Here's a guide for you retarded right wingers
Thank you.
Sup Forums is controlled opposition lately and believes in (((capitalism))) and also believes Socialism is a Jewish invention. Why would Jews want to take Jews money?
Here comes the JIDF to convince everyone Jews weren't everywhere in the USSR and also every other Commie European movement
Good thing Marx wasn't Je-
just no.
yes yes goy
the federal government definitely = the workers
Senpai, without the state communism would not be enforced and people would be selfish and not share their produce. This would lead to a free market in less than 2 seconds. Too bad there is Always a state to then send all those selfish people to "happy gulag".
>have both monet and the state been abolished?
>has the state been abolished?
So communists are really just even more deluded lolbertarians?
If I want a jet ski in gommunist country how do I acquire one?
>my perfect form of communism hasn't been tried: the post
>we have abolished the government. Now we just need to form a collection of the wisest citizens to plan and organize our society and ensure the safety and welfare of the people
The difference doesn't matter.
You will all look the same when you hit the ground.
>Monet abolished
B..but why? His paintings were not THAT shitty.
So communism is a worker's anarchy? How does that even work? Literally nothing would get done.
How does the no money thing work? Go back to bartering? 3 goats and half a sheep for a pack of opium?
But how would you have central planning without the state?
>So communists are really just even more deluded lolbertarians?
Yes, by orders of magnitude.
Communist countries have always had a state in place.
>inb4 but that wasn't real communism!
What you're describing is a form of anarchy that couldn't possibly exist unless everyone was lobotomized. Groups form and hierarchies are created, that's human nature.
No one cares about your intentions, you stupid commie fuck. What you want is irrelevant, it's what you actually do that makes everyone hate you.
Don't even try this kind of reasoning. Feelings and actions are literally the same thing in a liberal's eyes.
>abolish state
>jews gain control and kill you
genius idea
Here's a guide for retards who think "muh stateless communism" is even possible. The failed communist states are the best of what communism can become because it is inherently flawed.
>Sign up to get our free Bernie stickers (and money begging emails).
>Sorry we don't have any stickers left but you can sign up anyway and we'll tell you when we have more (but in the meantime we will beg for more money).
Never understood the "means of production" meme. Who cares about that?
>"The workers own the means of production"
But where do the means of production come from? Is it necessary for them to be seized? Or is the expectation that the council of workers can, from nothing, procure, set-up, and maintain complex manufacturing equipment without a hierarchy developing?
Will there factory always produce "X" widget because the central planners say they must produce "X" widget or, keeping things equal, can they say they want to produce "Y" widget instead? There's no state apparatus after all, so the central planners must only be offering a recommendation
>le JIDF meme
Hmm... Let's look at Eastern European leaders
Hungarian Jewish
Two Jews. Two.
Not an argument.
Not an argument.
>Caring about the workers
Thats actually feminism
A society without money is a society without trade. What's the plan? Everyone lives in a commune doing subsistence agriculture? What about people that want to specialize and produce their own stuff, and then trade it for other stuff that they don't produce? And how is it possible to prevent that in the absence of a state?
Venezuela never claimed to be socialist. Chavez never once said socialism. Prove me wrong!
5/7 of the people in the Politburo were Jewish.
Two sides to the same coin
American Civic Nationalism with legal non-violent racism is the way to the future
Nice job saving the thumbnail.