Was 9/11 a false flag set up by the government?
Did it actually happen?
Was 9/11 a false flag set up by the government?
Nope never happened. No one New York saw anything happen and 2001 CGI was better than today.
Its conspiratism. Just like all ocean, earth is Flat you know. all one big land and same people wit no border. You know.
Reminder these are leftists threads by pro-muslim antifa who want you to believe a FUCKING WHITE MALE (Pres. Bush) murdered 3,000 people and that the poor brown Muslims dindu nuffin'.
Yeah, but the Earth is flat. Some guy wrote it in a book 157 years ago. Must be true.
mexico, go pick some apples
>Was 9/11 a false flag set up by the government?
Yes, to destroy dirt on the gubmint, give us a motive to invade the ME, collect insurance fraud on it, and pass more laws that take away our freedoms, among other reasons.
>Did it actually happen?
Are you baka?
Get fucked Burrito Nigger.
Oh no, my uncle didn't die, he's fine.
I think OP's pic might be photoshopped
saudi arabia did it as a threat and gov covered everything up because of how deeply they fuck us
>Hey its me the president, we need to get rid of some of these documents in building 7.
>Ok well get a team with paper shredd...
>We should fly planes into the WTC instead
Building 7's obvious controlled demolition was obvious.
>pro-muslim antifa
>mexico, go pick some apples
>apple-picking time in May
Your dumb suburban crackerass is why we need Messicans.
9/11 you say?
>Check those digits...
we will never know the real truth
but a fact remains: 3 buildings came down at free fall speed, in a controlled demolition.
who and why and how is not 100% known at this time and will never be.
leftists like you and the antifa faggots in this thread have no shame.
>I am all that has been and is and shall be