I am off to Afghanistan on a one year work contract for KBR. Any advice?
I am off to Afghanistan on a one year work contract for KBR. Any advice?
don't order shit overseas at all
it will get tempting to buy shit online while you're over there making bank
many Afghans are used to foreigners over there and will try to swindle you with fake rugs and cheap "authentic" traditional Afghan daggers, especially in the larger cities like Kabul
dont fuck little boys
Keep dem poppies safe.
listen to this limey
the rate of hepatitis infection is high over there
watch out for the IED's
Try to hide your utter disgust with the locals when they do literally anything. From fucking little boys in the mouth to the way they cook and eat their food, they are a backwards, degenerate culture of superstitious, ignorant retards. Also, never ever ever trust one of those fuckers. They will smile to your face and shoot you in the back. But most of all, have fun champ!
rollin in the $$$$$$$
Tell them to revert to Buddhism.
Stay safe bro. Good to know there's other pol/acks representing.
Give updates throughout the year, OP.
If they say you need to go into Sangin for any reason whatsoever. Don't.
Yea I did India then Pakistan for a couple of years. I amm all to aware of the "deals" TY for the input
Not even a remote thought in my sick little mind.
TY I will have fun. Places like that are fucking Dizny Land to me.
Noth as much as one would think, but it is tax free if you finsih out the year.
TY I will try. and...we are everywhere :-)
WOW Good thought. I will be certain to stop back and give updates, if I can get online through any firewalls
I will try to remember that... Sangin. TY This is the kind of shit I was hoping to get in here.
Beautiful country - wonderful people. Earn their respect - they are humble, humorous and courageous. BUT - keep in mind we are GUESTS there. Maintain your situational awareness at ALL TIMES - look in their eyes - hatred is impossible to mask, and evident before any green on blue events.
be sure to take lots of pictures. I thought it was gay as fuck when I was over there but these days they're fun to look at.
What type of work do you do and how can I join?
He said he's going over there to work, not sit on a bomb-magnet FOB watching nothing for 12 hour shifts trying to choke himself to death with the neck attachment on his IBA.
Wow you sound like a fellow traveler. I undersatand about being a guest and situational awareness. I always do my best in both those areas, the later most of all. And yes I am one of those to always make eye contact for that very purpose. TY!
hahaha...spoken like a guy that's been there...or do you know me?
do not ever go with more than 3 locals unsupervised no matter the activity
they will rape you simply for not smelling like feces
also they routinely lace joints and marijuana blunts with heroin and other forms of opiates
do not partake
Never to that theme park but to many other like places. It becomes addictive, the adrenaline.
I am not a drugy. My high is life based, although just as adictive.
Yeah, set some goals like learning a new language or getting in top shape. You'll have downtime. There's a weird mix of people over there on the contracting front. Enjoy the money. A year will see you all the benefits. You'll also probably have maids, chefs, etc so it really is a lot of downtime.
Ho lee fuk, I can't stop laughing at that gif
Don't try to run the gate the SP's will light you up with a 50 cal.
A relative of mine who is in the military told me that flies there are insufferable, so get a fly trap.
Don't fuck anyone
Keep some kind of water sterilizer on you at all times, iodine or some way to make a fire
Don't get too close to the Afghans, especially the children
Don't fuck anyone
Try not to be disgusted by the Afghans, they are a backwards people
Stay away from the poppy fields
Don't fuck anyone
Try learning a few phrases in Pashto (or Dari depending on where you are)
Prepare to die under cultural enrichment
>off to trashcanistan any advice?
Yeah, dont get kidnapped by any of those peace loving muzzies.
lol enjoy heating shelf stable food that is 10 years old and preparing it by immersing a plastic bag in boiling water.
Why not try to fuck some afghani pussy and colonize?
He's talking about the Army Lunchable.
Yeah this is not my first rodea, just my first time in that theme park. Good point on the language. I am working on Czech right now, tough language.
