As Christians in Europe are losing their grip we have to make sure that Europe has ''new'' strong anti foreign idiology that will not be reformed form of judeism and will be actual european relligon.
For newcomers:
Baltic paganism (Remuva)
Remuva Folk:
Germanic Paganism (Norse)
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Paganism general
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Ok, I'll be a Christian, like my ancestors
The champion of man
No, jews invented christianity 2000 years ago and that destroyed rome, your ancestors before where pagans.Christianity is not european religion paganism is.
Stephen McNallen's (Founder of the Asatru Folk Assembly) Youtube has seen some activity recently, with some racial discussion.
Like 1 percent of them.
Come home, Anglo-Saxon man. Come home to your AESTHETIC ancestors.
Actually 100% of them for at least 1,000 years
Reporting in to honour my ancestors.
Your simplifications are pissing me off, user. How can you argue with someone that does not even read books?
These atheist and pagan threads are getting old.
you retards can't be pagan, you can't go backwards. monotheism is the logical outcome of polytheism.
you can only be neo-pagan which is made up bullshit consisting of anti-racist liberals or hammerskin prison niggers.
Your leader literally kisses nigger feet my dude
If you wanted to honor your ancestors, you'd be a Puritan
We can actualy and we will, becouse christianity is not european relligion you new worlders can do whatever you like, but remember you came from here, and deep down you know the right path, christianity is false relligion, paganism is true relligion of WHITE MEN!
While pagans spend time with their own people
>Now go and smite Aguyk, and utterly destroy all that they (the Amelekites) have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.
-You have a right as a nation to completely remove a race of men who are ruining yours.
> Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.
-Furthermore you should not marry into them
>Take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.
-Furthermore you should not do worship in degeneracy, meaning as they do.
>Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
-The only white women that submit will be Christians.
>He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
-Cuckoldry is forbidden.
>A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
-"Bastard" is the hebrew translation for MAMZER which literally means in hebrew racemixed child
>When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
-You as a race and tribe are to have separate, unique, and individual nations. It is demanded by God
>Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
-The Messiah said we are to obey the Law
I remember who my ancestors were. Strong men of virtue, rejected decadence and weakness. Christianity made us weak.
And 0% for tens of thousands of years
Will watch these. Haven't checked on his channel in a while. Love this guy though. His group used to send me books while I was in the army.
Post more aesthetic Anglo-Saxons
>Ok, I'll be a Christian, like my ancestors
>Actually 100% of them for at least 1,000 years
Best Paganism coming through
Glory to MOLOCH.
Yes, goyim, buy Shekelstein brand talismans and Goldberg brand spellbooks! Let's also not forget Silverman's firewood and Greenfield brand moon crystals!
Stay Christian, guys. If we leave God then He will leave us and we will be destroyed. Christianity made Europe great and if it is re-adopted, it will make Europe great again. Same with America.
All Roman Catholics
How can continentals even compete?
They saked constantinopel, one of the largest white cities which led otomon empire take balkans.
Muslims wouldn't have put a single foot in Europe if we were still Pagan.
They can't.
Here, have a smug Anglo.
>Christianity made Europe great
If by great you mean killing millions of whites and slowing down sciantific reaserch then sure.
>these guys block your path and wassails you
What do?
paganism is just atheism for hipsters
Christianity is Just Judeism for subjects of jews
You new worlders think that you have any authority to tell ethnic europeans about relligion, you don't know shit.
I happen to know that Paganism is just a bunch of tribes shitting in holes in the woods and sacrificing each other to make it rain tomorrow
Where as most Christian nations actually contributed something to humanity
It's really just the natural instinct in the face of all this immigration. Kind of like homesteading here in the US and how that exploded the last decade. No one really wants to go break their back on a farm in the middle of nowhere. There's just something in our brain that triggers us to commit white flight and normies don't know what it is, they just instictively do it. Paganism is white flight but in a good and spiritual way.
