addicted to opioids signed up for it high and didn't have a job and wasn't on welfare. Easy shit.
2. If he's gonna bitch go back in time and don't get any anti venom. See how that goes.

>government will cover a huge portion of the medical bills if the patient can't pay
>hospital charges 1000x their actual overhead because they know the taxpayers will pick up the tab

Same reason college is so expensive.

That teach you to mess with snakes!


just tell them you are an illegal or a nigger and its free

Gee I wonder why no Americans have addressed this, could it be because its inexcusable?



woops, I assume it's 5 days*

Because places with broken water systems have shitty useless people.


so many wrong statements in this message.
But because i'm in good mood today i throw at you this bone, monsieur Bluepill.

He didn't have to pay shit.
>Omitting half of the story for replies

it was probably more than just administering anti venom based on the bill of charges

it was possibly something like this when the person injured decided to let it go for a li'l while:

because it looks like he had to stay in the facility for nearly a week and wound up in the ICU and had to get special medications to keep from dying of sequelae

>also wtf are you like 12? that's the worst writing style I've ever seen.

>what is insurance

>Poor people choose to live in crippling debt
>Niggers chose to live in poverty

Clearly you've never lived around niggers.

He was denied insurance due to his pre existing condition of snakebite


>be tender woman
>read suspiciously sibilant dating profile
>decide to contact anyway
>oh no not this again

Can't be denied insurance under obongo care, try again faggot.

Always interesting to see "conservatives" defend average Americans getting raped financially for treatment that every other western democracy provides for free.

And yet the best doctors come here to practice medicine....
>Make up your mind cunt.


good find, user

>not being charged multiple times for the same room

Fake and gay.

Because we believe in personal responsibility.

the US is the most jewed country in history.
i had surgery done in france where i stayed 1 night in the hospital.
total cost was just under $2,000 dollars and im not even a french citizen.
100% out-of-pocket.

if you ever need medical care.
just go to a different country and pay out of pocket.
it will still be cheaper than the Jew S A

not my problem. dont care.

Another reason America sucks, its filled with knobs

you think like a nigger which is why our country is totally fucked.
ya it is.

this is what happens when socialism is implemented.

This is not the free market healthcare

With people struggling to make ends meet, do you honestly think people would just pass up such a money making opportunity as this? Do you honestly think it really should cost this much?

>be American
>don't run around playing with rattlesnakes like a retard
>don't have to pay for those who do
Feels pretty good.

you are a moron

Ahahaha and i love amerilard when they yell COMMIE at least they gave us superior healcare kek thx socialism thx Russia

Man up and create your own anti venom. Only faggots go to the Dr.

US healthcare is the best in the world, for those who can exploit it. A consequence of treating disease as a commodity, instead of a societal calamity like fires.

If the government didn't guarantee payment they wouldn't charge so much.

>be African
>step on spider

I think you should go back to plebbit

why dont people just not pay debts

These retarded threads.

Two outcomes

>have insurance
>your insurance pays that bill

>dont have insurance
>call the hospital
>ay mang no insurance
>well what can you pay us
>how about $200?

Right when I turned 18 and was off my parents plan and hadn't gotten insurance yet I had kidney stones, ended up with a 10k bill, paid the hospital $30.

That's untrue, healthcare prices in the US used to be somewhat affordable, until the massive deregulation under Dubya.

this. my wife work in a parisian hospital and when she began she couldn't believe the numbers of americans patients coming around here to save thousands $.

It's a way used to keep you in the system.

>"Oh you are a deviant and don't want to be a good employee ? no more health care for you. btw if you have the indicence of needing vital care, we will enslave you with an absurdly high costed bill. thx bye"

Unlike most venomous snakes, rattle snakes have a fuck off rattle that let's you know when to fuck off.

but even in countries with single payer healthcare where doctors are paid by the act its not that bad.

if it costs 150k to fix a snakebite, then every company in america would be involved in curing snake-bites.

You people need to wake up and see that this insane pricing is caused by government fucking with healthcare, and not the free market.

fit meh meight

Let me guess

Dual Israeli citizen

(((personal responsibility)))


Second DUI.

Even had obongocare, bill still in the 1.5 million.

I don't know how much more sad I can be for myself.

>Second DUI
literally no sympathy, you deserve it fucking scum

hope you crash and die next time you decide to risk others' lives like that

>Get bit by rattlesnake
>life or death situation
>Get emergency help even though I don't have health insurance
>$150k bill

>Get bit by rattlesnake
>life or death situation
>decide not to get emergency help since I don't have health insurance

Is your life worth $150k? Mine is priceless.

Health insurance is cheap in America. I pay like $200 for a silver plan each month.

fuck I'm the worst, just read your other post

I'm so sorry user I'm gonna go kill myself

He's talking about the not-commie chink who hit him.

It was his 2nd DUI

He ran me over with a prior offense. Only got a year and got away with paying less than a 3rd the damage done.