KEK, yea. I love that gif. Some days I think I am the dog, but others I know I am the turtle :-)
Please be aware that simply by being a USA citizen you are an order follower. If you are not then you are in prison. While I empathize with your point of view I prefer to see it a little differently. They are two ways to get the populace to do what is expected of them, educate or legislate. In America, we legislate. Look at all the stop signs and police enforcing that law. In Central Europe where I have my home and raise my boys they educate. My town there, Dobra Voda u C.B. has only one Stop sign but a simple rule of the road that eliminates a totalitarian mentality when it comes to driving. So just because I am a task master for “The Man” does not mean I have to be “The Man” But thank you for your observation. It is justified.
I am a former SP cross trained to LE. Got it!
>he thought the food was going to be good
Not just may be the best bit of advice yet, Mulțumiri!
Because z
1. Gonorrhea
2. Chlamydia
3. Tensions with locals
Sound advice, TY
AMEN!! and #3 may be the most lethal
I never got deployed to Satan's Sandbox, thank God, but a few of my fellow ATC guys had stories from guys on their bases getting STIs, attacked by locals, fucking a few local girls (I know of at least 5 ATC guys who got some really exotic traditional wives from Afghanistan, but they are all out as well as me. I should call them up some time) then getting attacked by their families, children used to flock to soldiers as they passed out candy and chocolate and little toys and knicknacks until a few got attacked by older boys.
If its brown, put it down.
Ok well I just called up a friend who married an Afghan and he reports that their relationship is very stable and they have a family of 3 kids out of just over 4 years of marriage and she's 3 months pregnant. Looking at his kids they are very white (he's a blonde haired blue eyed anglo-germanic dude) who all have blue eyes and either light brown or sandy blond hair. 2 girls 1 son.
Well I guess this is proof I am in POL incorrect... :-)
Wow Sangin does sound nasty. I will remember that one.
1. Don't get caught raping kids.
2. Keep those opium fields safe for BigPharma.
1. Do your job
2. Don't fuck with the medics.
3. HR is NOT your friend.
4. Follow the rules. They are simple, and in place for a purpose.
5. Don't listen to Trailer Trash Tommy or Homey-the-Clown.
6. Don't fuck the Lady-boys in Pattaya, regardless of what Trailer-trash Tommy and Homey-the-Clown tell you. That big syringe of penicillin isn't worth it.
7. Stop by the clinic on Bagram. I set it up in 2003....
How did you get the job? Are there any other entry positions that I can apply to. I dont really have alot of qualifications so literally entry level.
Your Grindr options will be rather limited. You'll be stuck with a few guys at your compound and maybe a foreign visitor or two.
>I am off to Afghanistan on a one year work contract for KBR. Any advice?
>Cardboard boxes are useful camouflage.
>Remember the basics of CQC
>Don't forget that love can bloom on the battlefield
Don't hitchhike
Wew hey there Chairman or Soldier
He said he's going to Afghanistan you moron, not the United States.
TY!! Sounds like seasond words of wisdom!
No, This is exactly why I camehere. I ama big boy, I have heard and seen worse.
It is not a place for entry level anything. You would not be an asset and that alone is enough to get you killed, I would not want to work with you and most other vets are going to be the same way because you can get others killed because of your mistakes. Not trying to be an asshole, just real.
Yea a cardboard box is the best make shift blind. Found that out back in Guatemala. I am hoping I do not need CQC but you are spot on. As to the Love... This little man in the pic is why I take these trips. He and his brother are my Love and why CQC is always in the front of my mind. Thanks for the level headed words
It's Sup Forums not pol not POL not /pol. It's a good way to sift through the newfags
Try to kill Bin Ladens son
Good. Enjoy Terroristan and stay safe user. If you meet a girl there, clear her family or just stay away.
I had a few offers for afghan because of my SIGINT shit. Its all over 100k but they used to pay more so i didnt bite.
Buy a bicycle or dirt bike style face mask with replaceable filters. The burn pits are still an issue. Don't believe otherwise. My lungs are shot from them.
Take your hygiene very, very seriously, wash daily, even if its with wet wipes. Get the shit off your skin.
If you are stuck in some bullshit B-hut, spend a few bucks to make it a little better.
Dont buy shit online, every time you have the urge to spend money, just go to the gym.
DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT, have sex with the locals. They are dirty as they come, and on top of that will call rape, and swindle you and your employer for anything you have.
