You know why I love you all Sup Forums? Because y'all find ways to blame everything on the Jews...

You know why I love you all Sup Forums? Because y'all find ways to blame everything on the Jews. Next you'll tell me the fucking Titanic was an inside job.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Futility#Similarities_to_the_Titanic

There we go again.

Well, the Iceberg did it.

Not like they were trying to conceal anything.


You're telling me the Jews *didn't* do this?





Schmubediah Wasserstein

Not bad...

the hull wasn't "cut" by the iceberg, the steel hull plates buckled, separated where the rivets joined the plates together. Or another theory is that the ship that "sank" was actually the sister ship Olympic. Some say the water plugs were opened to allow water to fill the ship and sink it.

schlomo goldstein pls

Don't use y'all in a typed sentence it makes you seem like a fool


Menoshel Goldbach

Yerumo Blumenberg

7/11 was a part time job
Also if 9/11 was an inside job then why were the planes caught if video outside the buildings?
You can't explain that.

it was an insurance fraud: the Titanic never sank, it was its almost twin sister - the Olympic - that did.


One of the books released immediately after the disaster, which collected eyewitness accounts, and focused on one particular steward actually indicates that the Titanic never actually started to slow down or change course, and that the collision was entirely intentional...and that during the sinking "some people" were dragging bags of gold up to the lifeboats.
Really makes you think!

Obviously the freezing cold water made the
steel hull brittle so when they bumped into
the iceberg the hull just shattered

Even more suspicious now that they're saying there may have been a coal fire on the lower levels that weakened the hull

The novella "Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan" was written in 1898 by Morgan Robertson, 14 years before the sinking of the Titanic.

It was about an "unsinkable" ship, with less than sufficient lifeboats, that crashed into an iceberg in the North Atlantic, 400 miles from Newfoundland, and sank, with more than half of the passengers drowning. Exactly the same as the supposed Titanic....,_Futility#Similarities_to_the_Titanic

Sweden, plz

It was an inside job. The Titanic was full of rich people opposed to the concept of a worldwide banking system and institutions such as the Federal Reserve.

Why would such an experienced captain willfully and repeatedly ignore the iceberg warnings?

Good goy

Steel had already been incorporated into boat designs

Hell, the first U-boat was already constructed

It was a Rothschild job for sure, so, within a certain context, yes, it was a Jewish plot.

Top kek

More like Titanic Conspiracy Israel am i right

>Tfw not sure if serious or joking because Sup Forums...


This stupid fuck doesn't even know that it wasn't even the Titanic, it was the sister ship sunk on purpose for insurance $$$ (by the Jewish owners)


We find the truth
You don't like it? Cut yourself off from us and stick to the MSM, kikebook, and Reddit for your information you spinel ess faggot
You think we WANT to be right?
Every single motherfucker here would rather be wrong 100% of the time, hell most of us would gladly give our lives for it to be so

Why would the bridge crew on the night ignore warnings from the lookout when the iceberg was first noticed, and not pick up the phone to answer their calls to the bridge? Hmmmmmm.




OP here, god damn it why does all this make sense. Damn it I was making a joke I was not ready for it to actually be jews, I just wanted some Ice((Berg)) jokes, fuck.

I don't think you know where you are son.

What pronoun would you use to differentiate between the second person singular and the second person plural

>when the shills create a slide thread but it turns out to be another redpill


>Largest ship ever
Except it wasn't, it's two sister ships were actually a tad bigger, and one of them was so badass that it regularly ran straight through other ships that didn't get out of the way and just kept going with hardly any damage to it.
But the rest in that infopic is true
It should also include that the Federal reserve act was passed in yh middle of the night with hardly any votes whatsoever because the rest of Congress was at home in bed

Not overly Jewish, I hope

Let me apologize for conveying any notion that I was kidding or that I am now. Assassination is a tried and true method of eliminating enemies, the enemies of international business and banking within America died on the Titanic that day. Look at what happened one year later, the "rich" vote, so to speak, we're finally unified and managed to execute their goals, i.e., the implementation of the federal income tax and the establishment of a central bank, the Federal Reserve. Believe whatever you so please.


Fuck you we don't use Yankee pronunciation and never will

>.t Jashel Applemeyer



Hello there, Momo Goldbaum



>Guggenheim was on the ship
>Didn't survive
The fuck? I would literally have beat the shit out of other people and thrown them overboard in order to get that man to a lifeboat
He loved America and tried to help it

What did (((they))) mean by this?

It was an insurance scam by Ismay and Morgan. They swapped it out for the Olympic. James Cameron knows.