>I happen to know that Paganism is just a bunch of tribes shitting in holes in the woods and sacrificing each other to make it rain tomorrow
God you new worlders are delusuinal i am sad that moast of the people who whent to new world where brainwashed into beleaving this
Romans where one of first civilisations of europe and they where PAGAN
>Where as most Christian nations actually contributed something to humanity
SURE like arresting galeleo for saying that earth is not center of universe
If the Ethnic European Folk cease to exist Asatru would likewise no longer exist. Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people. It is our collective will that we not only survive, but thrive, and continue our evolution in the direction of the Infinite. All native religions spring from the unique collective soul of a particular race. Religions are not arbitrary or accidental; body, mind and spirit are all shaped by the evolutionary history of the group and are thus interrelated. Asatru is not just what we believe, it is what we are. Therefore, the survival and welfare of the Ethnic European Folk as a cultural and biological group is a religious imperative for the AFA.
Same with greeks they where also pagan and they where just fine before christianity destroyed Rome
Pagan "gods" are demons that can only lead to destruction. The Christian God has ultimate authority over the world and life.
I seem to remember the Roman Empire getting BTFO and then living on as a Christian empire for many centuries after its collapse
And then I remember those barbarians that sacked Rome becoming Christian themselves and making their kingdoms Christian
And then I seem to remember all of those kingdoms battling eachother for hundreds of years, and then teaming up to protect their Christian faith from Islam instead of fighting eachother
And then I remember the Renaissance, who's zeitgeist ushered in many of the modern ideas about the world we have now, many of those people being Christian White Males from Europe.
How much stuff have Pagans done after Rome fell?
Europeans where just fine for 4000+ years before christianity eaven existed as relligion.
Christian god is a demon that invaded europe from midle east.
>The gods that the vast majority of my ancestors worshipped were demons
Imagine hating yourself and your own ancestors this much. What a disgusting thing.
Praise kek
Aesthetic survival
Yes Zeus destroyed Rome for falling for christianity, where was your christian ''god'' when pagan barbarians sacked rome?WHERE?
And where was your ''god'' when Thor sent upon europe black death?Where was he then?
Thats what i thought so.
You burned books of Pagan knowledge, slaughtered Pagans for not following the "one true God", and even slaughtered your own Christians at Constantinople during a Crusade, sacking the city, thus leaving it open for the Turkish Muslims to later conquer the city many years later. You made us weak, left us divided, and turned kinsmen against kinsmen. Yet you call Pagans "demon worshipers". You ruined Europe.
Get out of my fucking sight.
>mfw this entire post
You are literally a delusional LARPing teenager. You honestly believe Zeus destroyed Rome? You actually believe that Thor caused the Black Death?
Rome was sacked almost immediately after it became Christian
Those are just some of the catastrophes that come to mind. There are plenty more, such as the oppression and murder of Pagans within the Christian Roman Empire and the destruction of Pagan monuments.
>Still buying the Gibbon reason for the fall of Rome
Umm sorry sweetie Sup Forums is for 18 and over
What is the pagan scene like in your countries? In America it's kind of small yet, but the largest group, the AFA, is folkish at least. What's it like in the UK and Latvia?
You actualy beleave god created universe?
You actualy beleave god made you from dirt?
You actualy beleave that woman where made from mans rib by god?
Same thing.
And yes i beleave zeus destroyed Rome for falling to wrong relligion and yes Thor sent black death upon the infidels for becoming reformed judeists.
1 Asatru FAQ -
2 Asatru Holidays -
3 The Poetic Edda -
4 The Prose Edda -
5 Tacitus' Germania -
6 Grimm's Germanic Mythology -
7 Heimskringla -
Bit of a rag-head pill! Jewdochristians rather go moslem or atheist, that return to natural way of coexistence as pagans. Kek
All of the pictures i posted are from Latvia, baltic states are one of the last places where paganism is a thing, we celebrate Jāņi and līgo that is summer celebration and you have to spend your time with familly and frends in wood in front of camp fire and drink beer and eat cheese.