Dont interact with the locals, they are swindlers.
Avoid going off compound if its not part of your job.
Did u fug a local?
Soldier? Muhreen? Chairman?
tell them america knows about the evil jews now and we're sorry.
>by just existing u follow orders
>by executing the order to be kind to your compatriots its the same as killing somebodyu because u were told so
checkm8 civilians :^)
>same build, same hair, same glasses, same face. Seem to have the same attitude. Apparently has a family as well.
Who the fuck are you?! Are you me?! Were you in the airforce? Is this the twilight zone? I was already in Afghanistan. Are you....alternate dimension past me?
Shoot first, ask questions later.
They will injure and kill their own children to gain your sympathy to get close to you and get on base to scope it out.
Sauce - 6yr usaf medic
Don't you have goats to fuck, mohammed?
Huah fellow Chairman
don't you have baby dicks to suck, jew?
No. I saw the aftermath of what happens when you fug the locals though. 2010. A certain merchant brought his "wives" on base for the bazaar. Disease and dishonorable discharges, if you werent military, it was disease and ass pain from politics.
2010 Bagram. Airforce, aircraft maintainer. I kept very busy, volunteered at the hospital due to having a background as an EMT, worked the flightline (F-15)/ phase/ backshop/ and random AGE, helped the fire department fix some electricals on their rigs, and ended up doing security forces Augmentee work.
Meanwhile my coworkers played nazi zombies on the xbox and fucked people who weren't their wives. Turns out I never got along with them because they were shitbags. neat.
Still have a memory of going to a CAS evac that didnt call in right, no one knew what was up, they dropped ramp and blood just poured out onto the tarmac. I talked to that guy years later, the crew member who told me what they needed (lox) and we played some videogames. Real life and a failure to adjust to it, along with family/ personal problems (now fixed, hey, yay me, im in the minority there) sorta kept me from keeping in touch with him. Still think about that strange time of my life, mortars, and the CRAM fire at night. Kinda miss it. which is fucked up.
AF, ATC, I never got sent to the Sandbox thoigh, thank God.
If you come to the embassy for any reason, don't talk to the guys in tan with m4s. We're all autistic sperglords that hate everything
I was "THE" KBR Medic. The only paramedic in A-stan/Uzbekistan for quite a while.
Goddamn m8. I hope you made some rank
Good advice. I am not a whore hopper so np. I have heard of the burn pit, TY
Chairman this trip.
Yes Sir, Former Enlisted AF. SP cross trained to LE. A real adrenaline junkie. :-) I'm going to Dizny Land MF!
Yea I saw all that in Pakistan too. I know the regiment. It has been 10 years since I tripped the light Fandango in that part of Asia so I wanted some more current intel.
>Kinda miss it. which is fucked up.
Yea me too. That is why I keep taking these fucking jobs. You get addicted. Not sure if that is good or bad some days. Kinda like the dog getting his nut clamped by that fucking turtle in the OP gif.
>We're all autistic sperglords that hate everything
I will try to remember that.
Salom! I pulled a tour in Samarkand, tough turf there. Glad we both made it out the other side of that one.
do something else for a living
I do not know how. Every other type of job leaves me board and broke working for a boss that I would see as the enemy in the field. As a civilian in a civi job I am the wierdest MF around. Out on these jobs I am a conservative.
I'm happy everyone in my tower is a vet so we're all weird in our own way. A few civi pilots don't like us though kek
That was not fair of me. Google KBR and see if they have a job in the chow hall or such. That is as safe as it gets. Good Luck
Fuhq em
you'll be fine my friend
also former USAF, now a contractor
you work for a shitty company though
Your family will save on freight if instead of coming back in a casket they arrange to have you cremated over there then shipped back.
>you work for a shitty company though
Yea Haliburton subs are always bottom of the barrel (I can say that as user) . Who do you like better.
Wow what an interesting thought. I prefer to use my return ticket and come back breathing.
OK Good night Sup Forums thanks for the input. I will leave the thread open to get anything that comes in after my bed time.
I do Triple Canopy, they've been real good to me since I got out of the service. What type of contracting are you trying to do? I relay air support and drone surveillance to ground teams guarding VIPs, for the most part.