Why 80 % of people who claim to be atheist say they love science but cant even solve a integral?
I kinda curious.
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Why 99% of people who say they love football can't even kick that weird egg thing?
Recognizing science as the only proven method to reliably advance knowledge doesn't require math skills, only some basic critical thinking.
STEMfag with a Bachelor's working on Master's here, I can't solve that particular integral. Maybe after a week of revising the material.
Gender studies and researching children's language is also science.
> log base e
Why not just say ln?
I am actually studying Computer Science and started to take calculus this semester. Cant solve either.
Physics student here
>drag and drop into matlab
It's clearly designed to look scary, I mean the who'l nominator turn to the power -1?
That's just straight up redundancy m8
Wolfram alpha found no solution.
I'm personally a bio and geo guy more than a numbers guy.
>Sunday school education
>implicates science
>posts abstract math formula
>Checkmate Atheists
Same reason you can't solve a non homogenous differential equation island monkey.
Matlab may not be able to find a solution.
Look up some of cleo's answers at math-stackexchange.
Mathfag here. OP's bait is bad.
Anyone who passed Calc I should look at the integrand and immediately know it does not haven an elementary antiderivative. And the integrand is written not in standard form to confuse people. The Wolfram|Alpha link below shows how a normal person would write this integral.
A better and simpler integral to test someone's recollection of calculus is Cos[x]^2, because it requires using the cosine half-angle identity.
HOW, could this plant KNOW that thorns would keep eaters away?...
Well athishits well agnastyshits well...
HOW could a plant KNOW such a thing
because they like to jerk themselves off about how smart they are without actually doing any work, unsurprising since that whole meme comes from reddit
Some functions are non-integrable you ninnywhopper. How would you go about proving that you've truly found the area underneath this function and more importantly, how accurate would the answer be?
>microsoft flag looks up hardest calculus problems on google
>lifts question #2 from durofy.com
>posts it along side some gibberish about about athiests
>jacks off to some loli
>falls asleep
>gets saged
as good as we can get shitpost-wise nowadays
didn't get me
Because learning the perfect systems described by Calculus and Physics makes the idea of a creator believable.
What percent of all people would be able to solve that?
Anyone here want to take a shot at integrating this?
The weedman knows all
Almost nobody, not even professional mathematicians. It's an irrelevant calculation problem which is probably impossible to solve.
Focus on algorithms and you will go far. Algorithms make your programs fly instead of just run
Should be like 2x*exp(x*x) I believe
>be STEMfag
>just passed calculus last semester
>can't solve that shit
Retard logic. Nothing about not being able to solve that particular integral keeps you from loving science. Science has many branches anyway.
>can't solve integral
>"what the fuck is this shit"
>"must be the work of some god"
wtf I love religion now
Very good advice.
Don't listen to this guy. Learn assembly. Understand how the machine works. Perhaps work in machine code. It will allow you to understand how things are processed and can allow you to create code that's optimised.
Needs limits
Do both.
implying you can write that properly in wolfram alpha
How about you prove that that function is integrable before I waste my time you fucking pretentious yutz.
Also, sage.
I used to be able to solve integrals, but I forgot how because I haven't had to do it for 6 years.
Know plenty of other Math stuff
Atheist not equal smart
oh cmon that’s just sad
The FUCKING LEAF's joke is that easyintegral.png does not have a closed-form elementary antiderivative. However, Int[E^[x^2], x] can be expressed as an infinite series.
Physics graduate here.
Can't solve that shit.
>Anyone who passed Calc I should look at the integrand and immediately know it does not haven an elementary antiderivative
I passed calc and I literally have no clue what any of that means. How the fuck did I get a C in that class?
Ahhh, yea I don't remember all the calculus derivative forms. I'm a businessmen and engineer not a physics major lol
Don't need science for atheism, just common sense desu.
That's a pretty brutal integral desu
I forgot Calculus because I studied it for the last time more than 10 years ago and never really practiced it.
Also I'm not really an atheist, once a Catholic, always a Catholic
>^-1 exponents in the numerator
this function is literally gibberish
I can solve this, the only question is do you want me to use Laplace or undetermined coefficients?
>hey guys find the integral of this function
Fuck off OP
Because I probably learned it before you were born and haven't needed that skill in years, so fuck you.
Sounds like your classmates did the valuable public service of lowering the average score on your exams.
Those people are now the rapid "SCIENCE!!!!1!1" lovers who voted for Bernie because they don't understand economics.
