Was he the ultimate shitposter?
Was he the ultimate shitposter?
Still is. There is some guy on twitter being his pen pal.
Would he think we're degenerate for using technology?
Dude gave up on a prominent career on harvard to go live in the woods and email bombs, so yes he most likely would be sad seeing us. But he would see us as a symptom and not a cause though, so he probably wouldnt mail us bombs. We got that going for us
INB4 ISIS asking me about email bombs technology. I meant to say "mail"
>mkultra subject/victim becomes crazy innawoods terrorist
Who could have guessed. At least he wrote a spot-on description on modern leftist politics.
sure did nail leftists
Did you even read his manifesto?
We need to protest to get Ted internet rights... Pussy probably wouldn't use them though
tell me more about email bombs technology
I actually was indifferent towards him, before I found out he routinely disemboweled doggos that lived close to him just because they barked at him. then he poisoned the new pups that the property owners got to replace the deceased.
>email bombs
Now THAT is shitposting.
The more I learn about him, the more I begin to realize he was one of the final redpills.
Zodiac killer was best shit poster. Made newspapers print his shit post and got away with multiple murders for years xxxxxxxx'xxxxxx'cccccc
History is a river
played word games with the fbi, people only realized he was doing so decades later. He's top tier.
Model citizen, if more people did what he did society would be a much better place. Even the bombs. It's good to keep people on their toes. Fuck, I was only 3 when he sent out his last bomb and I still look at packages hesitantly, thinking "fuck this, this is definitely some anthrax shit in here."
Hes the current leader of MGTOW.
Indeed, my fellow british.
>still uncaught
a real mystery
He was violent and didnt understand the society. On the other hand most people are much more violent inside. No one should allowed to kill or commit crimes if the law is sound. There are alot of people that are very bright but still dont understand the problems of existence or the society. I would say this guy was pretty bright for his time, way more than most people, but i wouldnt call him a genius.. at least not an extraordinary one. He did have an ostracism problem. Even at the time he wrote his manifesto it would still be fairly easy for him to understand the society a bit better if he didnt have some problem or misunderstanding. That part of him was unintelligence.