Truth. Fucking worthless christcuck
>You actualy beleave god created universe?
The universe is God.
>You actualy beleave god made you from dirt?
What is Carbon?
>You actualy beleave that woman where made from mans rib by god?
It's a metaphor for how Women are gimped men.
Face it Pagacuck, you're delusional.
>using the old testament as an argument for why Christianity is dumb
Read the New Testament sometime you filthy heathen
That's awesome man.
Rone was built by pagans you troglodyte. Claiming responsibility for the heights of Rome is the greatest thing you christniggers can do, and you didn't even do it. After Christianity the dark ages happened and the Muslim world surpassed Europe in greatness. The fucking Muslims. Christians used Yahweh as a model of sovereignty and tyrannical kings killed all who would not convert, ruling by divine right. The witch trials specifically targeted women because they are the ones who pass on tradition.What pagans were doing this time was disguising their mythology in folk tales so that their traditions could be revived one day, or at least the gist of them, which is the important part, the meaning - and trying not to be killed by the thugs of Christian kings. The entire country of Iceland was settled because of pagans fleeing Olaf Tryggvasson's torture of Norse pagans, and Iceland is where Snorri Sturluson recorded much of the mythology we know now, under the guise of a book on how to compose traditional poetry. He said he was a Christian publicly, but what kind of Christian would do something so supportive of paganism? A christian wouldn't do that. Your god wants Europeans to succumb or die. A Christian would deceive, torture, and kill.
>If anyone breaks into a shrine and steals sacred items from there, he shall be taken to the sea, and on the sand, which will be covered by the flood, his ears will be cleft, and he will be castrated and sacrified to the god, whose temple he dishonoured.
Interesting read desu
>Muh new testament n shit
You do realise that changing your relligion only becouse of public aproval means it's wrong right?
I would. But I'm too busy working for a living to pay attention to religious bullshit.
I'll leave all that for the people that are checking out or close to it. They're the ones that need it.
Do you romuva guys sacrifiece black cocks at certain days or are you esoteric hippies?
>im just going to make up a load of bullshit to convince myself that my beliefs aren't fucking stupid
You guys are too easy
What's changed? The Old Testament is one the kikes read. The New Testament is about Jesus Christ. You know, Jesus Christ, the guy Christianity is named after? The Old Testament has literally nothing to do with the New Testament.
>everything you know about paganism was recorded by christian monks
>paganism was only preserved because monasteries across europe kept translating ancient texts and copying them over and over
>pagan stories get passed down over the centuries with a christian perspective
>"be a pagan like your strong white ancestors!"
congrats, your religion is a neat story left over from a time before christians took over and started european civilization.
All gods are the invention of man. Worship yourself, because all you're doing now is worshipping the parts of yourself you admire through an externalised conceptual deity.
The supernatural doesn't exist. Religion is retarded. Grow up children.
Pagans go into the ovens right after Jews, but before faggots
It's more about culture rather then religion itself Vācieti.
Funny as fuck, embrace muh ancestors, mixed race son...
>Implies having many.
>They thought they owned it.
Jesus was midle eastern jew you idiot, he is not european, like you portray him, while pagan gods are actual europeans.
Not it wasn't and no that isn't it at all. Read the Bible before throwing out accusations against your God whether you believe him to be or not.
Jesus was Galilean, a tribe in Israel. Modern day Jews hail from Europe, Eastern Europe specifically. Jesus was not an Ashkenazi Jew. He was from Israel. Not Eastern Europe.
So if anything, Kikes are the "actual europeans" youre ranting on about. Funny isn't it? Poor little pagan cuck. Don't worry, shitting in a hole and living in mud huts will surely advance the white race!
>I pretend to do and not do
So only asians can have true faith in such beings.
your "germanic pagan temple" is a stave church
Come home, Hans.
Pagans built Rome idiot.
And pagans destroyed Rome too.
Vācieti please, you fought so hard against rome and now you embraced the same thing you where fighting against.