Because he's a low iq nigger
Also I think I could solve this but it would take a long time
>Why 80 % of people who claim to be atheist say they love science
Atheism has nothing to to with anything that is not NON-BELIEF
To make it look more scary than it should be.
math is hard
I got and A in both Differential and Integral, which is unbelievable
Legendary Aussie shitposting.
They love science as a child loves fireworks or a magic trick. Their infatuation is infantile at best as they lack sufficient mental faculties to do it themselves. Most atheists tend to either be incapable of grandiose thoughts or are pseudo scientists like Dawkins.
They claim it as a means of rationalizing their disdainful behavior
if you ever did calculus up to uni level, it’d only take maybe an hour of revising to be comfortable solving that integral.
This was in high school, so no curves. Staying far away from math in college. Fully willing to admit that I'm just retarded in the subject; I really don't understand math whatsoever.
>solvind a second order linear equation with constant coefficients. Yeah, super easy, learned this in first semester of engineering. You start by solving the homogenous function, then can either use variation of parameter or undetermined coefficients to getthe non-homogenous solution, then use the given IVP.
>>>not using variation of parameters
You're the first user that I've seen actually recognize you can solve it via laplace.
Nice find
OP confirmed faggot
LOL that's some hardcore anti-derivative bro, that's Wolfram's work
I have a PhD in quantum chemistry and I could not solve this. I would just plug it into mathematica.
It's nice to know that there are fellow intellectuals on Sup Forums and I'm not just posting into the NEET abyss
because that's not an integral you solve yourself, that's why people invented computers you dumb fucking moron.
>take Calc1 online
>misread the syllabus
>think Chapter 1 homework is due same day as Chapter 1 test
>actually due the day before
>homework is worth 60 points
>test is only worth 20 points
>get 96 on test
>get zero on homework
I know its my fault but who the fuck designs a math course so that literally 70+% of the grade for the whole course is the homework? I could have just completed all the homework and gotten Cs on every test and still gotten an A for the course.
if you can solve this without a calculator you are a god. ironic
You don't use variation of parameters for that specific one. You would be an idiot if you did.
>a integral
>high school
That explains it. In which state did you attend high school? In Commiefornia, AP Calculus was a joke. Students would get an A in the class and get a 1 on the AP test.
variation of parameters is a perfectly ok way to solve that diff equation.
for that particular equation undetermined coefficients is probably the easiest method, lapalce is good too but I was never good at obtaining the inverses
Jesus-niggers are so autistic!
>Post near unsolvable math riddle.
>checkmate atheists.
>ancient Jew sci-fi proven
Grow up silly children.
This is like some complex analysis thing, it will either simplify to 0 or 1 or something, but it takes all these trig laws like
>e^(a + bi) =e^a * sin(b) + i*e^a*cos(b)
>who the fuck designs a math course so that literally 70+% of the grade for the whole course is the homework?
>take Calc1 online
PA. Honestly my school was great though. Just finished my first year of college and still nothing compares to the horrifying AP Bio class I took senior year. It was even a public school too. I don't know what stroke of luck my parents hit to get a cheap house in that district. Most residents were wealthy and important people in the community. Most of the niggers from the nearby city (pick your school, thanks obama) got expelled pretty quick. The teachers there capped out their salaries at ~$86,000 per year.
Learn math faggot....it will increase your problem solving abilities and may give 10-15 extra IQ points. Nobody is bad at maths, you just have to persevere
comp science here, we just use numerical approximation like a calculator would
>HOW could a plant KNOW such a thing
it doesn't its just after generations of not dying due to it growing spikes that it survived
Can be solved with Integration By Parts
but I'm not taking the time to do the U-Sub in that natural log.
uhh I push the LOG, SIN and COS buttons on the calculator and do shit in the right order. Maths easy bro.
The point is no the integral i just found this shit on google.
>give you IQ points
That's not how IQ testing works you dumbass poo.
It's the best mental exercise for your brain. Go visit /sci/ ffs
Undertermined coefficient is easier, which is the reason why you would be a retard if you used variation
its (e^(x^2)*ln(x))/(2)
subtitute x^2 for u and figure out the rest
I just think most likely there is no god
nevermind im a fucking idiot, its e^(x^2) f(x) + C
Cuck you put in the wrong integral.
This is the right one, and it's hard.
erf is the definite integral of E^[-x^2]. You forgot the negative sign. And erf isn't an elementary function, either.
Biology isn't science.
comp sci here (not that it matters). I realized when I saw your illustration you were using this integral to make a point. Not actually solve it. It's because many athiests lack imagination. Next question?
Why do 90 percent of people who claim to be atheist and love science deny human sub-species, ie races.