Momo Goldbach
get it right Menodiah Applemeyer

all historians worth their salt knows its fake,the titanic was not an inside job,i am an avid titanic historian

no there was no ship switch,it is pure fantasy

>Titanic was an inside job.

well the 3 men who most strongly opposed the federal reserve bank and were able to do something about it all drowned on that boat


What did they mean by this?

Just got this


>It should also include that the Federal reserve act was passed in yh middle of the night with hardly any votes whatsoever because the rest of Congress was at home in bed

so what you're saying is this law was never officially passed in congress? we need kek to kill these bank motherfuckers

the macys owners gave up their spot on the lifeboats and wouldnt seperate

he couldnt find a seat due to women and children only so his wife wouldnt leave him

it was a different time where men acted like men

actually the titanic didnt sink. it was its sistership. the sistership got damaged in an accident and the insurance didnt want to pay. so they disguised it as the titanic, sent it on a cuise and let it sink to cash in the money. didnt look up who is involved in that, but its sure sounds like there are jewish reasons behind it

Faggot OP. Pic related.



I bet a sheckle that if their bodies were found they would have bullet marks in them.

Kill them, and stage their deaths in a boat-sinking.

Bonus points if they hedged/insured the boat


>implying it wasn't an inside job

This, and

this. The drunk captain was a back us plan. There was really a fire that was supposed to end the trip a few miles after the iceberg and closer to rescue.

my jew name

fucking kikes.



Classic insurance fraud, user.

It's been a really long time since I was redpilled on it so I'm not sure how it passed the Senate but good damn was it illegal as fuck(iirc the immigration act of 1965 was also passed illegally)

>Bonus points if they hedged/insured the boat
they sunk an already damaged ship to get the insurance money for it a but the stuff with the people opposing the FED is new to me. every time you think you are redpilled suddenly another one hits you from the shadows

that is false,the ship had slight differences from olympic and you can tell the difference

the one at the bottom of the seabed is the titanic

i wish people would stop peddling this myth,it was an accident

park stevensons james cameron and many other avid titanic historians all agree

Menochey Edelheimer oyyyyy

Abe Lincoln is shot on the evening of April 14 and dies in the early morning of the 15th. He was issuing debt-free greenback dollars that the jew moneychangers couldn't profit off of.

The Titanic strikes an iceberg on the evening of April 14 and sinks in the early morning of the 15th. The ship was owned by jew JP Morgan.

April 15th is the Federal Reserve jews' tax day.

Merely a coincidence.

ShiMon Blumenstein

Not all communists are j-



they did not switch the ship stop peddling debunked conspiracies you lunatic! you are undermining pol

The secret of Sup Forums, that thing that truly separates us from every normie political distraction from left to right, isn't that we're always right, it's that we never lie on purpose.

Fuck off with this tinfoil shit
It was the Titanic plain and simple, and (((they))) didn't mind sinking it because the white star line was also quite a bit hostile to the globalist agenda as well
Two birds, one stone

>The people that like picking and choosing which eyewitness accounts are correct based on personal preference

It was really shitty steel though.

kek roll

Def rolling for this.

It seems the ship-switch theory is a red herring. If you understand the implications of the Federal Reserve - it is the keystone of Jewish control in the United States - the notion that they'd spend fifteen years building this plot to eliminate a large group of powerful opponents all at once is in no way surprising.

Goyim, I am Hemuel Appleheimer. gibs shekels

give me a good one

there was eye witnesses that said the ship sank in one piece ffs

i know we like to bash the kikes but on this occasion it was just a tragic accident where a series of unfortunate events coupled with bad luck

sure it makes it sound more fun with some evil jew plan thrown into the mix but its not the case

keep on questioning it though and dig though.

>it was an accident
No it wasn't, it was quite deliberate
However it IS the Titanic and not the Olympic, that is straight up tinfoil garbage created to try and discredit the truth that the Titanic was sunk on purpose to kill those opposed to the FED

>undermining a bunch of autistic nazifrogworshippers that masturbate to underage anime girls
i couldnt if i tried

It was an insurance scam, so yeah it was an inside job.

>I know we like to bash the kikes but...

Enjoying your English Vacation, Mr. Berg?

>i know we like to bash the kikes but on this occasion it was pure coincidence

the tensile strength of the steel was above average for the time,do you mean the rivets?

yes...the steam powered rivet machine couldnt reach the bow when they had the shell built so they did it by hand

but the rivets they made even with the mixed in slag still was above average tensile strength for the period,experiments have even been made to replicate slag and iron admixture rivets and put inder stress

this isnt some micky mouse company,this is harland and wolf master ship builders in belfast!!! they are still around till this day!