so why does Sup Forums prefer hitler the retard over Richard Spencer? The Alt-Right is the future.
So why does Sup Forums prefer hitler the retard over Richard Spencer? The Alt-Right is the future
bump. Remember that faggot lost a war. Stop follow socialist losers.
because it's a satire board
>so why does Sup Forums prefer hitler the retard over Richard Spencer? The Alt-Right is the future.
>because it's a satire board
It's sometimes hard to tell.
o shit 1945 get
>It's sometimes hard to tell.
no it isn't
So he's a socialist? Thanks for agreeing with me.
Well considering you just presented a historically and objectively false supposition I think you might be retarded.
Hitler was so afraid of marxist infiltration he litterally executed all of his SA members durring the night of the long knives.
Because and heres the kicker because many of them started acting like marxists.
Thats how i know horse shoe theory is retarded
Fuck off KGB
Like right now you're tripfagging. It's obvious you aren't serious.
Not a Marxist Socialist.
you're right. it is DEFINITELY a satire board
furthermor the alt right is a sad display of idiots who have already managed to alienate themselves from normal people just like the far left has done.
Congrats your "movement" is a failure on all fronts
Who cares about fucking marxism? It's socialism and would fail regardless of your conspracy
Socialism is bad period
>So he's a socialist? Thanks for agreeing with me.
>Like right now you're tripfagging. It's obvious you aren't serious.
why do you think that? because some dirty kike told you the meaning of tripcodes, did he?
>you're right. it is DEFINITELY a satire board
is that so? what is being satirized?
"Sup Forums hates Richard Spencer" is a forced meme pushed by Jews frightened of charismatic, influential white nationalist leaders. They want to discredit him.
uhhhhh what
>white nationalist leaders
oh god you are embarrasing. What? were you out there with your tiki torches from home depot chanting "blood and honor" like a retard?
sure sounds like it
Because anyone who is really serious about saving the white race knows that there is literally no solution that does not involve mass slaughter of shit skins, jews, and communists.
>"Sup Forums hates Richard Spencer" is a forced meme pushed by Jews frightened of charismatic, influential white nationalist leaders. They want to discredit him.
i have never spoken to richard spencer in my life
>implying this contradicts that
Nice baseless ad hominem, shillfriend
Do you want to end up like Venezuela or any South American country?
>poltards finally realise putin is a jewish puppet kike
>implying marxism supports white nationalism
>what is being satirized?
the correct word is "who"
the answer: you
calling yourself a nazi is taking on tons of shit you never did and dooming yourself to not be successful in anything you try to do with it.
You're on 4/pol/. This isn't real Sup Forums it's KGB shill and Reddit Sup Forums
The real Sup Forums died a few months ago.
That's socialism, doesn't matter how you try to spin it.
>the correct word is "who"
>the answer: you
Sup Forums is satirizing me?
Its all you deserve. You and your lot look like big ol nerds with your Larp gear and torches.
Congrats no one wants to associate with you.
You're completely retarded faggot. Spencer has been making videos and doing podcasts for awhile now, but he never once mentioned the term alt right until after Clinton did a speech on Pepe and the alt right, and out of nowhere he claims he is the leader of a movement that never even existed. He is a cancerous e-celebs that is more then likely controlled opposition, but you faggots from reddit are constantly suck8ng his cock like he's the next Hitler.
E-celeb threads should be banned since they're tier cancer
>calling yourself a nazi is taking on tons of shit you never did and dooming yourself to not be successful in anything you try to do with it.
>muh PR!!
Guess what faggot. If KGB homo with a Jewish wife who promotes race mixing Richard Spencer is called a Nazi by the MSM and normies, then you're a fucking nazi too.
The altright term was coined back in 2008 by RS. Don't act like a newfag.
please make this a reality mods. I just wanna post memes and laugh at lefties again. this IRL bullshit has gotten incredibly pathetic
God I took the bait hard. Here if you're actually this retarded then please read
watch the whole thing faggot
>implying the point you're trying to make is at all what he meant
>you are le loser xD
When you're truly indifferent to and above something, you just ignore it, you don't attack it. The fact that you're coming at me (us) says more about how threatened you feel than anyone else
>Spencer is more then likely controlled opposition
>muh controlled opposition
Nice meme
*than anything else
I know all of that garbage. If it were just socialism you would get the same results. Gibs and handouts are cancer to the country. Go back to your bernie sanders subreddit
>implying Sup Forums died a few months ago instead of a few years ago after Sup Forums harbor
Your post reeks of cancer faggot
Adolf Hitler vs Rothschild
uh no, its because you big dumb morons arent revolutionaries. You are just making rightist politics into a fucking lolcow.
Do you seriously think normies want to jump on board with your shit? Its a spectacle thats all this is. You have accomplished nothing except triggering SJW and got a few articles about your club.
>One rallied ~60 million people behind him
>Worked for 20 years until he became the leader of the strongest european nation
>Started the last great war
>Will live on for hundreds of years in our history books
>Other one is a larping tinfoil hat wearer
I don't know my man, tough question.
