Can we stop the White genocide?

Can we stop the White genocide?

Its almost impossible to get the niggers out. And the White males are becoming soft fags.

it's good only for Jews!


They want payback

Ethnic Europeans need to start doing things on a local level. I.E. forming homeowners associations to prevent non whites from moving into white neighborhoods. We also need our guys to start trying to run for political office, the highest levels they can. Imagine if we controlled the local institutions instead of shitlibs or cuckservatives, then we'd be in good shape and we could reverse the tide within one generation.

Remember, its either

>Your Children's Children
>Or Your Children's Children

What's it going to be?

In europe. We can not shoot or fight. We are almost useless pussies.

It's a run against time...
The most important it is our people regain consciouss of who we are, and that our demogrphics are in bad shape.

Fuck thats blackpilling desu, I mean places like the Czech republic and poland seem like good starting grounds. I guess you have to do things on an individual level, improving yourself and other Dutch around you

this too

Good Idea. Im already buying guns. And a lot of people are against globalism and White genocide.

Only old people and the media is really against the right.

>Good Idea. Im already buying guns.

You can get guns? I thought the only firearms you could get were like black powder pistols or something

Whats the process to get one like?


Im buying it illegal. An AK47 is like 1k euro.

But legal you only can get a 9mm. With back ground check. You Also have 2 safes, one for the gun and the other for ammo.

>Im buying it illegal. An AK47 is like 1k euro.

Kek, whats the likelyhood of them finding out you have it illegally?

>But legal you only can get a 9mm. With back ground check. You Also have 2 safes, one for the gun and the other for ammo.

Christ, if they wanna make you do all that shit I don;t blame you for wanting to get a gun illegally

Its not likely to find out. Only if they catch the package by the post office. Or a snitch.

And if you have a legal gun The police will then check every three months.

sure, but only if you REALLY want to

Have you read Le Camp des Saints? It's prophetic, and in the end, Switzerland is the only European country which refuses to succumb to mass migration and allowing its white population to become a minority. So they are bombed by the European powers. This is exactly what will happen to any country in Europe which doesn't surrender to multicult. All the rich countries want it so the likes of Poland will be forced to accept it sooner or later. First would come economic warfare, then actual military intervention.

seems twice as likely for it to be my childrens children then

Kill Jews.
>"teaching the goy about what we say about them is equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we spoke about them, they would kill us openly". -Sanhedrin 59a

Kill them openly. The goyim know.

It's the ONLY WAY to get them to stop.

You're asking to be arrested by posting shit like this. Calm down mate.

Honestly what will happen is in the next decade Europe will go to hell, and isolated countries with immigration that is easy to lock down like Australia, Iceland, the U.K., and the U.S. will take note and halt shitskin immigration and take all the (now redpilled) fleeing Europeans to beef up our numbers back into the 95% range. In which we would breed out nonwhites in a few generations.

This is probably the only realistic option for survival of the white race.