Why are atheists so retarded? Whenever they get BTFO they just respond with leddit teir arguements.
Why are atheists so retarded? Whenever they get BTFO they just respond with leddit teir arguements
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HOW, could this plant KNOW that thorns would keep eaters away?...
Well athishits well agnastyshits well...
HOW could a plant KNOW such a thing
Yes, I need all the Christ Chan
the real queation is how animals get life or death defensive mechanisms
What if I don't believe in a god of any sort, but I agree with a lot of teaching that stems from religions and respect those values?
Jesus was jewish. :^)
Wow, so insightful. Please go on.
you will spared on the day of the guillotine
some fedoracuck edited your picture. heres the real one
>Tip harderest
Fuck your fake ass "god"
Stupid christfags
A plant does not know. It adapts.
The atheists here are from reddit
What kind of cruel God would allow this?
>some fedoracuck edited your picture. heres the real one
I just think most religions are pretty gay. I don't preach about it, and I don't give a shit if you practice a religion or not.
If you do believe in one, I'll just secretly judge you and think you are a little stupid and gay is all.
>I can't find a valid argument to disprove God or Christianity, so I'll just Jesus a Jew
funny how christkikes, kikes, hadjiikikes and atheists all hate gays
>>I can't find a valid argument to disprove God or Christianity, so I'll just Jesus a Jew
just your dirty kike jesus you filthy fucking faggot jew-worshipping cucklord
We don't hate gays, just homosexuality I'm general
Don't care who or what you fuck, user -- go wild.
>We don't hate gays, just homosexuality I'm general
that's disgusting you filthy perverted moronic freak
Fuck dude he got us our whole religion is a lie.
>0.000001 sheckles have been deposited into your account
Let's be adults here! You are 20, I am 24. I was raised in a Muslim country with good morals and principles. I've experienced the things you never did which made me who I am today. The heart within me is battered for so many reasons because of life, but it remains pure and I am not corrupt with your American system, my wishes for you are good and I am not even mad at you...By the age 20, you should already be able to strike an intellectual conversation with an opposing side instead of sending threats...
So please tell me this, why are you being so hostile towards me? What did I ever do to you besides arguing with words? And those arguments are way in the past and I am not even trying to have you back like that. The past doesn't matter, right, because you are ready to marry a whore soon? Right? Seriously though, answer to me like an adult you are. Did I fuck your life over, did you die, did you starve, did you lose your job, did you get physically hurt (you're the one who left me a permanent scar anyway and broke my gps), and was I a bad friend to you even after we went apart? If the answer to those questions is "NO", then why are you still angry at me, can you be an adult and explain, please, because I can feel the anger in your words. I am not your crazy criminal ex of the past that is in jail right now. The only person you should be angry at and worry about contacting you is him, not me. Time is ticking, 2018-19, hello! I defended you from him anyway, that one night he tried to sneak on us, I had to boot his ass out of the backyard...Also, if your religion is about peace, why can't you find peace with the person that was always there for you no matter what? (Me). You are obviously angry to this day, otherwise, you would not act like this towards me right now. What has happened to you? Can you please tell me?
>Fuck dude he got us our whole religion is a lie.
>0.000001 sheckles have been deposited into your account
What is this copypasta
That is a reasonable question.
Justify any genuine belief in Christianity to me without making it sound flowery and without mental gymnastics. Give genuine evidence of Jewsus' existence.
I don't know, maybe actual historical documentation of his existence outside of the gospels by the Romans, the shroud of Turin. But what do I know, I worship a Jew.
proof of God. No proof of monster
(You) dare deny the irrefutable proof of the holy Spaghetti Monster?
>t. nigger
they cant accept that atheism is as much a believe form as any other and that they are in no way any smarter for believing in something else than others so they must overplay that with an overload of smudgeness
>t. nigger
>there are peiple in this very board that still believes on this jewish fairy tail
Dude, they mutilated the tip of you dick, this is some seriousstockholm shit
People with absolute beliefs in anything are autistic as fuck. Why not keep your mind open, why box yourself in.
that's a qt Christ-chan you have there
To be fair, the "le fedora tip :^)" is the MOST leddit teir argument.
