Why do you want to kill disabled children, Drumpfkins?
Why do you want to kill disabled children, Drumpfkins?
Why not, Brockpuppet?
It's not killing, it's just letting nature take it's course
You can hit the donate button if you want to do something about it.
because they are disabled
how exactly is he gonna kill these kids?
with an m16?
With the flick of a pen, the ultimate killing weapon.
They are mistakes. They should be discarded the same as in ancient Sparta.
You'd be out the gene pool.
I don't wanna kill them, I just don't want to work all day to support them.
If you want to bring some mentally retarded turd into the world, have the funds to take care of him on your own and leave me out of it.
not answering my question pal
>muh preexisting condition
what did they mean by this
They don't actually want to do anything, they just wanna be seen as "caring."
Because they're not productive society and could never be due to what they were born with, euthanize them.
How does wanting a cost effective voluntary health care system lead to child deaths?
remember when people just died in the streets before Obamacare existed
smash that like button
oh my g*d its literally aktion t4 all over again
Federally mandated and subsidized healthcare is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
It's the same in cucknada I'm guessing. Here, only people who've never had to use the public healthcare praise it. When asked why, they say it's because it gives them a good feeling to (((know))) that their bus driver or server would be able to afford healthcare if something happened. Of course, the reality is quite different.
No, I don't either.
However, over 100 million people lost their insurance under the ACA
Oldfag here, I remember the days before Obamacare when we used to curb stomp sick children.
We can't go back to that.
We have 3 or 4 different ways to tell if a baby will be a potato. If somebody chooses to bring a downie or a cripple into this world they should have to pay for it. Honestly, I'm okay with disabled people being born just don't make me pay for them.
Hey leafbro, doesn't canada have actual death panels in canada? Also, do you really have bagged milk?
I don't, Darwin sure does.
It does, based on province. I sure wonder (((why))) that could be.
We have bagged milk but only white trash buy them as opposed to proper carton'd milk.
>injuring one's leg in an accident is a pre-existing condition
I highly doubt that, unless he was uninsured before the accident.
What happened to good ole' Darwinism... Those were the days.
The don't want to pay for it, they want other people to pay for it.
>pre-exiting condition
He makes 400,000 a year and has government privilege.