Why are all the white people dying of heroin overdose? Is it the (((pharma))) industry and the googles are taking advantage and selling tainted drugs?
Why are all the white people dying of heroin overdose...
It's fent sold as heroin.
Crackers have really low self-esteem, specially in a society where they see strong black man stealing their women with their BBC. That's why they do drugs most of the time.
It's the purge.
The weakest of the whites are dropping like flies. No sympathy for junkies. I was a motorcycle accident and was on pain killer for a year, never ended up shooting heroin or becoming an addict.
I actually hate opiates because they fuck up my stomach and make it hard for me to shit.
But anyways, who cares? Junkies gotta go.
>Brazil pretending it doesn't have a drug problem along with a rape, murder and child sex tourism problem
Oh yeah, nigger society sounds so nice. You'll probably end up murdered so I win this one automatically.
>Brazil pretending it doesn't have a drug problem along with a rape, murder and child sex tourism problem
You got all these problems, even on a greater scale if you stop to think. But, you guys know better than anyone else how to hide your filthy side. That's capitalism for you, I guess.
Obama also didn't pursue charges for drug dealers. This is the Democrat's making. Let drugs and illegals flood the country and don't arrest the niggers and spics who poison our communities.
fpbp as usual. dealers are cutting their heroin w/ fent and other analogues to turn more profit.
>You got all these problems, even on a greater scale if you stop to think.
Nope, you're Country is the most violent nation on earth. It's worse than African and Islamic countries.
Brazil is number 15 when you guy by homicide rate. United States is 108.
Not even fucking close kek.
That's rough numbers, you dork. Your shit american education didn't teach you about proportion.
>that's raw numbers
>doesn't realize brazil has fewer people than US
So it's worse?
I do realize that, it's more dangerous here. What I'm saying is that Brazil is not Africa/Islamic country-tier.
The fact you're in denial about your own country is hilarious.
Gore threads on Sup Forums are almost entirely ISIS videos and Brazilian cell phone camera videos.
Also, American problems come from niggers and wetbacks.
If America were a white nation we would be heaven on earth.
Yeah well I just looked into it. It is adjusted for population. You have a higher murder rate per 100 000 people than most african countries.
Kill yourself jackass
It's all the shit eating niggers cutting it 100:1 with fucking fentanyl to save a god damn quarter
They closed a lot of the projects like Cabrini-Green in chicago and all the niggers leaked everywhere into white communities.
You ok bud?
Yo dawg, caviar emperor nawmasayin nyucka
They are dying because they have nothing to live for. White people like to have long term goals.
When your wife divorced you, cant see your kids, the factory closed shop, work a shit meaningless job, half your check goes to your divorcee and the kids, sense of community destroyed, white male constantly berated on the media. no reason.