Why are Millennials not going to the movies anymore?
Hollywood is literally on life support...
Why are Millennials not going to the movies anymore?
Hollywood is literally on life support...
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Streaming videos online for free > paying $40 for a ticket and a pack of skittles
$15 movie ticket, $20 popcorn and drink, and the movies generally are low quality writing/directing/acting, even if the special effects are pretty good (most special effects artists are white, shocker). Additionally movies are getting longer and longer, 3 hour movies are normal now and they haven't brought back intermissions. They need to do that.
>watching normalshit filmography
like 2 out of the 100 movies released today are actually watchable and not boring
there arent much good movies anymore, only recycled shit
why go to the cinema and watch a shitty overpriced movie when you can watch nice series at netflix etc
Autist, lots of normies still goes to the movies, you should come out of that hole of a basement and see for yourself.
Too much Marxist propaganda, prices for shit keep going up for literally no reason, niggers invaded the theater scene and ruined the experience for real people instead of just going to the theaters and drive ins in the ghetto where they belong
The gaming industry has taken its place. For the cost of a night to the movies, especially like the ones that combine a dining experience with the movie, you can buy a more immersive video game that is written better, has a larger budget, and is entertaining for 40 hours or more.
Since most movies are huge cgi fests anymore anyway, it's an easy choice.
Movies aren't even worth torrenting anymore
Movie theaters are full of niggers and mexicans these days too. Not enjoyable.
Movies are all anti-white now. I haven't been in years.
I can't watch a drama without some faggy liberal agenda going on and I can't watch an action movie because it's all the same shit now. The only new movies I keep up with are horror, and they're not all that great anymore either.
The Witch was good.
Most new videogames are trash as well though.
Good, fuck Jewlliwood.
While I agree with this, the dollar/entertainment value is so extreme compared to movies that it's still an easy choice for most.
Too expensive, too many sexual, reboots and "franchises", too much propaganda and sameness (every movie has the same take on a subject) movies to fucking long.
They keep trying to turn it into an "experience" so that people will shell out $50 each for their 3D gold pass ticket and food and drink, rather than keeping it nice and cheap so people go more often.
If it was half the price I'd go every week, currently I never go.
You can't expect Hollywood to remain relevant after recycling same tropes for over half a century.
Then for even less money you can hunt out the old ones if you are the type who cares about what they consume. Normies don't care that it's trash, but the point still stands.
no it wasn't
Why go out to the Jew when you can get subverted at home instead
Great. Fuck marxists and dirty kikes.
>Go to AMC
>transformers 2.
>Non stop loud as fuck bullshit for what felt like more than 3 hours.
Never again
I go maybe 1 a month at most, would love to go more but it's pretty pricy to go to a theater with a low amount of blacks. Even then, refreshments are ridiculously overpriced and I must have a hot dog and popcorn. Otherwise, what's the point?
It's the golden age of television. Every quality production I've watched in the last 2 years has been a series. They also refuse to take any risks. There's about 3(?) superhero films a year. None are particularly good.
>going to gross lice infested theaters with garbage on the floors and niggers everywhere
I'll just pirate the movies I care for. Which is zero new movies.
[spoiler] CHYNA [/spoiler]
Compared to all this other trash, yes it was.
Black people ruined going to the movies because they're no longer afraid to act like niggers in public.
Low quality movies.
They make 300 sequels and nothing original.
They're probably following the data from jewbook and perharps Google and making movies from what people seen to be interested, and ignoring the artistic idea behind films.
Turns out that the best movies are the ones that people are surprised.
There's also the obvious propaganda that makes movies incredible boring
Movie Theaters stopped being engaging once I got an internet connection.
As did much of life.
Oh god.
Good, kill that social engineering shit with fire.
less spending money, i guess.
Same reason video game development is going through a similar kind of purgatory
Oversaturation of a market that has been embracing digital distribution by medium to low quality studios that keep pumping out mediocre titles or niche pearls whose only reason of excellence is not being literal garbage in the sea of shit we're navigating in
Of course, hollywood has AT LEAST some kind of quality control, but the amount of agenda-pushing in films is much, MUCH bigger than videogames, so it balances out
Don't forget the long scenes devoted to just how awesome the US military is. We must have gotten the international version, but I'm sure the domestic cut had ENLIST NOW flashing across the screen
Totally agree with the intermissions.
I have been leery of saying this for a long time because I always thought it was just me getting older, but films these days are genuinely not very good. I think film peaked in the early 90s. It is becoming an antiquated medium as all mediums and art forms do eventually.
>movies too bland and expensive for goy
>one of (((their))) powerbases soon going into decline
Oy vey, did one of our plans backfire?
It's true. I'm almost always disappointed at the options when I'm in the mood to find a flick.
too many niggers in every movie, even when they do not belong. Almost every single movie pushing some kind of kike bullshit. Always race mixing. Its expensive. Can't smoke. There is always loud obnoxious people.
Would rather steal the trash movie that I will only half watch and watch it in the comfort of my home where I can do what I want and not be interupted by people.
I work nights so I usually go at 11am, It's like $5.50 for a ticket to blow 2 hours.Guardian of the galaxy 2 was ok.