Define alt right then. You can't because most of the dumbasses that follow the fake movement are civic nationalists or idiots who know nothing about politics.
Watching Hitler speeches really makes you understand the meaning of hindsight 20/20
How could the Majority of the white race be so wrong? Why weren't the US and other white countries fight on the side of Hitler?
wtf i love communism nao
Sure have seen a shitload of coordinated anti-hitler shilling on /pol today. Clearly (((they))) are starting to feel fear. They know the cat's out of the bag and that they can't escape their fate.
>controlled opposition
Lurk moar faggot. All politicians are two faced and will say one to appease their followers then say or do something else entirely behind closed doors. The world is fixed but you're too blind to notice
*sputters incoherently*
Once again,
>implyng the point you're trying to make is at all what he meant
Why can't you like them both? By the way, you know Richard Spencer is a socialist and a nationalist right? NazBol is the future of the movement you silly kike.
This is now Hitler defined socialism
>pic related
white segregation and white pride
>le NatSoc is the same thing as marxist socialism
You're no better than a SJW whore getting triggered by words. Socialism means helping the community and NatSoc is anything but collectivist. I can't stand these newfags that can't understand it.
NatSoc won't take away your property
NatSoc won't take away your guns
NatSoc won't raise your taxes
NatSoc won't stop you from making your own business.
NatSoc goes against lobbyism, monopoly, private banking, international financial institutions and of course usury. So if you're not a literal kike, you have nothing to lose.
Are those goalposts heavy
>implying we give a shit about normies
They bring cancer to this site just like all the faggots from reddit do. Sup Forums needs to stop getting public attention or this site will completely turn into an anonymous reddit, or a cancerous hellhole with forced memes and very little discussion in lament terms.
why dont you tell us all what he meant when he said:
>ethno-nationalism is for the weak
>we should accept a "supra-national" globalist platform
>marxism is okie doke
>You're no better than a SJW
SJW's are usually socialists. Just like nazis. So you're no different than them
>By the way, you know Richard Spencer is a socialist and a nationalist right? NazBol is the future of the movement you silly kike.
Communism is the future and the present... No thanks
>NazBol is the future of the movement you silly kike.
cool we arent talking about the internet billy.
We are talking about building a credible movement. You almost almost had the chance to become something like the tea party and get some actual traction buuuuuut your autism fucked it all up and now you are a joke
So in other words white nationalism or Ethno-Nationalism. However Dick Spencer said that Ethno-Nationalism was dead so your leader is already contradicting your beliefs and you still blindly follow him regardless.
Oh just fuck off schlomo.
>SJW's are usually socialists like nazis
kike logic
That's what happens when you lurk long enough, and it'll happen to you too. You should leave while you still can
>Taking him out of context
>Implying NATIONAL Bolshevism is the same thing as Marxian Bolshevism
Typical kike tactics.
Ignoring arguments don't work here, faggot
Most kikes like Sanders push for Socialism. I'm against it. What is your point?
>Taking him out of context
>Implying NATIONAL Bolshevism is the same thing as Marxian Bolshevism
>Typical kike tactics.
it's all jewish bolshevism you stupid cunts
>ethno-nationalism is for the weak
"we should aggressively take a place for ourselves instead of meekly begging for one", which is what "j-just get out of our countries and leave us alone" white nationalism is
>we should accept a "supra-national" globalist platform
"white nationalists around the world should associate to advance their interests"
>marxism is okie doke
>implying saying "marx had a point" on a single specific issue is equivalent to saying "let's be Marxists"
>implying the specific political system that a white ethnostate adopts is important in comparison to the establishing of said state in the first place
it's true. he would have been shutdown for good a long time ago if it wasn't.
>anti-hitler shilling on /pol today.
Welcome to 4-chan
Checked. I've been here for longer than you
>thinking Sup Forums is a movement
Most of the oldfags that lurked since /n/ or /new/ are either Libertarians, National Socialists, Traditionalists and Ethon-Nationalists, and they would constantly debate and argue over others' beliefs, but we got along for the most part since we have a common (((enemy)))
The argument was about SJWism. How did I avoid it?
Then what was the main political idealology on /n/?
>everything that isn't capitalism is Marxist
Good Goyim.
The jew shit is a meme and you can't get along with natsocs.
I will never understand why people push for National Socialism and then disregard regular socialism in the same breathe despite that they're the SAME ECONOMIC MODEL. You're nothing but a bunch of identitarian faggots like the SJW's. Just replace "equality" with "the white race" and patriarchy with "the jews" and it's pretty much the same.
shut up kike
>Shit I can't beat that. Better post a stupid image
what's the difference between Hitler and Richard Spencer?
Because National Socialism was designed to urge the Jewish power from places of Government and Education. National Socialism is not the final form of Government, only the foundation.
Socialism is a Jewish trick.
Please educate yourself before posting.
>despite that they're the SAME ECONOMIC MODEL.
No, they're not even remotely similar models. Under the Third Reich small business ownership and individually-held wealth reached their peak of the first half of 20th century Germany. You have literally no idea what you're talking about.