1. im glad im circumcised and its not a Christian thing and I dont look like a freak
2. not reading
I love this anime
>jesus, the one who called out the (((jews))) first and BTFOd the moneychanger is a jewish fairy tail
>9Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.
really gets my almonds going
also qt
there's a lot here I haven't seen before
Someone needs to draw this character getting raped by Islamic refugees.
shit b8
its the best anime around. and also any other waifu besides momoko will get you into hell, and since she is my waifu already you cant have her.
like all filthy hebrews, jesus the lying kike is nothing but a storytelling jewish lying son of a whore
someone gets awefully triggered by the believe in jesus
nah mate, you misunderstand. evolution is the mutation of a species over time. lets say you have 2 plants, A and B. A has no thorns of any kind, while B has the beginnings of thorns. the mutations happened completely randomly. both plants are easy food for birds.
plant A is eaten as it per normal, while B survives because the birds couldnt grab the plant due to the thorns it made. B then reproduces, and as a result, its offspring have a much higher chance of having a mutation similar to its parent. each successive iteration creates random mutations among its children and the successive ones continue to breed, mutating further and further but always based on previous iterations in some way.
>someone gets awefully triggered by the believe in jesus
they do when they are accurately informed that their kikegod is nothing but a lowdown dirty jew
Daily reminder mohammad was a jew
yet you still have to provide any evidence where he acted like the average jew. all you do is claiming he is one without providing any sufficiant evidence but.
go on. I'll wait
t. Enlightened Agnostic
>yet you still have to provide any evidence where he acted like the average jew. all you do is claiming he is one without providing any sufficiant evidence but.
>go on. I'll wait
no i don't
he was born a jew and circumcised
he's a kike
Mohammad is still a jew
>cucked by an invisible skyman
A plant mutates and develops a thorn which better provides protection for it. The plant reproduces and has greater reproductive fitness because it can survive. Since they live longer and are more likely to reproduce, they take over the gene pool and you now have your modern day plant with thorns.
>TLDR: They didn't know shit, it's a plant idiot.
This is the level of discourse of agnostics. Amazing
so you admit the only reason you dont like him is because of by whom he was born, instead of what he did and told the people even though that all basically went against the kikes agenda and called tjhem out multiple times on their bullshit which is the reason they had o pervert his entire teaching into a cuckish cult and despite the jews being actively behind his murder which basically proves that he wasnt one of (((their))) kind.
but sure, he was such a (((jew))). gotcha
Why do atheists have such a childish view of God? It's like they're theological 5th graders.
why are blue eyes and brown hair the supreme combination for a woman?
Fedoracucks BTFO again
Where did enough water to flood the entire world come from?
From the last thread. Solve the right side
>t. jew
>t. jew
are christkikes so stupid that they believe buddha to be jewish?
Atheists btfo
>their is no proof a god exists
>even if god does exists, their is no proof that the Christian abrahamic god exists.
Prove me wrong faggot.
So what you're saying is they're exactly like Christcucks?
whoa... this is some deep thunking
No, he wasnt a jew but a jewish puppet. Like hitler was
>buddha is a jewish puppet. Like hitler was
Faggot. You're god is fake as Pamela andersons tits. BTFO pleb
>not reading the thread
see also the shroud if turin higher up
You christfags were retarded before the SJW plague and you're retarded now.
no, but you argue like a jew, as in not arguing at all and just distracting
i think you means fedoracuck. see pic
Waow u ar genuis!!
>no, but you argue like a jew, as in not arguing at all and just distracting
all you have done is prove that you are incapable of accepting defeat
he was. prove me wrong
>literally doing what my post said
Using jew tactics to pretend you're winning
>linking youtube videos as proof of god
Don't worry, you'll grow out of being a Christian one day.
>he was. prove me wrong
because it's a different religion you moron
christ was born a jew and circumcised into judaism, as i already clearly stated >luke 2:21
>And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.
>so you admit the only reason you dont like him is because of by whom he was born, instead of what he did and told the people even though that all basically went against the kikes agenda and called tjhem out multiple times on their bullshit which is the reason they had o pervert his entire teaching into a cuckish cult and despite the jews being actively behind his murder which basically proves that he wasnt one of (((their))) kind.
>but sure, he was such a (((jew))). gotcha
yes you retard
he's a kike
piss off
>Using jew tactics to pretend you're winning
like what? logic, reason, and truth?
you're a liar
a jewish christian liar