Nah it just is a dying medium. The internet is so boundlessly free because it is in the perceived freedom that information can be easily gathered and controls planted without much attention can be garnered.
No good movies anymore. Name one.
movies are boring as fuck. its always the same shit, pandering to the lowest common denominator. romcoms, generic buddycop/dude bro action films, forced "comedy" movies, scary_monster_of_da_week.mp4, disney/dreamworks/nostalgia bait. experimental indie films arent good either (if i wanted to stare at a halllway for 25 minutes i would go an do that irl, not in a low budget theatre). over saturation is the death knell of any era of media, and what we are seeing is the end of our era of media. maybe shit will be more interesting in a few years when people start writing interesting stories for films, and not writing to only make money.
It's just too commercial. It's all about making money rather than making something good. Low IQ retards eat it up anyway so it probably won't stop without killing off Hollywood entirely and letting film reform with the indie scene.
I liked the Handmaiden.
There are actually a lot of good korean movies out there, nice to see something different than the typical Hollywood crap
The most recent movie I can think of that wowed me was Whiplash, but that came out three years ago
Man, this lion bondage porn is hot! Sauce?
Not just millennials. My dad who basically watched pure garbage all through the 90's and 00s doesn't go see them very often anymore.
-Security everywhere, now going to the movies is getting more and more like taking a plane.
-No more double-bills.
-No more intermissions
-Litteraly half an hour of fucking commercials before the film actually starts.
-Too fucking expensive.
During the week my local cinema is empty I can be the only person watching a screen it was nice when I used to go but I prefer downloading as most movies are trash there was only one movie I wanted to see from this year and have seen already fate furious was ok
Why should I? Every movie tries to pretend i'm weak and beta for being white with a small dick and my girlfriend should fuck with Tyrone. The main lead is always a girl with girl problems so I inevitably end up thinking about random shit during the movie because I can't relate to their emotional dramatic world view.
I end up paying overpriced tickets and popcorn and leave the cinema pissed off because nothing in the movie was made to appeal to me except for the general imagery. And i'm not stupid enough to not realize the movie is basically telling me to go cuck myself while it's pushing lasers and car explosions in my face.
I see the same thing happening with video games which I rarely play nowadays. Every game is multi cultural and has a female lead. And I just don't enjoy playing in the role of someone I dont have any affinity with whatsoever.
Photo shopped, someone post the real one.
We would rather have a social experience with fewer friends where we can be ourselves, weather that means smoking weed drinking not doing drugs, talking, reading texting, being able to pause the movie, changing the movie at will, etc.
People are taking advantage of online movie places to watch tv shows and movies together in various forms off hand I know of
www.rabb.it - 25 Max Room Size Use your own Virtual Machine (VM) to visit any website with friends or the public pass around a remote can use your webcam and mic if you want can put images in the chat.
Garrys Mod - is the one that i used for a long time Gmod Theater watched movies and youtube clips with people for years, theres other servers with more exotic tastes for you freaks out there but even pony servers where you can be a pony and watch clips
people want to not have the same restrictions that the movie places on our time, and frankly people prefer to see things in their own home. movie execs need to adapt to the times and start making Virtual Movie Theater Games/Media that let people be in a movie theater at their home, and then just stream the movie in highest and lowest quality for maximum coverage.
Let people get like a digital copy of the movie or something in advanced like steam pre-loads so when it comes time to show the movie its already loaded for people so bandwidth will be less of an issue.
Christ this isn't hard to figure out guys
I recently enjoyed The Void.
Funny mine was when I stopped having friends
Well atleast I got you guys.
A lot of things come into play, the prices, the fact that many movies are easily available online, streaming services in general, sequel and franchise fatigue, Hollywood itself showing hardly any originality whatsoever anymore and studio execs also not encouraging creativity.
Everything now either needs to rely on the nostalgia of the 80s and 90s (sometimes the 70s), it also needs to be played safe, because God forbid some fuck gets PTSD because the movie was too challenging and it needs to have a by the numbers script. They're not taking risks, they're throwing crap at us which we've seen a hundred times already because they think that's what people want.
It's why they're completely getting their asses kicked by all the series people are watching atm.
Most movies aren't even projected on film anymore - they're digital. It's like throwing in a blu-ray disc and projecting it onto a white wall in your house with speakers.
Say what you want about Quentin Tarantino - he recognizes that film just looks so much better.
jollywood. its jollywood idiot
Sauce? Genuinely curious, I haven't heard the movie industry is suffering
I agree with most of the sentiment here. But gotg2 was kinda fucking great.
>AMC is owned by China
>Most movies have to cater to Chinese Audiences and lose a ton of great potential plot stories.
>Most movies follow a formulated genre: Crazy Party Comedy Movie, Super Hero Movie, Holocaust Movie, White Guilt We Dindu Nuffin Movie, Evangelical Propoganda Movie, Romantic Comedy.
>Ticket Prices are around 20$ per movie.
