Post thy symbols of faith Sup Forums, prove you are taking care of yourself spiritually.
Also, general religion and faith thread
Post thy symbols of faith Sup Forums, prove you are taking care of yourself spiritually
Other urls found in this thread:
>corpse Emporer
The Emperor Protects
My altar. I am an ardent worshipper of Freyja and Wotan, and a casual worshiper of Balder.
Do you larp also?
Anyone who unironically believes the Emperor would support the racist garbage on this board is an idiot.
>Freemason symbol
I was just playing. I appreciate paganism and support whites getting back to their traditionalist roots. I am reading a book about Norse mythology atm and very much enjoying it. Christianity is for Jew cucks.
No worries m8. If you want a community for pagans check out /asatru/ on eight ghan
Thanks, I'll do that.
Ok gonna dump my pagan folder
>just a little metal doodad
heh you are like a little child
I need faith in something but religion is goofy psedo mystic bullshit and reality is too bleak to put faith into
You know how I know youre gay?
That's heresy and you know it.
haha good one man
there is nothing goofy or mystic about the notion of an absolute being. it is a logical consequence of the logical notion of difference; the pure symbol.
similarly the structure of the physical world can be deduced from the dialectic of being and nothing alone, through gauge theory - see
henry rollins
My goddess.
I worship her every day.
You're a Goodman well-done sir lad...
I have been in a crisis of faith for a while, I have always been irreligious but recently I have been feeling like I need spiritualism in my life. I can't decide between Paganism, I am fully white with Germanic routes or Christianity. I can really appreciate both.
>Leave my protestant black dick worshipping cult at 16
>Go balls deep into Gnosticism and other forms of esoterica
>Actually works and I get my divine experience
>She didn't doctrine dump on me though so who's right
>So many religions.
>Study it for 10 years
>Pray everything
>Get baptised Eastern Orthodox
>Suddenly everyone moves from loving to some weird passive agressive hatred
>Maybe I made a mistake
Thinking about just bowing out.
it's always darkest before the dawn user, hang in there; from one lost soul to another.
They're all correct, bro. Not because they all share some "universal truth", but because they're all a part of us. Don't try to find truth in some ideology, or group, find truth in what you are: a Westerner.
Seneca promulgated mankind having three spheres:
>Liber Pater, the Baccic chaos, the creative destruction, the wild and happy ecstasy, the theoryless action, the unintelligible yet intelligent action.
>The Herculean, the strong, the courageous, that which is filled with the ecstasy of purpose, the unified.
>The Mercureal, that of the intelligent, the cunning, the observing, the theorizing, the understanding.
The Liber Pater is Paganism, the Herculean is Christianity, and the Mercureal is atheism. All three are right because all three are a part of us. Embrace all of them, and ditch that which is garbage.
Forget about the Jewry of the Old Testament and set aside (but don't discard) the New Testament and embrace what our ancestors made of it: the institutions, the theology, the philosophy, the ethics, the morals, the meaning, the drive, that which our ancestors under Christianity and not Christianity itself has created.
The pagan religions are dead and gone and bringing them back will be a serious timely affair that you won't live to see the end of. Embrace the Classics and the gods of our ancestors as meaning and understanding, not as actual entities. The pagan worldview, that of an unending and intricate world that we are a part of, not separate from, is far more true to reality than the base and childish monotheistic worldview. Herodotus talks about Greek versus Persian thinking: The Greeks know that just because they do not understand something does not mean that it does not have some mechanism to it and that our senses are not perfect, whereas the Persians believe that that which they could not comprehend had no meaning, and reality was based around them.
Embrace rationality, empiricism, and understanding of the world. You don't need a fedora, just make an effort to base your thinking on rationality and empiricism. Our heritage is that of thousands of years of men looking at the world and asking themselves "I wonder why that happens". Embrace it.
OP you are small time
Ew, that's on your skin bro.