Its too expensive, I am going to be forced to watch a movie I have seen before, it is catered to the Chinese government's censors, and depending on who I go to I help a country steal an industry get killed out by a corrupt government to become the most safe way to propaganda into the masses around the globe.
because we don't want to be massacred by some alt-right lunatic
I studied filmmaking at college too. I want to make a movie before I die, but I don't really see the point, unless I can convince enough millenials to spend their parents' money on my kickstarter, for a movie that won't even target their demographic
Daily reminder that movies being produced aren't really for whites anymore, they're for niggers and chinks
Once China awakens to the jews lies and stops going, the kike power structure will be hugely damaged.
Ill go if someone else pays but I am a man so probably not gonna happen
go into television/Netflix instead
AMC is owned by China now. Exerything is exported and globalized. China dictates our markets and what can be shown, and that is only advantageous to us because they despise JJ Abrams tier cuckoldry (pic related).
Everything is about capefaggots or is effeminate, dumbed down, pretentious trash. The rare exceptions are profitable, but bigger studios won't pick up on the formula. A24 is trying to do things out of the box, but they are probably even more pozzed than the rest of Hollywood. It's just a shitshow and I have no interest in supporting it.
Hell or High Water and Bone Tomahawk were recent and great desu. They were both indie tho, I believe.
>films become too short
>people complain
>films become too long
>people complaint
I haven't gone to a 3 hours film on a while, shit can't remember the last long film I saw on the theaters, but I do remember going to the movies as a kid in the late the 90's or early 2000 and being confused about the intermission.
I have an idea for a TV show but I'd rather do a movie. I don't care for TV much.. As for distribution I'm not really liking the existing platforms, but I guess it's better than how it used to be.
I might just upload it to youtube and seek patreon or paypal optional reimbursement from fans
Fucking Furries!
>Current year
>Paying literal money for movies
Toppest of top keks
considering you can get a 60 inch tv at costco for 900 bucks, im not surprised.
Fuck the chinks, Imperial Japan did nothing wrong.
Who wants to see all the gaysex?
Homos are like 2% of the population.
>jewish hollywood is dying
thank god
Gay guys, teaching your kids about butt sex. And if you don't like it, you're a bigot. #progress
t. Married and wife watches gay shit like ru paul's drag race all day.
last movie I saw in the cinema was Hacksaw Ridge. I might check out Dunkirk. Outside of that, I have no interest in upcoming movies
Nobody likes beaners.
I believe the technical term is called extreme values Dissonace
I can't watch movies because I feel like rowdy roddy piper with his glasses on.
- white men are evil
- real men don't (((.....)))
- magical negro
- white men are destroying (((.....)))
>make 1 million sequels every year
>surprised when people stop going
Hacksaw Ridge was great!
>Hollywood is literally on life support...
good, maybe they'll stop with this white guilt shit after the shekels dry up
(((Hacksaw Ridge)))
The highest form of morality goy is being a pacifist who is a moral coward and will let Evil triumph because they are philosophically incapable of fighting for anything.
(((Academy award winner)))
For the price of a 2 hour movie I can buy 2 video games for 100+ hours of fun
Its an easy choice
Everything is fucking expensive and I can just pirate the movie on rarbg for free from the comfort of my own home with no interruptions and I don't have to talk to people and then sit in a piss and sweat drenched seat for 1 hour with no pause option.
Maybe I'm just a faggot but a lot of movies today are shit and so are the actors. Everything is a romantic comedy or an explosion. No good storylines. Just sex or explosions. A modern film is half snarky bullshit or overdone slapstick humor. Maybe a horse kicks someone and they're launched a billion feet away. Everything is said is a short sarcastic remark. Today's "best" actors are Will Smith or some blonde whore.
Screw modern cinema. I'll stick to Marlon Brando, Paul Newman, and Cary Grant.
Let's start a redpilled movie thread? Need some suggestions.
2001 space odyssey
7 sins
The Truman Show
Into the Void
Muholland Drive
Anyone want to get in on this?
You're right. Killing Germans, Italians and Japs for central banker's and their fucked up agenda is what real men do. So glad my president has NUTS.
every new movie is either social justice propaganda or pulp action and it's pretty boring
pulp action i'm even okay with, it's just that they're all fucking superheroes and all ARCS not self-contained movies
fuck that shit
Watched Magical Creatures and where to find them with the family the other night.
boring, uninspiring and wished there were more creatures.
watched The Accountant last night.
barely engaging or tense, negligible back story, anna (((kendrick))) and her jewy looking mouse face. fight scenes were kinda cool
John Wick was an completely enjoyable movie, still need to see #2.
not just the fact that they just do reboots, they reboot stuff that does not tickle me a bit.
i´m just going to see the sequel to bladerunner and then complain about the the sequel to bladerunner but i´m not going to pay
No good movies anymore. There are only a handful of good directors and they only release a new movie every few years.
The monthly fee of having Netflix is cheaper than buying 1 movie ticket.
brazil + zero theorem
Why pay to go see a movie that I can download/stream it in HD quality in a week or so for free?
Hollywood deserves to die in nuclear fire. I hope it's land is unsuable for 10,000 years, just as a reminder of what global dissemination of degeneracy gets you.
The same topics covered over and over, after WW3 maybe you can make some better movies. Oh wait half the US will prolly be gone.